Chapter 41

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"Derek, I feel sick, I need to go home." She said from the passenger seat of his car, her hand rubbing at her head whilst the other clutched her stomach.

"Mer, it's just lunch with my family, Kathleen couldn't make it cause of work and Sophie couldn't come cause one of her kids came down the sickness bug so. Just relax." He said as he squeezed her thigh.

"Pull over." Meredith said as she gagged on the bile rising in her throat.


"Pull over!" Meredith exclaimed.

Derek pulled the car over and watched as Meredith stumbled out the car, instantly being sick on the side of the road. Then before he knew it she was back in the car.

"Mama!" Morgan squealed from the back, her little legs kicking as she chewed on the ear of her favourite bear.

"Hey bug." Meredith said as she turned and smiled at her quick before taking a deep breath in and closing her eyes.

"Are you ok? Maybe we should reschedule." Derek said with a worried expression on his face as he ran his hand up and down her back.

"No, I feel better now, must have been something I ate." Meredith said turning to smile at him.

"You sure?" He asked, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I'm sure."

Derek hesitated before starting the car back up and heading for his parents house once again.

"Are you alright to grab Morgan?" Derek asked Meredith.

She simply nodded her head and pulled open the back passenger door to find Morgan fast asleep. She smiled to herself before slowly and cautiously take Morgan out of her seat and cuddling her into body, draping her blanket over her.

"She asleep?"Derek asked as Meredith moved to stand next to him.

"Yeah, I think she's got some more teeth coming through, she feels a bit warm." She said, her free hand going to touch Morgan's forehead.

"Derek! Meredith! There you are." Carolyn cheered from the doorway, in her usual apron and bright smile on her face.

"Hey ma." Derek said, his hand on Meredith's lower back as he guided her up to the house.

"Derek, take Morgan." Meredith said as a wave of sickness rushed over her again and she ran for the toilet.

"Is Meredith alright?" Carolyn asked with a concerned gaze on her face.

"She's sick." Derek said shrugging her shoulders, bouncing Morgan as she began to whimper slightly.

Carolyn frowned at her son, knowing there was more to the story. Even if the two of them didn't know it.

"I'll get her some ginger ale. Put Morgan in the travel cot so she can sleep properly, then come and join me in the kitchen son." Carolyn said as she squeezed his shoulder before heading indoors.

Derek carefully placed Morgan down, covering her lightly before heading to find Meredith but soon bumped into Nancy before being able to go anywhere.

"Derbear, there you are." Nancy said, ruffling up his hair.

"Get off me nance." He said pulling away and immediately fixing his hair.

"Alright, calm down." She said rolling her eyes at him.

Luckily for Derek, Amelia chose the time to come running into the room.

"Where's Morgan?" Amelia asked.

"Sleeping so don't wake her, can you go check and Meredith for me? She should be in the bathroom." Derek said watching as Amelia nodded her head and started to head out the room.

"No need, I'm here." Meredith said walking towards him, an exhausted look on her face.

"Hey, perfect timing. Meredith, this is Nancy. Nancy, this is Meredith, be nice." He said, pointing at Nancy.

"Wow, glad you think so highly of me Derek." She said shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry, he's usually this much of an idiot. Hey, nice to meet you." Meredith said, playfully bumping her hip with his and holding her hand out to Nancy.

"Oh I like you already." Nancy said laughing as they shook hands. "Have you brought your daughter? Morgan is it."

"Yeah she's sleeping right now, think she is teething again."

"Oh, that's one of the worst stages, seeing them in so much pain..."

Derek stood back in shock and watched as Meredith and Nancy walked off together, talking like they had known each other for years.

"Did that just happen?" Amelia asked, Derek only being able to nod his head in response. "Nancy doesn't like anyone, oh well, let's go, dinner is nearly ready." Amelia said playfully slapping Derek's stomach.

Derek shook his head and walked into the kitchen, finding his family altogether, talking. Meredith fit in perfectly with his family, she was the missing piece.

"Wine?" Carolyn offered Meredith.

"Oh...erm, no thanks." Meredith said, turning to face Derek watching as he frowned and realisation washed over his face.

"Meredith, can I speak to you? Outside, please." He asked, watching as she nodded her head.

"Mom, can you keep a listen out for Morgan, just come and grab me if you need me." Meredith said smiling quick before following Derek outside.

Walking outside, Meredith found Derek pacing, his hands running through his hair. He didn't even notice that Meredith had joined him outside.

"Der..." Meredith said quietly, watching as he snatched his head round to face her.

"Are you pregnant?" Derek asked, not tip toeing around the tension in the air.

Meredith hesitated, taking a shaking breath in as the tears began to stream down her face as she nodded her head.

"How long have you known?" Derek asked, watching as Meredith become a shell of herself.

"I found out this morning, I was going to tell you...I was." She said as she stepped away from him, tears staining her cheeks.

It suddenly clicked in Derek's mind why she was so hesitant to share the news with him. Everything from her past was coming back to haunt. All the shit with Finn. She probably thought it was going to happen all over again.

"Hey." He said, moving towards her and cupping her cheeks in his hands, his thumb wiping away the tears. "We are going to have a baby." He said, smiling down at her as his eyes sparkled.

Meredith finally allowed her eyes to meet Derek's, seeing the true happiness and genuine looks plastered on his face.

"We are having another baby." Meredith replied before kissing him quick.

Wait, just realised this story has reached 41 chapters and I never expected to get this far!!

Also, a few twists and turns coming along in this story, so hang on haha...

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