Chapter 12

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"Meredith, did hear what she said?" Derek's voice suddenly pulled her out of her trance. "Mer?" He head turned to face him.

"No, don't say it. Please don't say it. I can't, I can't..." her hand clutched at her chest as she began to hyperventilate.

"Get the oxygen mask on her, we need to get her to calm down. The stress won't be good for the baby." Arizona moved as she unhooked the oxygen mask and pulled it over Meredith's face.

"Hey Mer, Morgan is alright. She's just really comfortable in there. She's just running out of space in there and that's why the movement has been reduced. But she's healthy." Derek said, tears falling from his eyes as he watched the relief wash over Meredith's face.

"She's alright?" Meredith asked as she pulled her oxygen mask down, questioning what Derek said. Needing to be reassured constantly at a time like this.

"Yeah, look." He diverted her attention to the sonogram machine, as Arizona began pointing out and explaining everything for her, in great detail.

Meredith's eyes were staying on the screen, refusing to move as she listened to the heartbeat that echoed throughout her head. When she finally she felt a kick.

"She kicked." Meredith's eyes turned to meet Derek's, filled with happy tears for once. For the first time in over a day she had a finally felt a kick.

"I'll leave you to it." Arizona said as she stood up. "Page me if you need me." She smiled at the couple before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her to give her some privacy.

"She really is alright." Meredith squeezed Derek's hand.

"She is." He leaned down so he was close to her bump. "Already causing trouble in there aren't you? You really are just like your mother." He smiled as he felt a hard swift kick to where his hand was resting. "There she is."

"That was a big one." Meredith smiled, honestly grateful to have Morgan kicking as hard as she was. Never would she complain about these kicks ever again. "Can I go home?" Meredith asked, desperate to sleep in her own bed.

"Let me go and find out. I'll be right back." Derek stood up and kissed the top of her head, before heading out of the room. Leaving Meredith alone.

"Hey bug." She called feel Morgan rolling round. "You gave mommy quite a scare there. Derek as well. We like Derek right?" She asked, feeling a powerful kick. Before she could carry on Derek walked back in with discharge papers for her and a smile on his face.

Before they knew it, they were finally on their way home. Meredith's hand being held tightly by Derek's as he navigated their way home. Finally, Derek pulled into his usual parking space and switched his car off and turned to Meredith.

"Right, when we get in, you are going to go for a bath, relax. I will make us some food and then you will go to bed. To sleep. If you need me I'll just be across the hall if you need me." Derek said.

"Can you stay?" Meredith asked, nervous for his answer. Derek turned towards her frowning. "Like stay the night, please." She asked once again.

"Of course." He leaned over and kissed her quick before climbing out of the car and helping her out of her side.

That is exactly how that night went. Whilst Meredith relaxed in the bath, Derek made dinner in which they ate together before heading off to bed.

Derek was lying down, in just his boxers, when Meredith entered the room, wearing one of his shirts and her pants.

"So that's where all my clothes keep disappearing to." Derek said as he looked her up and down, watching as she smiled at him.

"None of my clothes fit me anymore." She simply shrugged her shoulders before climbing into the other side of the bed. "Hey." She whispered as their face came close together.

"Hey." He replied back, running his fingers through her hair as she yawned. "Sleep, we've both had a long day." He leaned down and kissed her quick before pulling her body into hers.

Meredith curled into his side, her belly resting on his, their legs intertwined, as Derek's hand ran up and down her back lovingly. She could feel gently kicks being delivered and for once, it didn't keep her awake. That night they both slept better then they had in a while. Comfortable and safe. Never wanting to loose this.

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