Chapter 17

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Meredith was sure she had never been this exhausted in her life. Her body was running on empty.

Morgan was finally sleeping and Meredith knew she should also be sleeping but there was so much that needed to be done. So there she stood at the kitchen table, folding baby clothes. She wasn't sure how a baby could get through so many clothes in a day. It was crazy.

"Mer!" Derek shouted out in her apartment, finally returning from work.

"Shh!" Meredith replied as she rushed to quieten him down. "She's finally gone down, so if you wake her then you're dealing with it!" Meredith said as she pointed at him.

"Sorry." He shrugged off his coat and quickly placed his bag down. "Rough day?"

"That's the understatement of the day." She said as she wrapped her arms round his waist and rested her head on his chest. His arms going round her shoulders as he kissed the top of her head.

"She hasn't settled at all day, every time I would put her down she would scream. Also, I'm covering in baby sick and I smell and my hair is a mess." She said as she squeezed him tight.

"Well, I think you look hot." He smiled when he heard her laugh. "Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked as he pulled back so they could look at each other.

"Can't sleep. So much to do, clothes need washing, the apartments needs cleaning, I need to go food shopping and oh I still need to shower. I don't think I've showered in two days. Why are you laughing at me?" She asked, frowning at him.

"Have you heard your self? Going to out ramble yourself soon." He said as Meredith shoved his shoulder.

"I'm joking alright. But seriously, I can go do the food shopping, you go and catch some sleep. We can worry about the rest later." He said cupping her cheeks in his hands.

"Are you sure?" She asked, hesitating, biting her lower lip.

"Of course." He leaned down and kissed her quick. "Go on, I'll be back shortly."

He pushed her towards the bedroom and waited until she disappeared behind the door before grabbing his keys and heading back out.

Getting to the shops, he grabbed the nearest trolley and moved round the shop, whistling as he moved round. Filling it with food, especially Meredith's favourites, before grabbing the nappies, wipes and other essentials for Morgan.

"Hey." Derek heard from beside him, turning to find a young brunette woman stood next to him, fluttering her eyelashes.

He politely nodded his head before turning back to look for the right cream.

"I'd go for this one." She said as she pointed to a cream, brushing up against him, staying as close as possible.

"Hmm. My wife wouldn't be happy if I brought home the wrong cream for our daughter." He said reaching out for the right cream, dropping it in his trolley.

"I don't see a ring." She pointed out very rudely.

"I'm a surgeon, I take it off and leave it at home if I have a few surgeries. Anyways, I must be going." Derek walked off and rolled his eyes, happy to be escaping from her.

The rest of the shopping trip was uneventful before he finally climbed back into his car and headed home. Grabbing all the bags, he headed upstairs before struggling to open Meredith's door.

"Hey Mer, can you com..." Derek stopped talking when he looked up and saw Finn sitting in the living, holding Morgan. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Can we just not do this now, please." Meredith asked nervously, scared that something was going to kick off.

Derek watched as Finn held Morgan, jealousy burning through his body.

"Here." He placed the shopping bags down and looked back up at Meredith. "I need to go." He turned and walked away.

"Derek, please." Meredith begged as she grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving, tears pooling in her eyes.

"I just can't be here right now." He slowly pulled his arm of her grasp, quickly kissed the top of her head before leaving. Never looking back to Finn and Morgan. 

This is why he didn't let his walls down. Why he concentrated on work. So he wouldn't get his heartbroken. And in this moment, his heart was slowly shattering at the thought of losing his family.

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