Chapter 21

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Derek drove along, whistling along to the music as he drove the familiar route to his childhood home. Morgan was secured in her car seat in the back as he navigated along the road.

Pulling into the drive he quickly climbed out of his seat and moved to unlatch then car seat, carrying it in his spare hand as he grabbed the baby bag with the other.

"Ma! Dad!" Derek shouted as he entered the house, announcing his arrival.

Walking through the house, he moved into the living room where he found them both sitting there, along with his older sister Nancy.

"Derek, hey." Carolyn stood up and hugged him quick. "Oh Morgan, look at how big you've got! Come here."

Derek smiled as he watched Carolyn waste no time in taking Morgan into her arms and moving to sit next to Christopher.

"Hey son." He quickly said before his attention was diverted to Morgan.

"Hey dad." He smiled before moving to sit next to Nancy. "Alright Nance."

"Derbear. You've been busy." She said as she titled her head towards Morgan who was in their moms arms.

"Don't Nancy, I'm happy. Let's leave it at that." Derek said, not wanting an argument to start.

"She's got so big Derek, I can't believe it." Carolyn beamed with pride as she looked up and smiled at Derek.

"So curious about the world, aren't you?" Christopher cooed to her, letting her grab onto his finger.

"She's amazing." Derek said, his eyes shining with love and pride.

"Where's Meredith today?" Carolyn asked, looking up at him.

"Oh, she's got her 6 week appointment, she didn't want to drag Morgan to the hospital again as she was there with her a few days ago. Plus I was off so thought I'd bring her with me for the day." He smiled as he relaxed back in his chair.

"Hm, bet you're happy about that one." Nancy smirked as she raised her eyebrows suggestively causing Derek to push her.

"Shut up Nancy pants." Derek said, getting his own back.

"Don't call me that. Mom tell him." Nancy exclaimed turning to Carolyn to find both of them laughing.

"Glad to see you two have grown up." Carolyn said watching as the two of them frowned at one another.

"Shouldn't you be leaving shortly anyways Nancy?" Christopher said, pointing out the time to her.

"Yeah, I'm going. Was a pleasure as always little bro." Nancy before ruffling up his hair then quickly running out of the room.

Derek frowned as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to style it back to a presentable stage again. His phone started ringing and he smiled seeing that it was Meredith.

"You alright to watch Morgan whilst I quickly speak to Meredith?" He asked watching as the looked at him. "Right. Hey Mer." He said as he walked out of the room.

Both Carolyn and Christopher smiled at how Derek's voice softened as soon as he began speaking to Meredith.

"Crazy isn't it." Christopher said, turning to face Carolyn.

"What?" She asked, confusion laced in her voice.

"Life. It gave him exactly what he needed before he knew he needed it. I always worried about him. Always working, he was so angry, so stressed. I was worried that his health would take a turn. Meredith really did save him, and this one. I'm for one glad that they are apart of our family." Christopher said as he ran his finger over Morgan's cheek.

"Me too. Me too." Carolyn reached out with her free hand, squeezing it tight.

"So Meredith is finished with her appointment, which means we've got to get going." Derek announced as he walked back into the room, tucking his phone into his pocket.

"Oh alright." Carolyn said as she slowly stood up before placing Morgan back in her car seat, running her fingers over cheek, careful not to disturb her.

"Don't worry mom, me and Meredith will be sure to bring her for another visit soon." Derek announced before picking up the car seat.

"Of course dear, now go. Can't keep Meredith waiting." She said as she moved him towards the door.

He quickly gave his mom a hug before reaching for his dad.

"Hold on to her, she's a one of the good ones." Christopher said, slapping Derek on the shoulder and watched as he nodded his head.

Derek climbed back into the car and made his way to the hospital, desperate to see Meredith. He found her at the entrance smiling as he pulled up.

"Hey." She said cheerfully, leaning over to kiss him quick. "How's our little m?" She asked, turning to get a quick glance of their daughter.

"Put your seatbelt on." Derek instructed, waiting for her to buckle up before beginning the journey home. "She's good, had lots of cuddles with mom and dad today..."

"Nan and grandpa." Meredith interrupted, watching as Derek frowned turning to her as the light turned red.

"What?" He asked, hopefully for this to mean what he thought it did.

"Well, they're your parents so that would make them her Nan and grandpa." Meredith said, shrugging her shoulders and reaching out to grab her hand.

"Serious?" Derek watched as Meredith nodded her head as he tried to stop the tears. "Wow, they'll be so happy." He said before diverting his eyes back to the road.

"Oh, how did you appointment go?" Derek asked, curious as to why she hadn't said anything yet.

"Oh yeah everything is perfect. I've been cleared for...nothing. It don't matter." She said shaking her head in embarrassment.

"It's fine. I can wait, when you're ready." Derek said as he squeezed her hand knowing exactly where she was going with this conversation.

"Thank you." She whispered to him, squeezing his hand back lovingly.

"Of course. So what are we wanting for dinner tonight?" He asked as they pulled up in front of their apartment.

"Do you want to move in?" She turned to face him, watching as his eyes went wide. "Just hear me out. You're always at my apartment anyways, so it's silly for us both to keep paying rent, so just move in already. I mean officially." She rambled on.

"I would love nothing more." Derek reached over and titled her head up and pressed his lips to hers, both of them moaning into one another's mouth.

"Come on let's go inside." Meredith said as they pulled apart.

Meredith moved around and took Morgan out of the car seat, bundling her into her arms.

"Mommy missed you today, yes she did." Meredith said as she walked into the apartment.

Derek stood at the car, watching as the two loves of his life walk ahead of him. He smiled to himself before following them inside, ready to spend another night in. Usually, he would be down at the bar, blackout drunk. He was glad he was no longer living that sad and pathetic life. He owed everything he had to Meredith and Morgan for saving his life. From saving him from himself.

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