Chapter 13

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Meredith was days away from giving birth now, it could happen at any time and anywhere. But she refused to sit around and wait.

"Seriously Meredith?" Derek asked, watching as she carried another load of laundry over to the table.

"What? I can't just sit around all day, I need to keep busy. Things won't get done around here if I don't." She simply shrugged her shoulders and got back to folding the clothes.

"You're unbelievable." He laughed shaking his head as he moved to stand next to her, his hand drifting down to her lower back. "But seriously, how you feeling? Any contractions yet?"

"Not yet." She turned towards him, smiling up at him. "The minute I have one, I will be sure to tell you."

"Yeah, for some reason I don't believe you." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at her before leaning down to kiss her quick. "Right, I'm going to work. You have my number and you page me the minute you get a contraction."

"I will." Meredith said as she rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm serious Meredith." He replied firmly.

"Alright, now go. We will both still be here when you get home." Meredith insisted as she walked him to the front door, kissing him a quick goodbye before he left for work.

Meredith continued to clean the whole of her apartment, wiping down and dusting every corner. All clothes and blankets were washed and dried before being placed away. It was until she was carrying the last load of washing that she felt a sharp, painful twinge spread from around her back right round to her stomach.

"Oh." Meredith gasped dropping the basket on the floor. "Ok, that was nothing. Maybe we should sit down for a bit." Meredith tried to convince herself and not panic. She couldn't panic.

But before she could sit, another contraction spread around her stomach, this time even more painful. She couldn't deny it any longer. She was in labour. During this contraction Meredith couldn't help but groan out loud, one hand gripping her stomach whilst the other grabbed at the table, her knuckles turning white.

"Derek, need to phone Derek." She finally managed to get out as her contraction finished, the next one fast approaching.

As she moved across her apartment, she felt a gush of water fall between her legs and soak her clothes and floor.

"No, no, no." She cried out. "This can't be happening." She screamed out as another contraction washed over her body, stronger then any of the others. Meredith couldn't help but groan out loud as she gripped the back of the sofa tight.

"Hello?" A soft knock came from Meredith's door as it slowly creaked open, revealing an older women. "Oh love." The woman was quick to join Meredith's side, running her hand up and down her back.

"It hurts so bad." Meredith cried out, leaning into the older women's embrace, feeling oddly comfortable in her presence.

"I know, how far along are you dear?" She asked, wiping her hair off her face and playing it up into a loose bun.

"9 months, my due date is in 3 days. But it's looking like she wants to come now." Meredith's body finally relaxed as she had a short break in between her contractions.

"It does indeed. Is there anyone I can phone for you?" She asked, helping Meredith to her feet before sitting her on the sofa.

Just De..." Meredith was cut off by another contraction not able to finish her sentence.

"That's it dear, you're doing so well." She said, encouraging Meredith as she let her squeeze her hand tight. "How long have you been in labour?"

"Since last night I'm guessing. I put it down to just normal back ache, but it must have been labour. My waters broke about 5 minutes ago." Meredith looked up and looked into the women's eyes, they were a familiar blue that Meredith recognised and loved so much.

"That settles it, come on. I'm taking you to the hospital, we will go as slow as you need. Alright?" She waited for Meredith to nod her head before helping her to her feet slowly and down to her car.

Once she was certain that Meredith was as comfortable as she could be, she jogged round to the drivers side and climbed in. Starting the journey to the hospital, she turned and smiled to Meredith quick.

"The names Carolyn by the way." She said quickly.

"Meredith. My names Meredith." Meredith managed a smile before her face scrunched up and she groaned out loud.

Carolyn stepped on the gas and floored it to the hospital, not caring for any speed limits right now. She was quick to swing into the hospital car park, getting as close to the entrance as possible.

"Meredith, I'm going to run and grab a wheelchair and whoever I can find to help us, I'll be right back alright." Carolyn said, tucking the loose hair behind Meredith's ear.

"Please don't leave me." Meredith replied, vulnerability laced in her voice.

"I'm not leaving you, I'll be right back, I promise." Carolyn kissed the side of her head quick, before setting off into a quick jog.

Entering the hospital, she looked round for anyone that she might recognise. A nurse, doctor or just anyone. Far in the distance she recognised the dark curls that belonged to her son.

"Derek!" She shouted out, watching as he turned round frowning.

"Ma?" Derek questioned, walking over to her. "What's going on? Are you and dad alright?" He asked, worried.

"We are all fine." She reassured him. "I was stopping by your apartment and found a young women in labour, she's in my car."

"Ma, you're always one to help, I'll grab a nurse for you." He laughed, about to shout out for a nurse.

"Good, I best get back to Meredith. I promised her I wouldn't be long." Carolyn turned and jogged off, leaving Derek to comprehend what he had just heard.

"Meredith! Ma wait!" Derek took off, following closely behind and finally catching her up as they headed to her car.

Derek took off in a sprint when he saw Meredith standing at the side of the car, clearly in the middle of a strong and powerful contraction.

"Meredith." He was quick to be at her side, his arms wrapping round her as she turned to face him.

"I'm in labour." She said, giggling slightly as Derek rolled his eyes before joining in with her laughter. It didn't last long as she was overwhelmed by another contraction.

"Let's go have this baby. It's time to meet our little Morgan." Derek said, reassuring Meredith that would all be alright.

They were about to become a family.

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