Chapter 3

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Later that evening, Derek walked through the hospital, a smile on his face. He had just completed another successful surgery and now his feet were taking him to a patients room. Meredith Grey's room to be precise. He didn't know what it was about her but he couldn't go home not knowing if she was alright. She was just his neighbour. That's all.

Reaching out, he knocked gently on the door as he watched her place her shoes on before turning to smile at him.

"Derek, hey." She smiled as she turned to face him, smoothing down her top over her bump.

"Hey, heading home?" He asked as he pointed out the fact that she was no longer in the hospital bed.

"Yes, luckily. As much as I love the company and listening to the gossiping nurses, this bed is so comfortable." She giggled to herself causing Derek to smile. "Plus Arizona said everything is alright, just got to come back for an appointment in two days, just going to get a cab so I can get home." Meredith replied as she shrugged on her jacket, one hand immediately going to her back and the other resting on her stomach.

"Don't worry about the cab, I'm heading home now so I might as well give you a lift, being neighbours and all." Derek said as he shrugged his shoulder, resting his coat over his arm. "Obviously, you don't have to but the offer is there." Derek smiled at her.

"Are you sure?" Meredith questioned, as she moved towards the front door. "I mean you've already done so much for me." She smiled up at him as they stood side by side.

"It's fine, let's go." He allowed her to walk ahead before falling into step with her.

Derek noticed how the nurses turned, stared and then whispered as they walked down the corridor together. He had always kept to himself at work, keeping his private life very private. Laughing to himself, he couldn't help but find it funny how they were so interested in his life.

"What are you laughing at?" Meredith questioned as Derek opened the passenger door for her.

"Nothing, just the nosy nurses." He rolled his eyes before jogging round to the drivers side and jumping in. "You ready." He asked before reversing his car out the car park and heading for home.

"Calm down in their bug, your kicking mommy right in the bladder." Meredith winced as she whispered lovingly to her bump, her hands running over it.

"Little bug?" Derek asked as he laughed, turning to face her as the light turned red.

"Oh." Meredith's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I didn't know what I was having before today, so I went with little bug." She looked at Derek before they broke into a laughter.

"No, honestly it's cute." He winked at her before diverting his eyes back to the road, continuing the drive home. "So I take it you found out what you was having then?" Derek asked as he turned into their street. 

"I did." Meredith nodded, a huge smile on her face. "A little girl." She whispered, her hand rubbing circles on her bump.

Derek sat and smiled at Meredith, clearly seeing the love she had for her daughter already. So pure and precious.

"We are home." Derek finally spoke up before heading out the car and round to her side to help her out. Offering his hand, he helped out and shut the door behind her.

They headed up to their apartment, turning to face each other.

"So thank you again Derek. I will definitely have to cook for you one night in order to say thank you properly. Three course meal, whatever you want." She said before winking and laughing.

"Whatever you say Mer." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Look, on a serious note, if you need any help moving boxes or furniture around then just come and let me know. I've got plenty of people to come and help, just don't pushing yourself too much." He smiled kindly at her, his words genuine as his eyes sparkled towards her.

"Thank you." She reached out and squeezed the top of his arm before yawning. "Right that's my cue to go. There's big, soft bed waiting in there for me and I plan on getting food and spending the rest of the day there. Bye Derek, see you round." She smiled and waved at him before unlocking her and disappearing behind it.

Derek smiled to himself before heading into his own apartment, the exhaustion finally washing over his body. Dragging himself to the kitchen, he grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed to bed, where he allowed his body to collapse.

Sighing to himself, he tucked himself into bed and smiled. Today had been a good day. He had performed a difficult surgery, successfully, and he had met Meredith. She a light in his life. He was grateful for her friendship that was already so important to him.

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