Chapter 31

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The end of the year was approaching and Meredith wasn't ready to say goodbye to this year. It had been one of the hardest but best years of her life, giving birth to her daughter and meeting and falling in love with Derek had been her biggest blessings.

She watched as Derek walked into the bedroom, a deep frown on his face, ripping his tie off but pulling his shirt out of his trousers roughly.

"Alright." Meredith said as she closed her book, shifting up and sitting up against the headboard more. "What's wrong with you?"

"I have to work New Years. Apparently, cause I had Christmas off it means I've got to work a 48 hour shift over New Year." He said pulling his shirt off and shedding his trousers, leaving him in just his boxers.

"And? Derek, it's New Year, it's nothing big. Plus, I would prefer to have you at home for Christmas." Meredith shrugged, before lying down on her side, her head resting on her hand.

"Guess so, it would have been my first New Year sober I guess, usually I get black out drunk and wake up with..." he watched as Meredith frowned. "Nothing, it don't matter."

Derek moved and climbed into bed, Meredith moving to his side and kissing his neck.

"Want cheering up?" Meredith asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"No." He smirked at how shocked expression before rolling on top of her and attacking her neck with kisses. Meredith giggled before it turned into moans as Derek hands starting to work wonders on her body.

"You're wearing too many clothes." Derek growled in her ear as he grabbed the bottom of her top and pulling it straight up and off.

He leaned in and took a nipple into his mouth, whilst his hand massaged the other one. Her back arched as she moaned loudly. As his hand dipped into her shorts, he began to massage her and slipped a finger inside of her, speeding up as he felt begin to tighten around his fingers.

"Derek, please." She moaned as her hand grasped at the sheets, her other gripping at the top of his arm.

His fingers sped up as she reached her climax and moaned out loudly as her body finally came down from her high and she relaxed. Derek pulled her shorts down and reached over the draw and pulled out a condom, slipping it on and moving back over Meredith's body.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers as he slipped into her. She gasped and then bit down on his lip, causing him to groan and speed up his thrusts. His hands moved down and gripped her hips, allowing him to thrust harder and faster.

He smirked, slowing down his thrusts, teasing her and watched as she shivered in frustration. He grabbed her leg and put it over her shoulder, speeding up his thrusts again. He felt her begin to tighten around him and he knew he wouldn't be far behind her.

Eventually, they both reached their climax at the same time, their moans mixing in the late night air. Derek thrusted once more before collapsing on top of Meredith. She ran her hands up and down his back, before her fingers started running through his hair.

"Feeling better now?" Meredith asked, laughing as Derek just nodded his head, hugging her tighter.

It was at this moment that Morgan decided to scream and interrupt their moment.

"I'll go." Derek said as he finally pulled his body off of Meredith and wrapped his robe around himself and leaving the room.

Meredith smiled and stretched her body, pulling the blanket up to keep herself covered and warm.

"She's just like her dad." Derek said walking back in with a whimpering Morgan. "Wants her moms boobs." He laughed, avoiding her slap as he placed Morgan in her arms.

"You're unbelievable." She said shaking her head, as she settled Morgan against her body and allowing her to latch on. "She feels warm." Meredith said, frowning at Derek.

"Does she?" Derek asked as he pressed his hand to her head, her small hand swatting at his hand as she whimpered. "We will keep her in here tonight, keep a close eye on her, probably just a 24 hour bug. She'll be alright." Derek said he stripped out of his robe and slipped on his boxers.

It took hours in the end for Morgan to finish her feed and eventually settle, clinging onto Meredith tightly. She eventually feel asleep on Meredith's chest.

"Are you going to be alright with her?" Derek asked quietly, as he yawned, settling down next to her.

"Yeah, you sleep. You've got work tomorrow." Meredith said, running her fingers through his hair as his eyes drifted shut.

Meredith laughed as Derek quickly fell asleep, clearly past exhaustion. She knew she was in for a long night tonight but honestly it was worth it. No matter, she would drop anything and everything for her daughter.

These chapters I've just posted are ones that are in my drafts, after today the uploads will be random and when I feel up to it im afraid.

Sorry, hopefully will be back to the regular uploads soon! Much love<3

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