Chapter 53

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"Are you sure they said it's alright for us to come?" Christopher damasked as he bounced Morgan on his hip.

"Yes dear, Derek rang me saying that we would come and Meredith is dying to see Morgan. Plus they have a name so come on." Carolyn said as she dragged Christopher by his arm and down to Meredith's room.

Christopher laughed as Carolyn's excitement.

"Pa down." Morgan exclaimed as she patted her hand against his cheek.

"Alright Morgan, but you have to hold grandpas hand." He said as he placed her down on the floor, walking slowly as he held her hand tight in his.

Carolyn carried on a head, desperate to see Meredith, Derek and finally met her newest grandson.

Finally, Christopher walked in and already found Carolyn cooing to the little boy was resting peacefully in Meredith's arms.

"Mama!" Morgan squealed as she let go of Christopher's hand and ran up to Meredith's bed. "Up! Up!" Morgan said as Derek leaned down to lift her up.

"Hey Morgan meet your little brother, Liam Christopher Shepherd." Derek said as he placed her down on the bed as Meredith wrapped her free arm around her.

Christopher stood back in shock as his heart filled with pride. Carolyn gasped happily at the same time as happy tears filled her eyes.

" named him after me?" Christopher said as he choked back a small sob, placing his hand on his chest, where his heart was beating.

Meredith and Derek nodded this heads as Morgan reached out to touch her little brother.

"You have to be careful Morgan, he is only little." Meredith said as she watched Morgan gently poke his cheek before laughing.

"Bay!" Morgan exclaimed loudly causing Liam to stir slightly.

"Shh, be quiet Morgan." Meredith said as she smoothed down her hair and kissed the top of his head, her heart swelling as Morgan leaned down and kissed Liam's small nose.

Derek moved towards his dad and placed his hand on his arm.

"Wow, I just, I'm speechless Derek." He said as he turned to face him.

"It was the only logical choice, I mean, you have been there for Meredith throughout this whole pregnancy and really stepped up. So for that we are both grateful and we are both honoured to give him such a strong and a name that means something to us." Derek said as their eyes met.

"Thank you son." He said as he quickly wrapped his arms around his son.

"Come on, come and meet your grandson." Derek said as he patted his dads back before moving to join the rest of the family at the bed.

Time passed as Liam was passed round the room leaving Meredith to cuddle with Morgan as they both fell asleep wrapped in one another's arms.

Derek sat back and watched as Christopher held his son, Carolyn sat next to him as they cooed down to the newest Shepherd.

"We should be going." Carolyn announced seeing how reluctant Christopher was to leave.

"5 more minutes..." Christopher said.

"No come on, they need their sleep." As Carolyn watched as Christopher rolled his eyes before finally standing up and placing Liam down in his cot.

"Get some sleep my boy." Carolyn said as she kissed Derek on the head watching as his eyes drifted shut, exhausted from the past few days.

Carolyn and Christopher walked out together hand in hand leaving the family to enjoy their time together and catch up on some well deserved sleep.

Meredith was woken up not long after to the sound of their sons whimpers.

"Derek." Meredith whispered loudly, careful not to disturb Morgan. She watched as he didn't move so she tried again. "Derek!"

"I'm awake." He shot up as he rubbed his eyes, not used to the light. "Hey, what's up?" He asked as he turned to Meredith.

"Can you put Morgan on the coach, Liam needs to be fed and I can't pick him up." Meredith said as she grimaced slightly at the uncomfortable pain that ran through her body.

"Oh yeah of course." Derek said he pushed himself up and scooped Morgan into his arms but settling her on the coach and then moving to Liam as his whimpers started to form into cries.

"Shh, I'm taking you to mommy now, she has the boobs." He said as he placed Liam down in Meredith's arms.

"You're unbelievable." Meredith said rolling her eyes as she adjusted her gown before moving Liam to allow him to latch on.

"There we go, he's a natural, just like his dad." Derek said laughing as he moved to avoid Meredith's hand that swung out to hit him.

"Stop!" Meredith said giggling before moving her hand to run up and down Liams back.

"Dada." Morgan said as she sat up, her hands rubbing at her eyes.

"Hey princess." Derek said as he moved to take her in his arms.

"Le." She said as she pointed down to her little brother who was currently resting in Meredith's arms as he ate.

"Yeah, that's Liam. You got to look out for your little brother." He said as Morgan rested her head on his shoulder and relaxed in his arms once again.

"Crazy isn't it?" Meredith asked watching as Derek turned to her and frowned.

"We was neighbours and now we are a family, like we have two children. If I hadn't have moved in to that apartment then we wouldn't have any of this, it would of been just me and Morgan. So I'm forever grateful that things worked out the way they did." Meredith said as she reached out and took his hand.

"Me too, me too." Derek said as he squeezed her hand.

Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he would be a father of two. He had given up the idea of ever having his own family but then Meredith fell into his life, fitting perfectly and saving him even when he didn't know he needed it.

Life was perfect.

So I loved so many of your suggestions and it was actually quite hard to choose one but I had to go with Liam.

So shoutout to _Ktje_ for the suggestion, also, go and check out their stories, honestly they're some of my faves!!

Next update tomorrow!

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