Chapter 54

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Meredith sighed with relief as they finally pulled into their drive, happy for all of them to be home. But it just didn't seem right. All her feelings about how Derek had been came rushing back to her and she could feel herself starting to pull away again.

"I'll come and help you out and then come and grab the kids." Derek said as he pointed out that both Morgan and Liam were fast asleep.

"No, I'm fine." Meredith said, wincing as she moved to get out the car.

"Meredith." Derek moved out his seat quickly and jogged round to help her. "You just had major surgery..."

"Derek I said I'm fine so leave me alone!" She shouted as she turned to shut her door. "I'll get Liam." She shuffled round the other side of the car, leaving Derek gobsmacked at her outburst.

Deciding not to push it any further, he pulled open the door and gently grabbed Morgan, careful not to disturb her. He made sure to pay attention to Meredith, watching at how slow and careful she moved as she scooped their son into her arms.

Shutting the car door, Derek moved and slipped his key into the front door and watched as Meredith slowly shuffled towards him, watching every step she took, careful not to fall.

"Meredith, please let me take him." Derek said as she came to the front door.

"I know how to hold my own son Derek, stop treating me like a baby." Meredith said as she finally stepped into the house and moved straight for the sofa.

"Fine, whatever." Derek said as he closed the door before moving to place a still sleeping Morgan to Meredith on the sofa.

He stood there waiting for her to meet his eyes but she never did, she just stared ahead, her eyes blank. Knowing now wasn't the time he moved into the kitchen and leaned on the side, he had no idea what had cause Meredith's drastic change in her moods since leaving the hospital.

Meanwhile in the living room, Meredith looked and smiled at her two children. She knew she was probably being too hard on Derek but she couldn't help but feel betrayed by his actions. He had lied to her. Broken a promise. Something he said he would never do.

"Mommy loves you both so much." She said with one hand on his Liam's back as he lay on her chest and the other on Morgan's stomach as she slept next to her.

"I'm sorry that things aren't the best right now but I promise that you will grow up happy and so so loved." Meredith said as she held back a sob, not wanting to cry which would lead Derek to ask questions that she was currently too exhausted to answer.

It was at this moment that Liam started to stir and was clearly waking for his next feed.

"Shh, it's ok." Meredith said as she did her best to move him to a comfortable feeding position, grimacing slightly at the uncomfortable pain that ripped through her body.

Eventually, she got him to latch him and let her head fall back as he began to feed. The simplest jobs seemed to be draining the life out of her at the minute, which wasn't ideal as she now had a new born and an overexcited toddler.

"Mer." Meredith woke up a while later, with Derek shaking her shoulder gently, Liam no longer in her arms and Morgan now playing on the floor.

"Mama!" Morgan squealed as she saw her mom now awake. She scrambled to her feet with her toys in her hand and moved over to Meredith. "Pay mama." She said as she handed Meredith a toy.

"Morgan, mommy needs to rest." Derek said as he moved the toys off of Meredith's lap but was quickly stopped by Meredith's hand grabbing his.

"Mommy would love to play bug." Meredith said as she reached out to ruffle Morgan's hair.

"Meredith." Derek said sighing as he watched Meredith lower herself to the floor. He waited for her response but was met with silence.

"Right, when you decide to stop being so stubborn and want to talk, I'll be in the kitchen." Derek said as he stormed out and moved back to make dinner.

Ignoring the feeling of dread in her stomach, Meredith plastered a fake smile on her face as she didn't want Morgan to pick up on the tension. She could never strip away her daughters happiness like her own mother had done. She refused to let her children have the same childhood she had.

They were at a confusing point in their relationship, neither of them knowing how to address it without it blowing up in front of them. But they had to get through this.

But would they ever?

this story about to take a turn so bare with me, it will get better and they will slowly get back to the Meredith and Derek we love. But we need a bit of drama, no?

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