Chapter 15

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Meredith was on cloud 9. She sat there with her daughter in her arms, watching as she fed. She was officially a mother. How was she meant to do this? She could barely look after herself and now she had a child to care for. No she couldn't do this.

"Knock knock." Meredith looked up, desperate for someone to help, to find Carolyn stood at the door, flowers in hand. "Meredith dear, what's wrong?" She asked as she placed the flowers down.

"I can't, I can't do this. I can't be a mother. I had the worst mother in the world, I will be the worst mother in the world." Meredith said as she began to hyperventilate.

"Shh, it's ok. We all get a bit overwhelmed to start with, none of us know what we are doing and that's alright." She brushed back Meredith's hair off her face. "As long as your child is happy and healthy then you're doing the best possible job, alright?" Carolyn watched as Meredith calmed down, her breathing back to normal.

"Alright. Thank you." Meredith adjusted Morgan in her arms, burping her. "Would you like to hold her?" Meredith asked.

"I would love to." Carolyn cuddled the small child into her arms, in complete awe of how beautiful she was. "Oh dear, she's gorgeous."

"Thank you." Meredith watched as the two of them bonded.

"Hey Mer, they didn't have anything decent I eat in the canteen, so I went..." he stopped when he saw who was sitting in the room. "Ma, what are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you son, but I'm not actually here to see you." She smiled at him before smiling at Meredith and then Morgan.

"Great." He rolled his eyes jokingly. "Seems I don't need to introduce you. Meredith this is my mom, Carolyn. Ma, this is Meredith my girlfriend and this." He said as he cooed at Morgan. "Is Morgan, or my little bug."

Meredith sat back and watched, eyes wide as she tired to comprehend what Derek had said. Girlfriend. It was obvious at this point but they had never actually had the conversation.

"I know son, we've met." She said as she rolled her eyes and stood up. "She's absolute gorgeous Meredith. I should be going now, but I am sure I will be seeing you again soon." She kissed Meredith's head quick before turning to Derek.

"See you soon son, we need to have a catch soon." She gave him the motherly look before turning and leaving the room.

"Girlfriend?" Meredith questioned as Derek turned to face her with a guilty look on his face whilst she was smirking.

"I mean I was meant to ask you but you was in labour. Which you failed to let me know about. So you going to tell me when the contractions actually started?" He raised his eyebrows and walked over to the bed, sitting down to both Meredith and Morgan.

"I see, changing the subject are we." She rolled her eyes at him before shh'ing Morgan, shifting her into a more comfortable position as she began to whimper. "And last night." Meredith said, her voice lowering.

"Last night?" Derek asked, questioning if he actually heard her correct, watching as she nodded with a guilty look on her face. "Mer, I asked you if you was having any before I left and you said no."

"Cause I didn't think it was labour. It just felt like bad back ache, it wasn't until my waters broke that I actually realised, ok maybe this is labour." Meredith said, not meeting his eyes.

"Meredith, you're unbeli..." Derek was cut off by Meredith.

"You can't shout or have a go at me, I just had a baby." Meredith said, pointing her finger at him.

Derek went to speak again but stopped himself, knowing he would always loose this argument with Meredith.

"Fine." He turned to her and saw she was smirking at him. "You just make me want to..." he leaned down and cupped her cheeks in his hands, pressing his lips to her, passionately. "I love you."

"What..." Meredith pulled back eyes wide.

"Wait, no. I never said, I, well..." Derek rambled on, quickly cut off by Meredith.

"I love you too." She said back, their eyes both glistening with tears.

Love is a scary thing, you can't help who you fall for or how fast you fall but it is one of the best feelings when someone finally loves you the way you deserved to be loved.

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