Chapter 34

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The day had not gone as planned.

Derek really wanted to make Meredith's birthday one to remember but this is not the way he wanted it to be.

They were currently driving to the new house as Meredith chewed on her nails, her legging continuously bouncing as she looked out the window. Derek quickly glanced in the mirror and found Morgan sleeping soundly.

"Mer." He reached out and placed his hand on her thigh, watching as she jumped slightly. "Hey, are you ok?"

"Of course I'm not ok Derek. I don't understand. How can he still be ruining my life from behind bars? I mean what if Melissa lied to us? And she's covering for him and he isn't in jail, he is still out there I know. He's going to come and take Morgan from us." Meredith rambled on, her hands moving all over the place. Derek knew she was close to a panic attack.

Deciding he couldn't watch this anymore, he pulled his car over to the side of the road and parked up. Turning to Meredith, he placed his hands on her face and made her stare at him.

"Hey, just breathe for me ok. That's all I want you to concentrate on. Ready. We will take some deep breathes together." Derek started breathing in and out deeply, watching as Meredith slowly got her breathing under control and started breathing slower.

"That's it." He said as he tucked her hair behind her ear. "We will get through this, I promise. First thing tomorrow, I will go to the station and we will get it sorted. But today, today is all about you. I don't want anything to ruin this day, alright?" He said as she slowly nodded her head, a genuine smile coming to her face for the first time that day.

"Alright." She whispered back, reaching up and squeezing his hands. "Let's go, I want to see the house." She said smiling at her before he kissed her quick and started the car up again.

Derek drove and drove watching as Meredith began to thrown as he drove out of the city, the houses getting fewer and further apart. 

"Derek, seriously, where are we going?" She asked, smiling at him.

"Just wait and see, we are nearly there." He said quickly glancing at her as he took her hand in his.

Derek laughed as he heard Meredith sigh, before relaxing back into her seat, her hand still tightly in his.

"We are here." Derek said as the car finally came to a stop, Meredith shaking herself out of her day dream as she turned to look out to the house in front of her.

"Wow..." she whispered to herself as she looked at the porch that wrapped around the large house.

"Come on, let's go inside." Derek said as he made his way out of the car and joined Meredith at her side, as she turned to grab Morgan from her seat.

Morgan was resting on Meredith's hip, her head resting on her shoulder as she rubbed at her eyes, as she slowly woke up.

Derek placed his hand on Meredith's lower back as he guided her up the stairs and up to the front door.

"Do you want to the honour of opening the front door?" Derek said, holding the key up in front of her.

"Can I?" She asked excitedly, her hand taking the key as she handed Morgan over to Derek who immediately cuddled into him.

Meredith slid the key into the lock, pushing the door open to reveal their new home. They stepped in and walked into the long hall way.

"I mean, it's bare right now and probably doesn't look that great but just think once we are all decorated and moved in, it will be perfect. It will be all ours." Derek said as Meredith turned to face him.

"It's perfect." She leaned up and kissed him quick. "I'm going to take Morgan and show her our new home." She smiled at him before walking off and through every room.

Derek smiled as he released his plan was finally coming together, so he headed upstairs and waited.

Meredith was in absolute awe. The living room had a large window that looked out on to their front garden, a fireplace located in the middle of the room and she started to picture how it would look when she had decorated.

The kitchen was everything she could ask for, as she began to picture herself baking on Sunday with Morgan and any future children that would hopefully appear in the future.

Once the downstairs had been fully explored she headed upstairs.

"This is our new home little bug." She said as Morgan's wide eyes looked round curiously at her new surroundings. "We are just so lucky to have your daddy." She said as she kissed Morgan's soft blonde hair.

Reaching the top of the stairs, she frowned when she found a trail of rose petals leading to one of the rooms.

"Derek?" She asked in a questioning tone, following the trail and pushing open the door that they disappeared under.

Pushing the door open she found Derek stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by candles as he held a large bunch of flowers.

"Da!" Morgan squealed as she saw Derek, kicking her little legs in excitement.

"Derek, what's going on?" Meredith asked as she slowly walked into the room, tears pooling in her eyes.

"So I know you're not one for big romantic gestures but this is for you." He said as he handed the flowers over to her.

"Derek, really, this is too much." Meredith said as she smelt the flowers, smiling at him.

"Just wait." He slipped in his hand into his pocket, this was it.

"Right, I know this might seem a bit quick and everything but Meredith you've changed my life. You've gave me a new meaning of life because you I'm a father. You taught me what true love is. I will forever be in debt to you, so with saying that." Derek pulled the box out of his pocket, slowly getting down onto one knee.

"Derek." Meredith gasped, as the tears began to stream down her face as she placed the flowers down the floor.

"Meredith Grey, will you marry me?" Derek chocked out, tears pooling in his eyes.

"Yes." She immediately said.

"Yes?" Derek asked, needing to know she was really saying yes right now.

"Yes, I mean million percent yes." Meredith said again, smiling as Derek stood up and pressed his lips to her in a passionate kiss.

Pulling apart, Derek slipped the ring on to her finger before kissing the back of her hand.

"We are getting married." Meredith said looking down at the ring that sparkled on her finger before looking up at Derek.

"We are getting married." He repeated after her before kissing her quick as Morgan squealed once again causing them to laugh and pull apart. 

"Here that Morgan, mommy and daddy are getting married." Derek exclaimed cheerfully as he pulled Morgan into his arms as he wrapped his free arm around Meredith's back, pulling her into his side.

It had been a long and tough road to get to this point in their life but here they were. Engaged and happy. This was it for them, there would never be anyone else. No one would come between them, no matter what.

This is forever.

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