Chapter 56

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Derek had no idea where he was going but his feet carried him through the street, as he had his hands in his pockets and his eyes dropped to the floor. What had he done?

He knew everything Meredith had said had been true but hearing it, hurt and he reacted impulsively. Now here he was, alone.

Walking along, he carried on until he walked into his usual old go to bar. He hadn't been in since before Morgan had been born and it just reminded him of the really dark times in his life. He hated that he was back here.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Derek's favourite bar tender shouted. "Will it be the usual Dr Shepard?" He asked, watching as Derek nodded and began pouring him his scotch.

Pulling out his wallet to pay he was stopped as the bar tender held up his hand.

"On the house, heard you've had a couple of kids so take this as our congratulations." Smiling at him before walking off to serve the next customer.

He swirled the scotch round the glass before bringing the glass up to his lips, sighing as it burned on the way down his throat. Closing his eyes he listened to the hustle and bustle of the people surrounding him in the bar as he sat silently on his stool.

The bell above the door rang as someone else walked into the bar, probably to drink away their problems just like he was. Derek frowned when a person came and threw them self down into the stool next to him.

"I mean when ma phoned me and said you needed me I thought she was joking, I mean you're Derek. But man, you look like shit." The voice from beside him said before they ordered their drink.

Derek turned his head and looked at the person in shock.

"What's the matter Shep? Cat got your tongue." Mark said as he took a sip from his drink, smiling at Derek.

"Mark." Derek said before pulling him for a quick brotherly hug. "What are you doing here?" Still in shock that Mark was sat right in front of him right now.

"I told you, mom rang me. Also, Addison isn't happy, I mean you know who she hates the rain and dragging her out to Seattle was a struggle. So you've got some making up to do when you see her." Mark said as he reached out to squeeze his shoulder.

"Seriously man, what's going on?"

"Ah, everything's a mess. Me and Meredith, I don't know if we are going to make it. I mean, with the accident and the Morgan and Liam, it's hard you know. I messed up bad." Derek said as his eyes dropped to his glass before knocking the rest of it back before asking for another.

"So you think sitting in a bar and drinking your problems away are going to help?" Mark said frowning at him. "Derek we aren't 21 anymore, you have a family. You need to go home and sort this."

"When did you become the sensible one?" Derek chuckled slightly.

"You have Addison to thank for that." Mark said laughing with him. "But seriously, you need to go home and sort this." Mark said, stopping him from drinking his drink and dropping some money on the bar and dragging Derek out with him.

As they stepped outside, Mark heard his phone ringing and quickly excused himself. Derek smiled as he heard Mark on the phone, happy that he had finally found someone to settle down with. He always knew that they would end up together.

"Come on let's go." Mark said as he guided Derek to a cab and they climbed in.

They journey didn't seem long enough to prepare Derek for what he was going to walk into. He had no idea what he would do if he walked in and all his bags were packed and waiting for him at the front door.

Mark paid the cab driver before they climbed out and stood in front of Derek's house. Taking a deep breath in, they finally headed inside to be met with silence.

"Derek is that you?" Carolyn asked as she walked round the corner with Liam on her shoulder.

"Yeah it's me ma. Here." He reached out and took Liam into his arms.  "Where's Morgan and Meredith?" He asked, gently bouncing Liam.

"Morgan is busy watching finding nemo, so she's pretty distracted." Carolyn laughed watching as Derek smiled and Mark shook his head. "Hey Mark, thanks for coming." She said approaching him and wrapping him in her arms quick.

"Hey ma and of course. Also, Addison is dying to see you, demands a shopping trip." He said as he squeezed Carolyn's shoulder.

"Definitely." She said smiling at him quick before turning back to Derek. "Meredith is..."

"Right here." Meredith said as she stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Derek turned to her and found Meredith stood there with tear stained cheeks and red rimmed eyes. She looked exhausted.

"Meredith." Derek said softly, moving towards watching as she flinched slightly.

"We need to talk." She said.

This was it Derek thought. He had completely messed it up and now this was the end. Feeling his heart break at the feeling, he felt the bile rise in his throat. He couldn't lose his family, he just couldn't.

Rolling out these updates today, literally just sat and wrote the past 3 chapters off the top of my head so winning here right now haha!! Plus, you all seem really into this story at the minute so I will definitely keep the updates coming <3

Might try and get another update up later!

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