Chapter 37

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"How do I look?" Meredith asked as she walked into the bedroom.

Both Derek and Morgan looked up at her as she presented them with another outfit change.

"You look hot!" Derek smirked as he looked at how the skirt hug her curves in all the perfect places.

"I cannot look hot Derek! I'm going for an interview tomorrow with Richard to see if I can start my internship! I don't know why I bother asking you..." Meredith continued to ramble on as she left the room, her voice fading in the distance.

Morgan turned and looked at Derek, her hand reaching up to touch his chin, causing Derek to look down.

"Your mommy is crazy." Derek said, watching as Morgan gave him a wide smile, giggling slightly.

"Stop turning my daughter against me." Meredith said jokingly as she stood leaning against the door frame. Now wearing a pair of pyjama shorts and tank top.

"You're not going wearing that, I draw the line." Derek said standing up as he placed Morgan on his waist.

His free hand reached out and grabbed Meredith by the waist pulling her into his body, his hand running up and down her back, brushing against her ass.

"There is a baby in the room, well in your arms, so stop." Meredith said as her hand rested on his chest, her ring sparkle in the sun light.

"Hmm, almost nap time so." He raised his eyebrows suggestively before leaning into kiss her.

"Ma!" Morgan squealed causing Meredith and Derek to pull apart.

"I'm sorry, is mommy ignoring you." Meredith said as she tickled Morgan's stomach. "Come here." She took her out of Derek's arms and placed her on her hip.

Morgan reached her hand up and Meredith kissed it causing her to giggle softly. She turned and moved to walk out of the room when Derek lightly tapped her ass causing Meredith to turn and look him up and down.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself." He said as walked closer.

"Ma da pa!" Morgan squealed as Derek got closer, kicking her little legs against Meredith's side.

"Thats if Morgan, you tell daddy off!" Meredith said, kissing her cheek before winking at Derek and eventually moving out of the room.

Meredith placed Morgan down in her portable crib that they had set up in the living room before collapsing into the sofa, sighing loudly.

"What's up?" Derek asked as he sat down next to her, his arm going around her shoulder.

"What if this is a mistake? I mean maybe I won't be good enough to be a surgeon, I could just get myself a little job and stay at home with Morgan. That won't I won't end up being a terrible surgeon and a terrible mother." She said, turning to Derek with vulnerable eyes.

"Hey." He turned so they were face to face. "You've got this alright, you're going to be an amazing surgeon and the mother thing? Oh, you're smashing that already. I couldn't ask for a better mother for our daughter. You can do this." He reached his hand up and ran his thumb across her cheek.

"I can do this." Meredith repeated after him.

"That's my girl." He smiled at her before kissing her quick. Only pulling apart as Meredith's stomach rumbled cause them to laugh as they moved apart.

"Guess I better feed you." Derek said kissing her again before pushing himself up and moving into the kitchen. 

"Ma!" Morgan cried out, still being a bit clingy.

"I'm coming." She said pushing herself and quickly grabbing Morgan and placing her on her hip.

Meredith began to walk towards Derek, when a loud knock sounded from the door causing both of them to frown.

"You're mom and dad aren't coming today are they?" Meredith asked as she moved towards the door.

"No, said they wouldn't bother as we are going on the weekend to have dinner with the whole family." Derek said as he moved from the kitchen and followed Meredith to the door.

Pulling the door open, Meredith gasped slightly as she saw who was stood there.

"Mom what are you doing here?"

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