Chapter 32

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Meredith was beyond exhausted.

Normally, on New Year's Eve she would be getting all dolled up and ready to hit the bar. But this year, she was spending in her pyjamas covered in spit up, her dirty hair piled on her head and bags under her eyes from lack of sleep.

Over the days Morgan had got worse and Meredith had gone into full on panic mode, not knowing what was wrong or how she could help. But luckily for, they had Derek.

Derek, had stayed calm and given Morgan a quick exam and they were able to move forward, knowing that Morgan only had an ear infection.

Finally, for the first time in days, Meredith had got Morgan to sleep in her own bed. Placing her down she slowly stepped back from the cot and slowly crept out of the room, shutting the door quietly and cheering to herself as she stood outside the room.

Her phone then began to ring loudly and she stopped and ran for it.

"Derek seriously!" Meredith exclaimed down the phone, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

"What?" Derek asked, completely clueless.

"I finally got Morgan to sleep, in her OWN bed. It's been days Derek. She's finally feeling better and I don't really want her to be woke up." Meredith said as she yawned, collapsing down on to her bed.

"Shit Mer, I'm sorry. I had a few minutes where it's not chaotic, I won't have the chance to ring you later so I just want to say Happy New Year now." Derek said down the phone, the realisation hitting him of what he did.

"No, it's fine. I didn't mean to snap, I'm just exhausted." She said lay her head down on Derek's pillow.

"You need to get some sleep. Anyways, mom phoned and wanted to know if you and Morgan wanted to go and spend the night and see the new year in with them. I mean, she said it's up to you cause she knows you've been up with Morgan and she hasn't been well. So, just give her a call." Derek stopped when he realised Meredith hadn't spoke in a while.

"Mer? Meredith?" Derek said over and over, finally hearing her snore and laughing to himself before handing up the phone.

He pulled the phone away from his ear, tucking it into his pocket, a smile still on his face.

"Evening Shep." Richard said as he walked into the nurses station, slipping his file back in the correct space.

"Richard." Derek replied running his fingers through and leaning back in his chair.

"Do you have a second to have a chat?" Richard asked with a serious expression on his face.

"Yeah, your office of mine?" Derek asked as he stood up and filled his pockets with all of his stuff.

"Let's go to mine." Richard replied with a serious expression on his face before walking away.

Derek followed closely behind, frowning at the change in Richards mood. They were quick to arrive at Richards office and they walked in, Richard immediately going to sit behind his desk.

"Take a seat." Richard said pointing to the chair opposite him.

"No thanks. I'll stand. What's going on Richard?" Derek said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Derek." Richard sighed before carrying on. "I brought you out to take over for him when I finally retired. You was the perfect person to be the next chief, you was motivated, well driven and cared about your work. But now. You've changed. You come in and do what you're meant to, you never go above and beyond on anymore."

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