Chapter 10

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Derek stood back and watched as Meredith struggled to put on her shoes , swearing and grumbling to herself. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing.

"Don't laugh at me." Meredith exclaimed as she threw a pillow toward him, watching as he caught it. She let her head drop back, sighing before joining in with the laughter.

"Why didn't you shout me, I can help you." He pushed himself off the door frame and dropped down in front of Meredith's feet. He grabbed one of her shoes and slipped it onto her foot.

Once both of her shoes were on her feet, Derek stood up and grabbed her hands, pulling her up onto her feet.

"Thank you. Me and little M appreciate." She reached up and quickly pressed her lips to his.

"Little M? Does that mean you've picked a name?" Derek asked, raising his eyebrows and wrapping his arms around her.

"I have." She smiled up widely at him, nodding her head.

So...are you going to tell me or?" Derek asked, eager to find out.

"No, think I'm going to make you wait and find out when everyone else does, when she's born." Meredith struggled to hold back the laughter as she saw Derek's shocked expression.

"Please, come on tell me." He pouted his lower lip and his eyes sparkled at her.

"Fine." She watched as he smiled, shaking her head. He knew she couldn't say no when he gave her that face. "Morgan."

"Morgan." His smile dropping. "That's the name I suggested." Tears glistening in his eyes.

"Yeah, you said and I just fell in love. It's even more special that you chose it, she'll know that when she's older that you was the one that chose her name." Meredith said as she ran her hands over his chest.

"You're amazing." Derek couldn't help but smile before catching her lips with his.

"Come on let's go." Derek said as they pulled away.

They walked down to the car, hand in hand, with Derek helping in and buckling her seat belt before getting in the drivers seat and setting off. Derek's hand stayed tightly grasped in Meredith's, her fingers lightly running over his hand and arm, as his other steered.

"Derek where are we going?" Meredith frowned as she realised they were driving out of the city.

"Just wait and see." He quickly looked at her and smirked. Laughing when he heard her sigh. "You're so impatient."

"Not impatient, just don't like surprises. So just tell me." She begged him.

"No, we are nearly there now." He reassured her.

"Fine." She sighed. "But I'm not very happy with you and neither is Morgan." Meredith said, hitting where she knew it would hurt, playfully of course.

"Oh that's low." Derek turned and looked at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Using my little girl against me, that's low. I'll remember that. We are here anyways." He said as he got out the car, leaving Meredith speechless.

He had said my little girl.

"Meredith, are you ready?" Derek asked, as he stood at her door, watching as she turned to him, fear on her face. "What's up?"

"I need to go home." She replied.

"What's wrong? Is it Morgan? Do you feel sick?" Derek's mind started walking at a 100 miles per hour, trying to work out what was wrong.

"I can't do this. I can't put this on you. You deserve more then me. More than this. I have some shit going on and you don't deserve that dumped on you. I mean I'm having a baby, I can't expect you to help me raise Morgan." Meredith rambled on.

Derek had never seen Meredith so vulnerable, she was really getting all of her emotions out here and now.

"Hey Meredith, stop will you before I have to give you some oxygen." He grabbed both of her hands and squeezed them tight. "Look at me." Her eyes finally turned and she faced him.

"You listen to me, alright. You didn't ask me or expect me to do anything, I'm here cause I want to be here. Before you came into my life, I had no purpose. All I did was work. It was like I was drowning and you saved me. I want a life with you, a future. With you and Morgan. I guess this might be scary and fast but god, I can't walk away from this." He reached out and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Just let me alright." 

"Alright." She smiled at him before kissing him quick. "So are you going to tell me why you've brought me here then? And please tell me you have food." Meredith demanded laughing as she wiped away her tears.

Derek laughed, shaking his head. Every day she never failed to amaze him. She was full of surprises.

"Of course there's food, we are going for a picnic." He smiled as he helped her step out of the car.

Derek moved to the boot, opening it to grab the large picnic basket and blanket before locking the car and grabbing for Meredith's hand with his free one.

This afternoon concreted it for them, this was it. They didn't want anyone else. They would be a family.

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