Chapter 46

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Today was the day they would finally find out what baby Grey-Shepherd was.

"Meredith come on or we are going to be late!" Derek shouted from the bottom of the stairs as he grabbed his keys, phone and wallet, slipping them into his pocket.

"I'm coming, little miss Morgan here didn't want to wake up this morning, think she might have a slight cold." Meredith said as she appeared at the top of the stairs, with Morgan on her hip.

"Or it's the fact she had me up at 3 o'clock this morning cause she wanted to play." Derek said laughing as he moved to take Morgan off of her hip.

"Dada no." Morgan reached her little hand out and pushed Derek away as best as she could.

"Derek just leave her, she's fine. Can you just grab my bag for me." Meredith asked as she walked to the door, her free hand rubbing at her bump.

Derek quickly grabbed Meredith's bag and closely followed after her, heading out to the car. He found her struggling to put Morgan in her car seat, her growing bump making basic tasks for her harder and harder everyday.

"Here let me help." Derek said as he quickly placed Meredith's bag in the front before moving to Meredith's side.

"Dada." Morgan said softly as she moved in Derek's arms swiftly.

He wasted no time in putting her in her seat, passing her favourite blanket and placing her dummy in her mouth before shutting the door.

Turning round he found Meredith stood there with a hand on her back whilst the other rubbed her stomach.

"I swear your child is taking over my body, I was never this big with Morgan at 5 months. Here, give me your hand." She reached out and took Derek's hand placing it on her bump where the baby was kicking. 

For days now they had tried to get Derek to finally feel the baby kicking but every time he placed his hand on the bump, it would stop. Today was no different.

"Nope, no luck." Derek said as he took his hand off her bump and took her hand to help her into the car.

"I swear you will, just causing trouble already this one." Meredith smiled at him as she buckled her seatbelt, watching as he closed the door and headed round to the drivers side.

Climbing in, he turned to the back and found Morgan sleeping already, her hands tightly holding onto her blanket. Turning back round, her buckled his seatbelt and put his car into reverse and then began the short journey to the hospital.

When they were at a red light, Meredith reached across and grabbed Derek's hand, placing it on her bump once again.

"Did you feel that?" Meredith asked, hope in her voice.

Derek shook his head and watched as her smiled dropped off her face and she frowned down at her bump.

"Mer, don't worry, I will feel it eventually." He said as he squeezed her thigh before continuing the journey as the light turned green.

The drive to the hospital was quick as Derek pulled up and parked in his usual spot.

"I'll grab Morgan." Derek said as he forced a smile towards her before climbing out of the car.

"Right you, your daddy is getting rather upset that he hasn't felt you kick yet, so stop, well don't stop, starting kicking more, even if I complain." Meredith spoke down to her bump, stopping as Derek opened Morgan's door to move her out.

"Dada." Morgan cried as she rubbed her eyes, immediately cuddling into Derek's shoulder and drifting back to sleep.

Meredith joined him at his side, taking his free hand in his as they began to walk into the hospital together. Occasionally, Meredith would feel Derek squeeze her hand softly as he kept his eyes forward, manoeuvring them through the hospital.

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