Chapter 16

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18th September. The day Meredith's life had changed forever. Her daughter and forever best friend was born.

Now, here she was the day after, watching as her daughter slept in her arms as she waited to be discharged. But she had nothing. No car seat or blankets and only the one outfit Morgan was currently wearing that Carolyn had previously dropped off. So how was she even going to get her home safely. Plus Derek was no where to be found.

Her mind began running wild. She automatically thought that Derek had changed his mind and left, just like everyone else in her life had.

"Meredith, how are we?" Arizona's perky voice disturbed her.

"Good, yeah, I'm yeah." She smiled, trying to convince her the best she could.

"It's scary right?" Arizona said, placing down her paperwork as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Ugh, what?" Meredith watched as Arizona pointed at Morgan.  "Oh yeah, I have no idea where to start."

"You're not alone you know. Me and Callie, my wife, would be more than happy to give you a helping hand if you need it. Plus you have Derek." She said as she squeezed Meredith's leg.

"Derek, yeah..." Meredith whispered, almost to herself. Did she really have Derek? Or would he leave the minute he realised he didn't really want this. He didn't want a family and kid that wasn't his. Then again she wouldn't blame him for not sticking around.

"Hey, are we already to go?" Derek walked in with a wide smile on his face, the baby bag thrown over his shoulder as he carried the car seat in his other hand. Walking over he placed the car seat down before kissing Meredith quickly and then leaning down to kiss the top of Morgan's head. "Hope you're here to discharge my girls Arizona, so I can get them home."

"I am indeed." She stood up and picked up her paperwork. "I just need you to sign these Meredith and you're free to go."

"Here, I'll take Morgan and get her ready to go." Derek said as he took Morgan out of her arms, shh'ing her as he placed her in the car seat.

Meredith took the forms and was quick to sign them, desperate to get out of the hospital and back into her own bed.

"Amazing, thank you. You're free to go. Make sure you bring this little cutie back for visits please." Arizona said as she cooed at a now sleeping Morgan, as she waved her goodbyes and left their room.

"Right home time." Derek said as he threw the bag over his shoulder, picking up the car seat and taking Meredith's hand in his free one.

They walked out the hospital, hand in hand, as they left together, as a family.

"Everyone's staring." Meredith whispered to Derek.

"Let them stare." He simply shrugged his shoulder and kissed her quick. "They are just nosy and hate that they don't know what's going on in my life."

They continued their way out of the hospital, eventually reaching Derek's car. He carefully made sure that the car seat was buckled in properly before helping Meredith climb into the car. Once Meredith was settled, he ran round to the drivers seat and climbed in.

He put the car in drive and slowly, very slowly, began the drive home.

"Derek, why are you driving so slow?" Meredith turned and frowned at him, trying not to laugh at how ridiculous he was being.

"Morgan. I can't be driving fast, I don't want to scare her." He turned to face her. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"Do you hear how ridiculous you sound? Derek I mean, come on. I want us to be home before her first birthday please." She laughed as she reached out to squeeze the top of his arm.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes before finally stepping on the gas a bit more, actually picking up a reasonable speed.

Throughout the journey, Meredith kept turning to the back seat and finding Morgan fast asleep still, grateful that the journey home would be a calm one.

Derek's hand reached out and landed on Meredith's thigh, giving it a lovingly squeeze as her hand moved down to rest on top of his.

"And we are home!" Derek announced as his car slowed down as he parked up.

"Thank god!" Meredith sighed in relief as he head dropped back and her eyes closed in exhaustion. "I need a bath, a nice, hot, bubble bath. My whole body aches still."

"Well, when we get in, I'll run you a bath whilst you feed Morgan." Derek said as he listened to her beginning to stir in the back seat. "Then you will pass to me and then you will go for you bath, just relax and I will take care of our little girl. Then you're going to sleep, you've definitely earned to sleep."

Meredith stared at the man in front of her in complete awe. Just a few short weeks ago, he was a complete stranger and now she was certain that he was the love of her life. Her soulmate. She had all but fallen into his lap the first time she met him and now here he was. Morgan's father. Biology didn't matter in this aspect, as he had stepped up more then ever, claiming his spot to call himself a father.

"What did we do to deserve you?" Meredith asked, tears pooling in her eyes.

"It's what you deserve, someone being there for you and loving you. I'm not going anywhere Meredith, this is it for me." He smiled as leaned across and kissed her quick before pulling apart.

"Now, let's get inside." Derek said.

Helping them out of the car, he got them up and into Meredith's apartment, watching as he quickly began to feed Morgan. She was a natural. Once she was finished, she headed off for her bath, where Derek made himself comfortable on the sofa, Morgan resting comfortably on his chest.

And that's how Meredith found them as she walked out of the bathroom wrapped in her robe. Derek lay there, with both his hands resting on Morgan's back as her little hand was clutched to his top.

Their bond was already unbreakable.

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