Chapter 49

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"What about Sebastian?" Meredith asked from her position on Derek's sofa in his office.

"Yeah, whatever you want mer." Derek said as he kept his eyes trained on the paper work in front of him.

It was at this point that Meredith was fed up of being ignored or pushed aside. Grabbing a pillow from her side she launched it at Derek and watched as it hit his shoulder.

"Meredith, what the fuck?" He asked, throwing the pillow down on the floor and frowning at her.

"You're not listening to a word I'm saying."

"I'm busy Meredith."

"Yeah I get it, busy. But this is about our baby Derek, our son. Morgan is asking for you, I mean you leave before she's up and get home as she's going to bed. Your dad did the nursery for us and our son is due in a month and we still don't have a name." Meredith exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

"In case you've forgotten I have a hospital to run." Derek said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You also have a family! You promised me that this wouldn't happen! But you fucking lied!" Meredith shouted as she pushed herself to her feet, gasping and grabbing her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked as he moved to Meredith's side quickly.

"Get off of me!" She said as she pushed him away.

"I'm going home, you're mom and dad will be dropping Morgan home soon. Will you be home
tonight?" she asked as she grimaced slightly.

"I will try." Derek said as he watched Meredith grab her bag.

"Whatever, just bye." Meredith said as she slammed the door on the way out.

Meredith held back the tears as she headed to her car and climbed in when they finally started to stream down her face. Dropping her head on the steering wheel, she allowed herself to sob. This isn't how she wanted things to go.

Her whole body ached and she knew she needed to get home and sleep. Sitting up, she dried her eyes and began the drive home. She sighed with relief as she finally pulled into the drive and dragged her exhausted body into the house.

Dropping her bag at the door she started walking up the stairs as she was near the top her foot slipped landing on her stomach and she fell down before she tumbled back down the stairs. Her eyes drifted shut as she drifted unconscious, her and her sons life at risk.

It was a while later when Carolyn and Christopher stood at the front door, with Morgan in their arms, knocking and waiting for Meredith respond.

"Her car is here and she said she would be home, maybe she's asleep." Carolyn said as she bounced a wiggling Morgan in her arms.

"It looks like she is in." Christopher frowned as he looked through the windows, looking for any sign that Meredith was there.

"I've got a bad feeling Christopher." Carolyn frowned as her motherly instincts kicked in.

"Mama!" Morgan squealed, kicking her legs to get down.

"Hang on Morgan, Christopher go and check the windows round the side." Carolyn said as he watched him walk round the house.

Carolyn couldn't just stand there, so she moved to look through the windows. Moving to the living room window, she looked in and there she finally saw, Meredith's slumped figure on the floor, at the bottom of the stairs.

"Christopher! Come quick!" Carolyn screamed watching as he ran round to join her.

"What? What's happening?"

"It's Meredith, she is lay at the bottom of the stairs, she isn't moving." Carolyn said her voice wobbling as she watched Christopher's eyes go wide.

Wasting no time, he slipped his jacket off and wrapped it around his hand, he then punched through the glass listening as it shattered. Reaching it, he opened the door and immediately moved to Meredith's side, hearing Carolyn on the phone with an ambulance as she tried her best to calm down a crying Morgan.

"Hey Meredith, it's Christopher, can you open your eyes for me?" He said as he moved back into doctor mode.

"Ugh." Meredith groaned as she slowly started coming round.

"Don't move, you need to stay still for me." He said trying not to panic in fear of losing her and his unborn grandson.

"Hurts." Meredith managed to force out before slipping back into a barely conscious state.

"Hear that Meredith, that's the ambulance, I just need you stay with me." Christopher said as he placed his hand on her bump, looking for any sign of movement. But there was nothing.

The sirens of the ambulance got closer until it right upon them and then the paramedics ran in and took over.

Christopher dragged himself outside and joined Carolyn and took Morgan into his arms as he comforted the sniffling child. Holding her tight so she didn't see her mother in such a state.

They watched as Meredith was loaded onto a bed before being placed in the back of an ambulance with Carolyn climbing in with her before they flew off for the hospital. Christopher placed Morgan in her car seat before jumping in the car and following them to the hospital.

Meanwhile in the ambulance, Carolyn continued to phone Derek but failed to get through every time, his phone disconnecting every time.

"Dammit Derek." Carolyn said as she watched the paramedic work on Meredith before she tried Derek's phone again. Once again receiving his voicemail.

"Derek, I don't know why you aren't answering your phone but you better ring me back. God, I can't believe you right now, I just it's about Meredith, just ring me back." Carolyn said as she pulled the phone away and placed her phone back in her bag.

It seemed like the longest journey of her life as she sat and watched as Meredith lay there, not moving and her face pale.

It's crazy how quick and drastically life can change in a minute. All they could do was pray.

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