Chapter 61

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Derek's hands were sweating. He was beyond nervous but he couldn't let it show. All the hard work and secrets had all worked out and come down to this day. Their wedding day, he had some how pulled it off and now, in a few short hours, Meredith would be his wife.

"Morgan and Liam are ready and happy, Nancy is looking after them." Kathleen announced as she walked into the room. "Are you ok?" She frowned when she found Derek staring at his own reflection in the mirror.

"Yeah, of course." His hands shaking as he reached up to straighten out his tie.

"Here, let me." Kathleen said placing down her flowers and moved to sort out his tie.

"Thanks." He watched as his older sister worked her wonders and sorted out his tie before brushing her hands down his arms.

"Can I do this?" Derek asked as his eyes looked up and met Kathleen's.

"Derek of course you can." She sighed. "Look, I can't imagine how scared you must be, after everything with your first marriage but...I've never seen you this happy before. Meredith is like the light in your life and she saved you. I was so worried about you and seeing you as a loving dad is the best thing and you are going to the best husband, you two make sense." Kathleen said as she smiled at him softly.

"Wow, that was cheesy." Derek laughed as she reached out and slapped his arm playfully.

"That's the last time I'm being nice to you, anyways I came in here to tell you to hurry up. Ma just phoned and they are on their way here so, hurry up." She said raising her eyebrows and smiling at him before leaning in to kiss his cheek before walking out.

This was it. It was time.

He took once last glance in the mirror before smiling and walking outside to join everyone. Walking down the aisle, he smiled and waved at the small collection of the family and closest friends before taking his spot at the top of the aisle.

"Howe feeling?" Mark said as he walked up and playfully slapped Derek on the back.

"You know what, I'm actually really good. Nervous, but it's good." He turned and smiled at Mark.

"Good, probably a bad time to tell you I los the rings then?" Mark couldn't help but laugh as he watched Derek turn to him with wide eyes. "I'm joking."

"Not funny, you're not funny Mark." Derek said rolling his eyes at his best friend before turning to smile at his son who was sleeping happily in his sisters arms and Morgan kicked her legs happily before waving at him. He waved back before he saw Amelia walk down the aisle and take her seat with the rest of the sisters.

Then shortly after, Carolyn walked down and smiled, giving Derek a thumbs up before taking a seat just as the music started. Everyone stood on their feet and waited for Meredith to start walking down the aisle.

Derek had put all this together on the piece of land they had fallen in love with and brought with the plans of building their dream home in years to come. But for now, it would be the place where they would be announced as husband and wife.

It was out the corner of her eye that he saw a flick of blonde that caused him to turn towards her and there she was, in all her glory. She was absolutely breathtaking.

Her arm was linked with his dads, as they walked down the aisle towards him. The beautiful but yet simply dress hugged her body perfectly as it felt elegant around her. He wasn't even aware he was crying until he found Mark tap him on the shoulder and pass him a tissue.

It seemed like it took forever for them to reach her, as his father handed her over to him, kissing her cheek before going to sit next to Carolyn. Amelia stepped forward and took the flowers from Meredith before the ceremony finally began.

"Hi mommy!" Morgan waved, causing everyone to giggle.

"Hey baby." Meredith whispered before turning back to face Derek.

"You look beautiful." He said reaching up to brush the hair out of her face.

"Thank you, now let's get married." Meredith smiled widely at him before they turned to begin the ceremony.

It was the perfect ceremony with the exchange of their vows, tears were shed from the pure happiness of them finally being brought together as one.

Meredith and Derek were finally married. Husband and wife.

"I think I might change my name." Meredith said as she cradled their sleeping son in her arms, watching as Morgan danced with the family.

"Seriously?" Derek asked shocked as he turned to face her a wide smile of his face.

"I mean yeah, it makes sense don't you think. I mean, you and our children and Shepherds, so I want to be a Shepherd as well. I mean at work I will go as Grey-Shepherd. But I want to be Meredith Shepherd." She said as she bounced Liam slightly as he cooed in her arms.

"You never fail to surprise me." She said as she leaned in to kiss her lips softly. "I love you Meredith Shepherd." He smiled at her.

"And I love you too Derek Shepherd."

This was it, they were all finally the Shepherds. One big happy family.

then just like that, this story is over!!
I know I kind of abandoned it towards the end but I wanted to give it a good and happy ending. I'm so happy with where this story ended, thank you so much for the love!! <3

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