Chapter 19

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Meredith wasn't sure what time it is when her eyes pried open at the demanding cries of their daughter.

"Derek, your daughter wants you." She said shoving his shoulder as she closed her eyes, fighting to get back to sleep.

Morgan continued to cry, slowly getting louder and louder.

"Derek, seriously wake up. Your daughter needs you." She shoved him even harder and watched as his eyes flew open.

"Wait, what. What's happening?" He asked a she sat up, his hair sticking up in all directions.

Meredith had to hold back the laughter, as she closed her eyes again.

"Morgan needs you." She pointed out before settling down.

"She's probably hungry, that's your job. I don't have the boobs." He shrugged and lay back down.

"Good try buddy, I fed her half an hour ago so it's definitely your turn." She said as she tapped his shoulder, watching as he dragged his body up.

"Shh, Morgan, daddy has got you." He gently spoke to her and picked her up, holding her close to his body.

Walking down to the nursery, he bounced her gently in his arms, smiling as her eyes were wide open, curious about the world around her.

"Now are you going to tell me why you got daddy out of bed at..." he looked over at the clock. "4:30am, huh." He slightly tickled her stomach.

Changing her nappy, he buttoned back up her onesie and took her back in his arms. Slowly, he started rocking her, hoping she would fall asleep soon but her eyes stayed wide open.

"You're not tired are you?" Derek asked, as Morgan slightly cooed and gurgled are him. "Didn't think so."

Moving back into his and Meredith's room, he settled on the bed, listening as Meredith snored.

"Yes that is your mommy snoring. You will definitely have to get used to that soon. But you do get used to it." Derek said as Morgan's eyes began to slowly shut.

He placed her on his chest, and lovingly ran his hand up and down her back, smiling as her small hand grasped tightly at his top. Eventually, Morgan drifted back off to the sleep, so Derek moved and placed her back down into the Moses basket and covered her up lightly.

Derek yawned himself before dragging himself back over to the bed and collapsing down. He immediately pulled Meredith into his arms and was quick to fall asleep.

Meredith was first to wake later that morning, stretching out her body before rolling over to face Derek. She ran her fingers through his hair before kissing the top of his head quick and then climbing out of the bed. On her way up, she checked on Morgan and found her fast asleep, she ran her hands over her daughters light blonde hair before moving into the bathroom.

Stripping down, she turned on the shower and climbed in. Taking a big deep breathe in, she enjoyed this moment of peace and alone time. For the first time, in a long time, she was able to shower without having to quickly rush out.

Derek woke up and realised he was alone, Meredith being no where to be found. Hearing the shower, he smiled, knowing he had the perfect opportunity to join her. Quickly checking on Morgan, finding her still asleep, he moved to the bathroom, where he stripped out of his own clothes and moved into the shower.

He slid his arms around her waist from behind, pressing his lips to her neck.

"Derek what are you doing?" Meredith gasped as she turned in his arms to face him. Her arms sliding up and around his neck.

"I woke up and you wasn't there." He said before leaning down to kiss her.

"Well, we've only got a few minutes until..." before Meredith could finish her sentence they could hear Morgan cry out. "Duties calls." She kissed him quick and moved out of the shower.

"Indeed it does. I'll just finish up quickly in here and then I'll be out." Derek announced as he quickly got back to his shower.

Meredith wrapped her robe around herself before moving back into their room.

"Morning Morgan." Meredith said as she picked up and moved towards the bed. She got comfortable before moving to let Morgan latch on where she started feeding eagerly.

"She alright." Derek asked as he walked in with his towel wrapped low around his waist, whistling drying his hair with another.

"Yeah, hungry." Meredith said, unable to take her eyes off of Derek's body, watching as the water slowly trickled down his stomach until they disappeared.

"Mer, did you listen to a thing I just said." Derek asked, disturbing Meredith from her thoughts. Laughing slightly.

"Hm, yeah of course I did." She said as she readjusted Morgan.

"Right, of course you did." He said, smirking at her.

"Shut up." She replied, laughing slightly. "Here, take Morgan." She said, as she handing over, adjusting her robe as Derek began to burp Morgan.

"Ah, you're joking." Meredith heard Derek exclaim, turning to face to find him covered in baby sick all down his back. "Don't you dare laugh at me." Derek pointed at her watching as her face broke out into a laughter.

"I'm sorry, it's not funny. It's just..." she couldn't help but break out into a fit of laughter.

Eventually, Meredith stopped laughing and took Morgan off Derek, allowing him to go off for another shower.

For the rest of the day, they just spend their day together, going out for a long walk. Hand in hand as they walked towards the park, ready to show Morgan the world.

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