Chapter 55

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It had been days since Meredith and Liam has finally returned from the hospital and the tension between Meredith and Derek just seemed to be growing. They didn't speak and slept facing away from one another.

The only time they spoke was when it was about the kids.

"Derek, can you grab Morgan some juice?" Meredith said from her spot on the sofa as she continued to feed Liam.

"Yeah." Derek simply replied as he moved around the kitchen and filled Morgan's favourite cup up as he heard a loud crash come from the living room.

Abandoning the cup, he ran into the living room
and found Meredith trying her best to comfort a sobbing Morgan, who had a large red mark on her head.

"What happened? Why wasn't you watching her?" Derek accused as he moved to Morgan and his doctor mode kicked in as he began giving her a quick examination.

"I was watching her. She's a toddler Derek accidents happen." Meredith exclaimed as she moved to put Liam back on her boob so he could finish his food.

Ignoring Meredith, Derek gave Morgan his full attention.

"Look at daddy, who's my brave big girl." He said as he kissed her head.

"Dada owwie." Morgan said as he sobs turned into whimpers.

"It's ok, you're alright." He said as he took her into her arms and rocked her gently. Her head immediately went to his shoulder as he hand gripped at his shirt.

"I'm going to take her upstairs, she's tired." Derek said as he left the room before Meredith could answer.

Meredith knew they couldn't carry on the way they were as it would eventually start to effect their kids. Once Liam was finished feeding and burped, Meredith placed him down gently in his Moses basket before heading into the kitchen. They were going to get this done with now before things went too far.

A few minutes later, Derek headed downstairs as he ran his fingers through his hair and headed back into the living room. Finding it empty, he heard his son sucking away on his dummy, fast asleep. Smiling down at him, he placed his hand lovingly on his stomach before heading back into the kitchen, where he found Meredith.

"You dropped the juice everywhere." Meredith said as she was wiping the side.

"Just don't start Meredith, I can't be dealing with one your moods today." He said, heading for the fridge and pulling out a beer, gasping as the cold liquid smoothly went down his throat.

"No, you're going to listen to me. I'm so sick of this always being about you. You broke you're fucking promise." Meredith exclaimed as she threw the towel down and turned to face him, her arms crossing her chest.

"What? What are you on about Meredith?" He said as he placed his beer down and glared at her.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You promised me that work would never come before me and the kid and guess what? It did. You completely pushed us to the back of your mind. I nearly died Derek because I was so exhausted, being 8 month and running round after my daughter nearly killed me." Meredith said as tears of anger pooled in her eyes.

"Our daughter."


"You said my daughter, she's our daughter." Derek said strongly, slowly starting to get more and more pissed off.

"Seriously Derek?" Meredith said, angry that, that was the one thing that Derek had picked up on.

"I thought you had forgiven me, at the hospital you said it wasn't my fault, so what the fuck?" Derek asked as he moved closer to her.

"Of course I hadn't forgiven you Derek, I had just woken up after surgery and was relieved that both me and Liam were alive. But coming home, it brought everything back, the fact that you fucking abandoned us Derek!" Meredith screamed, her hands waving around.

"So it's all been an act! You're unbelievable Meredith, I don't even know why I'm with you at this point!" Derek exclaimed, regretting it immediately as he watched Meredith's face break.

"Well, there's the door, nothings stopping you." Meredith said quietly as she bit back a sob, determined not to let him see her break.

"Mer, I didn't mean..." Derek said before getting cut off by Meredith.

"No you said it and you meant it! Now go! Get..." Meredith started screaming before also being interrupted.

"That's enough you two!" Carolyn exclaimed from the door, watching as they both turned to face her.

"You have 2 children yet you are acting like the children here." Carolyn sighed. "Derek take a walk."

"No ma, I'm not going anywhere." He said frowning, watching as Carolyn gave him that motherly stare that he had grown to be scared of, even at this age.

"Take a walk." She repeated watching as Derek finally turned and left the house, slamming the door on the way out.

Turning back to face Meredith she found her leaning on the side, sobs racking her body.

"Oh Meredith dear." Carolyn said as she immediately moved to Meredith's side and took her into her arms.

"What do we do mom?" Meredith said as she hugged Carolyn tight and cried for her family, her broken family.

"It will all be ok." Carolyn said as she stroked Meredith's hair and held her tight.

None of that was part of Meredith's plan, she thought by talking about it, it would resolve the problem and they would be fine. She was so naive to have thought that. So now here she stood, sobbing Carolyn's arms in fear that this was all over.

Time heals a persons pain but right now they didn't need the time or space. They just needed to be healed and back to their usual loving family.

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