Chapter 60

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It was Saturday morning, meaning Meredith would finally get to spend some time with Derek. Rolling over, she reached across the bed and frowned as felt nothing but a cold and empty bed.

"Derek?" Meredith mumbled as she sat up, pushing her hair out of her face. She was met with silence and a piece of paper folded up on Derek's pillow.

Reaching out, Meredith picked it and smiled as she saw Derek's scrawly hand writing.

I've took the kids for a walk, wanted to give you a break this morning so take a hot bath and relax. Will be back later.

Love you,
Der x

Deciding not to waste this opportunity, Meredith moved off her bed and headed for the bathroom and started running her bath. As much as she loved her kids and her crazy family, she loved having a moment to just be herself. She wasn't anybody's mom or girlfriend, she could just be Meredith.

So there she sat, soaking in the bath, enjoying the silence. That was until she heard the front door open and heard shuffling and muffled voices downstairs.

"Meredith dear?" She heard Carolyn's voice shout her.

"Yeah mom, I'm just in the bathroom." Meredith said as she made a move to get out.

"Oh don't get dear, just letting you know that me and Amy are downstairs, we will wait for you to finish." Carolyn insisted.

"Oh, alright. I won't be long." Meredith replied before relaxing back in the bath.

"No rush dear." Carolyn simply replied before shuffling back down the stairs.

It wasn't much longer that Meredith climbed out of the bath and slipped on Derek's robe before heading downstairs.

"I wasn't expecting you guys today." She smiled as she walked into see a large spread of breakfasts laid out and waiting for her. "What's all this?"

"Derek said you've been having a bit of a rough time lately so we wanted to cheer you up, spend some quality time with you." Carolyn smiled as she poured three cups of coffee.

"Oh, thanks." Meredith smiled at her before going to grab a muffin.

"Yeah that and you need a full for stomach for today..." Amelia started off but was interrupted when Carolyn simply whipped her with the tea towel. "What was that for?" Amelia asked, turning to frown at Carolyn.

"What happened?" Meredith asked, turning round, confused.

"Nothing dear, Amelia just had a bug on her." Carolyn smiled at Meredith, before turning to glare at Amelia when Meredith looked away again.

"Oh, ok." Meredith frowned at the pair before digging into the breakfast, there was definitely something going on. "I wonder Derek and the kids are?" Meredith sighed as she looked at the time and realised they still weren't back.

A loud knock at the door interrupted them as Carolyn and Amelia smiled at Meredith, waiting for her to go and answer it.

"You two are being very weird." Meredith said, shaking her head before tightening her robe around her.

"Hi." She smiled at the stranger who stood at her front door with a large bunch of flowers in their hands.

"Meredith Grey?" They watched as she nodded her head before handing over the flowers. "This are for you, congratulations." The man smiled at her before walking away.

Meredith simply closed the door and walked back into the kitchen from the front door and placed them down on the table.

"Who are they from?" Amelia asked as she bounced excitedly.

"I don't know." Meredith frowned and took the small card hidden the flowers and she immediately recognised Derek's hand writing.

I know you're probably wondering what is going on with everyone but I just want to say I love you so much. Today is all about us, so do as ma says and I will see you later. I for one can't wait to call you my wife at the end of the day.

I love you.
Derek x'

Meredith read the card over and over, not quite comprehending what could possibly be happening today.

"Mom, am I getting married today?" Meredith asked as she finally looked up and saw Carolyn stood there with tears in her eyes as she nodded her head. "I, just...Derek did all of this?" She asked.

"Yes dear. Well apart from picking your dress, he left that to me and Amelia as he wanted to stick to some traditions and not see the dress until today." Carolyn said as she smiled softly at her.

"Wow." Meredith said as her eyes flicked between the card in her hand and Carolyn.

"It's time to start getting ready." Carolyn said as a knock came from the front door once again and Amelia went to answer this time.

Meredith wasn't exactly sure what happened on the next few hours as she had people come do her hair and make up and now she was stepping into a wedding dress. It was crazy and she couldn't believe this was all happening right now.

Her hair hung past shoulders in loose curls and she had a light amount of make up on, keeping it natural but highlighting her features, like her eyes. The dress was a plain white dress, that had thin straps and an open back. It was the perfect dress for Meredith.

"Meredith?" Carolyn asked as she slowly opened the door. "Oh wow, Meredith you look amazing." Carolyn gasped as she grabbed her napkin and dabbed at the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Thank you." Meredith took a deep breath before smoothing her hands over the dress once more before turning to face Carolyn properly.

"Now let's go and get you married." Carolyn cheered excitedly.

This was it, this was the beginning of the rest of their lives as husband and wife.

Just realised it's been forever since I have updated this story so I'm so so sorry for that!!
Also, I am finishing this story, will probably be 2 more chapters and then this story is done!!

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