Chapter 8

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"Just move to the left a little bit more." Meredith instructed from her chair, her hands running over her bump.

"Meredith, I just moved it from there." Derek huffed as he took this time to take a break from moving the furniture around the nursery.

"It needs to be perfect, you know what, I'll do it." Meredith pushed herself up and moved towards the changing table.

"Don't you dare, move I'll do it." Derek moved her out of the way and pushed it into the place it originally was.

"There, perfect." Meredith sighed, happy with their work.

"It is, perfect." Derek stood next to her, his arm wrapping around her shoulder. "Just got to wait for your little girl now, not much longer."

"I know, I'm scared though. I have no idea what I'm doing." Meredith said, vulnerability in her voice.

"Hey." Derek turned her, so she was facing him. "You aren't doing this alone, I will be there for you, whenever. Literally, you won't do any of this alone, even the birth, alright?"

"Alright." Meredith replied, looking into their eyes.

Derek reached out and brushed his thumb across her cheek, them both smiling slightly at one another before they started to lean in. Their lips were just about to touch when there was a loud knock on the door, forcing them apart.

"Meredith I know you are in there!" A male voice came from the front door.

"No, no, no." Meredith backed up, fear spread across her face.

"Mer, what is it?" Derek asked looking between Meredith and the door.

"How did he find me?" Meredith asked, as she started to pace around the room.

Deciding he couldn't watch this anymore, he headed towards the front door and pulled it open, coming face to face with a brown haired male.

"Can I help you?" Derek asked, staring the other male down.

"Who are you? Where's Meredith?" He asked, trying to look into the apartment.

"Meredith doesn't live here, this is my apartment. No one lives here called Meredith, so I suggest you leave now before I call the police." Derek said, standing in the way.

"You're lying." The other male tried to push past Derek but failed when Derek pushed him back, causing him to land flat on his ass.

"Seriously, don't." Derek stood over him. "Now I don't know who you are or why you are here but you need to leave now."

Derek stayed standing over the top of him until he scurried to his feet and ran out. Turning around he shut the door and rushed back towards Meredith.

"Hey, hey, he's gone." Derek said, grabbing her face and turning her towards his. "Look at me, you're alright." He pulled her into body, holding onto her tight.

"How did he find me? I don't understand." She asked, her voice shaking.

"Who is he?" He asked, pulling back so he could look into her eyes.

"Finn. My ex, he's, he's the father." Tears filled her eyes. "He use to...I can't..." Meredith struggled to find her words.

"Hey, it's alright. We don't need to talk about it, it's fine. You can talk when you're ready." He kissed the top of her head and pulled her back into arms.

"I'm going to have to move again, I don't want to move. I really like it here." Meredith finally spoke up.

"Wait, why would you need to leave?" Derek asked, confused. 

"Cause he has found me, I need to get away before he can get to me again. I just don't want to leave." She said as she clutched onto his top tighter.

"You aren't going anywhere." He pulled back and cupped her face in large, warm hands. "He won't chase you away from here and from me. If he comes near you, I will be there, I won't allow it. This is your home now."

"Thank you." Meredith replied as fresh tears streamed down her face.

Eventually, they leaned in and their lips finally met, pressed together passionately. Meredith's arms looped round Derek's neck as he pulled her into himself as close as she could. They finally pulled apart as they both felt the strong kicks over and over.

"Someone is happy in there." Derek laughed, their lips still joined together.

"She is indeed and so is her mommy." Meredith replied, her eyes sparkling as well.

"Good, all I want for you, is for both of you to be happy." Derek said before leaning back down to press their lips together once again.

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