Chapter 18

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Derek was at a complete loss.

He had done his best to avoid Meredith, meaning he hadn't seen Morgan either. Refusing to go round Meredith's apartment for the fear that Finn was going to be there again. He didn't want to be second best.

Walking through the hospital, with his attention solely on the chart in his hands, he listened as everyone whispered and chattered about him. About how miserable he had become once again.

"Derek." He stopped in his tracks when he heard her voice. Slowly he turned and came face to face with her for the first time in days. "Can we talk."

He stayed frozen in his spot, watching as Meredith pushed the pram back and forth, clearly trying to settle Morgan down. Oh how he longed to hold and hang on to the two of them and never let them again.

"Derek." Meredith spoke up again as Derek didn't move or speak.

"Oh sorry, yeah. Let's go to my office." He said pointing in the right direction, letting Meredith walk on ahead.

When they arrived, he pushed open the door and let her walk ahead before shutting the door behind him, giving them some privacy.

"I've missed you." Meredith whispered, waiting for him to say it back or at least acknowledge her.

"How's Morgan been?" He asked, walking over to the pram and smiling down at her as she yawned widely. Finally, he turned to face her. "Why was Finn there Meredith? I mean after everything."

"He turned up and asked to see her, I just, I panicked. I want Morgan to know I tried, that I did everything in my power to give Finn the chance. I don't want her to blame me for her not having a relationship with him." Meredith replied, tears beginning to stream down her face.

Derek stayed silent and allowed her to carry on.

"My father was never around when I was younger, my mother didn't allow it but he also didn't try. I don't want her to resent me. If he walks away then that's his choice. But Derek she needs you. She needs her father, she's missed you. I've missed you." Meredith went silent and waited for Derek to speak up.

"I was always scared this would happen." He took a seat and tapped next to him. Waiting for Meredith to sit next to him before carrying on.

"There has always been the fear that he would come along and you would decide that you want to have your proper family together. That I would be cast aside. But I can't stand back and watch you get hurt again Meredith, after everything he put you through, it angers me that I wasn't there to protect you. But I'm here now. To protect the both of you. This past few days have been the absolute hardest not being around you. And Morgan." He turned and reached out, running his thumb across her cheek.

"I am so in love with you Meredith Grey." He leaned down and quickly pressed his lips against hers. "If you truly want to give Finn a chance at being a dad, then I will be there every step of the way. Picking up the pieces if I have to, but I won't stand back and watch him hurt you or break Morgan's heart. I just can't."

Meredith curled into his arms, embracing the silence and finally being back in Derek's arms. Morgan started to fuss and Meredith quickly stood up and moved towards her, scooping her up in her arms before taking her seat next to Derek once again.

"She looks so much bigger already." Derek said as he watched Morgan's eyes open, curious about the world. They were starting to develop into a beautiful green, exactly like Meredith's.

"She's missed you." Meredith said as she watched Morgan tightly grasp Derek's large finger tightly in her hands, causing Derek to smile.

"I've missed her too. And you. My girls." Derek pulled Meredith into his arms tighter, never ever letting them go.

They were interrupted by a light knocking on the door and nurse Olivia walked in.

"Sorry Dr Shepherd. There's been a 4 car pile up and there's a lot of patients coming in with head traumas, you're needed down in the pit." She said quietly, not to disturb Morgan.

"Thank you Olivia, I'll be down now." He replied, smiling at her and she disappeared out of view again.

"You should go home, I'll come over as soon as I've finished up here." Derek said as he helped Meredith get her things ready to go.

"So you're definitely coming over tonight?" Meredith asked as they walked out of his office together.

"Yes Meredith." He kissed her quick before slipping on his lap coat.

"Good, so I'll finally sleep tonight. Well as good as you can with a new born." She said laughing. "Right, go and save some lives, I'll see you later." She kissed him quick, before walking off.

Derek smiled and walked off with a spring in his step, slowly getting back to his happy self.

Walking into the pit, he got back to his true professional persona and got on with the job. Desperate to get home to his girls.

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