Chapter 58

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Derek was finally going back to work today, his paternity leave was over and he honestly didn't want to go back. He wanted to stay at him, with Meredith and the kids.

"Go for the blue tie." Meredith said from the bed, where she was feeding Liam and Morgan was sleeping peacefully next to her. "Brings out your eyes."

Derek nodded as he picked up the blue tie and began putting it on. He then grabbed his jacket and shrugged it on before turning to Meredith with a half smile on her face.

"Should we get married?" He asked watching as she laughed. "I'm serious, I mean, should we just hop on a plane and go elope somewhere." He said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"I gave birth 6 weeks ago, I can't get married now, I mean I want to marry you but Derek, have you seen?" She asked, grimacing slightly as she looked down at her body before looking back up at him.

"Meredith, you're beautiful." He said as he cupped her chin in his hand, running his thumb over her cheek.

"I don't feel it." She said, shrugging her shoulders and letting her eyes drop down.

"Hey." He said, watching as she looked up at him with unshed tears in her eyes. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world, you've never looked more...I can't put into words how beautiful you are. You have given me more then I could ever ask for, our children. I would marry you tomorrow if I could. I'm the luckiest man in the world." He said leaning down to press his lips being disturbed by Liam kicking his little legs.

"Someone doesn't like being interrupted when he's feeding it seems." Meredith giggled as she ran her finger over his small, soft cheeks.

"Little man just loves the boob." Derek laughed as he stood up. "Can't say I blame." Derek laughed even more as Meredith threw a pillow in his direction.

"Just go to work will you." Meredith said, shaking her head at him.

"I'm going." He said as he grabbed his phone off the side. "Come and have lunch with me?" He said walking back over to Meredith.

"We will, depending on how these two are." Meredith said smiling up at him. "Now go."

"Going." He kissed her once more before finally dragging himself out of the house and down to his car, heading to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Meredith was now in the kitchen, with Liam in the bouncer whilst Morgan sat at the table eating her Cheerios.

"Mommy." Morgan said as Meredith turned to her.

"Yes baby." Meredith said as she dried her hands on the tea towel.

"Dada?" She said in a questioning tone.

"Oh he's at work." Meredith said as she went and sat with Morgan. "We will go and see him later at the hospital alright?" She said as she moved the hair out of Morgan's face.

"Yay!" She cheered happily before getting back to eating her Cheerios.

Meredith sat back and admired her life. It truly was more than she imagined having. When she fell pregnant with Morgan, she thought that it would just the two of the them for the rest of her life. Which she was more than happy with, she had herself a forever best friend but then Derek came along. He showed what true love and family was really like.

"Hey Mer, are you in?" She heard Amelia's voice from the front door, listening as the door open and closed.

"In the kitchen!" She shouted back. "Morgan, don't spill them everywhere." Meredith groaned as she watched Morgan tip her bowl, milk and Cheerios falling to the floor.

"Morning Shepherds." Amelia cheered as she walked into kitchen, a huge smile on her face.

"Amy!" Morgan cheered as she clapped her hands, milk flying everywhere and the loudness startling Liam causing him to whimper.

"Oh sorry." Amelia cringed as she moved to kiss the top of Morgan's head and moved to grab Liam. "I've got him." Amelia insisted as Meredith moved towards them.

"So." Meredith said as she dried another bowl with the tea towel, raising her eyebrows at Amelia. "Not that I don't love you coming over, but what's the reason for that smile on your face?" Meredith pointed at her before placing the bowel in the cupboard.

"What? Nothing, there's, it's just, shut up." Amelia frowned as she watched Meredith start to laugh.

"Oh come on, just tell me what it is already."

"I'm seeing someone." Amelia said quickly.

"Oh, and?" Meredith asked, clearly wanting Amelia to continue on.

"He's amazing." She placed a now settled Liam back down and moved next to Meredith. "He doesn't push me, we are going at my pace, his name is Link." She watched as Meredith frowned. "Don't ask." Amelia laughed.

"So you're happy?"

"I'm happy." Amelia smiled, a genuine smile for once. "But I need you to speak to Derek cause I want him there for the wedding..." Amelia stopped herself when she realised what she said.

"Wedding? What wedding?" Meredith asked as she turned and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh, Hmm..." Amelia said, trying to think of a way to get out of this. "Oh hear that, that's my phone, got to go, bye mer, bye kids."

Before Meredith could say anything, Amelia was gone.

"Your auntie Amy is crazy." Meredith said as she walked over and touched her nose to Morgan's, ruffling her hair.

One thing for sure was that Derek was going to kill Amelia for almost ruining this surprise he had been putting together.

So, this story is well and truly coming to an end! I'm not sure how many chapters there will be but it won't be many, I'm just at a point where I'm happy with where this story is so I'm going to end it soon!!

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