Chapter 57

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"We need to talk."

They sat in their room, Meredith sat on the bed as Derek paced the room. They had left the kids downstairs with Carolyn and Mark, needing this time to get things sorted. Meredith sat there, her hands clasped together as she watched Derek.

"You're not wearing your ring." Derek said as the lack of her engagement ring caught her attention, his heart dropping when he noticed it.

"Oh yeah I had to take it off." Meredith said watching as his face dropped. "My fingers are still quite swollen, from the pregnancy and it's felt uncomfortable so I took it off. It's here though." As she pulled her necklace out of her top, showing him her engagement ring dangling there on the chain.

"Oh good. That's good." He said as he finally stopped pacing and their eyes met for the first properly one days, blue clashing with green. "Hey."

"Hey. Come and sit down." Meredith said as she tapped the bed, waiting for him to take a seat before continuing on.

Derek wasted no time in carefully placing him down on the other side of the bed, never taking his eyes off of Meredith.

"How did we let things get this bad?" Meredith asked as her eyes glowed with tears.

"I don't know mer, I really don't. I wish I knew, I hate that I let us get this bad." Derek admitted.

"It was both of us Derek, we got distracted and let life get away from us." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah but I wasn't there for you, I let work become my number one priority and I never ever wanted myself to get like that. I was so miserable before I met you, you gave my life a purpose and I nearly let that all go, over a job. I can get another job but I can never get another family." Derek said as he bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from crying.

"Derek." Meredith said as she reached out to grab his hand.

At the feeling of Meredith touching him, Derek completely broke down and collapsed into her embrace.

"I'm so sorry Meredith." He said as he squeezed her tight, careful not to bother her incisions.

"Shh, it's alright Derek." Meredith said as she ran her fingers through his hair and let him cry and get it out.

The minutes passed as Derek finally went quiet but continued to hold on to Meredith, scared to let her go.

"Derek, sit up for me, we still need to talk." Meredith said as Derek slowly lifted them self up, coming face to face.

They smiled softly at one another as Derek reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand. At the touch of his hand on her cheek, Meredith leaned into him and breathed him. She really had missed him these past few days.

"If you want me to still leave then I will but I want to be in our kids life Meredith, I can't miss out on them growing up." Derek said with a wobble in his voice as he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Please don't leave." Meredith said as she looked up at him. "Please don't leave me." She repeated, almost begging him.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm so sorry Meredith, I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you. I love you." He said as he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers.

"I love you too." Meredith said as they pulled apart. "Just don't ever do that to us again because I can't feel that shit ever again and we won't survive it if we do. This is it Derek, I mean, I can't go through it again. I mean after Finn and everything..."

"Mer, I will never ever, I'm sorry." He said as he leaned in and kissed her again before pulling back and noticing how tired she really looked.

"You should sleep, I'll be downstairs if you need me." He said as he moved off the bed to leave her but was stopped by her hand grabbing his arm.

"Please stay, it sounds pathetic but I haven't been sleeping properly without you." She said, looking away from him as Derek started laughing.

Smirking Meredith swung out and playfully hit him before joining in with the laughter.

"Meredith Grey, you've gone soppy." He said kissing her quick before climbing back into bed and letting her curl into him, her head resting on his chest as their legs intertwined.

It didn't take long for Meredith to fall asleep as her soft snores echoed throughout their room. Derek smiled as he held onto her tight, leaning down to kiss the top of her head and just lay there watching her sleep.

They weren't back to were they were but it was a start. A fresh start.

I just couldn't keep them arguing for too long like I just couldn't haha

Anyways, here's another update for you lovely lot <3

ps I was thinking of ending this story soon, like a few more chapters before wrapping it all up because I feel like it's at the perfect time to do so but if you lot are really loving it then I will carry it on but will need suggestions of what you want to see, so let me know <3

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