Chapter 14

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When Meredith was finally admitted to the hospital, she was too far gone for an epidural so Derek had to sit back and watch. Watch as she braved it through every contraction, keep herself composed. He was so proud of her.

"That's it Mer, not much longer now." He said as he swept the hair off of her face, sweat falling down her face. 

"You don't know that. I can't do this anymore, I'm so tired. Please, take me home, please." She started begging him, tears forming in her eyes.

"You can't, I'm sorry. You can do this." Derek said as Arizona walked in along with a team of nurses.

"Meredith, I'm just going to check and see how far along you are and see if we can finally starting pushing." Arizona got herself in the position.

Derek was hopeful that it would be the time now, he wasn't sure how much longer he could cope watching Meredith be in that pain.

"Right that's it Meredith, your 10cm so it's time to start pushing, so on the next contraction I want to you to push." Arizona said, smiling before getting everything ready.

"Hear that Mer, we are going to be meeting Morgan really soon. You've got this." Derek said cupping her cheeks in her hands, kissing her quick.

"We are going to meet Morgan." Meredith replied, her voice barely a whisper due to her being so exhausted.

Her next contraction came along and she neared down and began to push, squeezing Derek's hand as hard as she could. She wasn't even sure how she was still awake right now, let alone pushing. She was about to become a mother.

"Meredith stop pushing." Arizona's voice instructed, pulling Meredith out of her daze.

"Why what's happening?" She asked, no one answering her. "Derek?" Her eyes turning to him, pleading him to answer.

"I don't know, I don't know." He looked at her, his eyes filled with just as much fear as Meredith's. "Arizona?"

"The umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, we've got it off now. Don't panic. Next contraction I want you to push, just a few more pushes until she's here." Arizona said.

Before either of them could answer, Meredith's body was overwhelmed with another contraction as she squeezed Derek's hand and pushed harder then ever before.

Then there it was. The pain was gone and the insane amount of pressure had disappeared. But the room was silent.

"Why isn't she crying?" She asked as Morgan was scooped up and carried over to the nurses. "Derek go to her."

Derek let go of Meredith's hand, moving over to be at Morgan's side. Then, the most beautiful sound he had ever heard echoed through out the room.

"Mer, do you hear that." He smiled as tears streamed down his face. Morgan was then placed in his arms, carrying her over to Meredith and placing her down.

"Hey little bug." Meredith ran her finger over her cheek, listening as Morgan's cries finally settled down. "She's gorgeous."

"She is." Derek placed himself down on the edge of the bed, his arm going around Meredith's shoulder and pulling her into his side. "Just like her mother, I'm so proud of you." He said as he kissed the top of Meredith's head.

Before they knew Morgan was take away from them so she could be checked over and Meredith could birth the placenta and then eventually cleaned up.

"Here she is." Arizona said as she walked into the room, wheeling Morgan in. "Perfect scores on her APGAR test, perfectly healthy and ready to be back with her mommy." She smiled as she pulled up next to her. "I will leave you guys to it."

Derek leaned down and scooped up Morgan, reluctantly placing her in Meredith's arms.

"She looks just like you Mer." Derek said as he smoothed down the blonde hair on top of Morgan's head.

"Hmm." Meredith said as she held back a yawn, her body completely overwhelmed by how exhausted she was.

"Here, give her to me, you sleep." Derek said as he took Morgan out of her arms and watched as her eyes drifted shut. Finally getting some well deserved rest.

"Hey bug, it's me Derek." Derek said as he sat down in the chair closest to Meredith's bed. "It's me Derek, god I love you so much. And your mother. Oh, how I wish you was mine, but i promise to be the best father to you, it's what you deserve. You're my little girl." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

That's how he stayed, with Morgan curled in his arms. His daughter. No matter what she would be his daughter.

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