Chapter 22

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"Do you want to go on a date?" Derek asked as he walked into the nursery.

"What?" Meredith asked, as she smiled up at him, in the middle of changing Morgan's diaper.

"You know. Me and you, a large pile of carbs in a basket, steak and a nice bottle of wine. Some us time to be Meredith and Derek and not mom and dad for once." He said as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around Meredith's waist.

"Yeah, but question who's going to have Morgan." She said as she tickled her stomach, watching as she smiled widely. "Oh my god Derek, did you see that? She just smiled!" She cheered happily.

"She did, do it again." Derek said as he moved to stand next to Meredith and began pulling funny faces down at her.

Morgan once again kept smiling up at her parents, clearing enjoying all the attention and how silly they were being.

"Oh wow, she's so amazing." Meredith said as she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into his side.

"She is." He quickly kissed the top of her head. "I can't believe how quickly she is growing. Just seems like yesterday she was born."

"I know, so back to date night." Meredith said, curious about his plans.

"Oh right, I've got a table booked for tonight me and you. My mom and dad have agreed to have Morgan for us. Then we will come back here and you know, who knows." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"You've been a very patient man Derek, I appreciate it. So who knows tonight could be the night." She kissed him quick and turned to take Morgan back into her arms.

Meredith walked into the living room and placed Morgan down onto her play mate before moving to the bathroom.

"Keep an eye on Morgan, I'm going to get ready for our date." Meredith shouted out as she shut the bathroom door behind her.

Derek laughed and rolled his eyes before moving to lie down next to Morgan.

"What do you think? Are you alright with me taking your mommy out on a date?" He asked, watching as Morgan rolled her head to face him, her green eyes wide and open. She gurgled at him before smiling at him again.

"Good I'm glad we agree." He continued to lie there, chatting away as best as he could with Morgan. Leaving Meredith to get ready for the night.

"Hey." Meredith said as she stepped in the room.

"Hey." Derek quickly glanced at before looking back to Morgan before doing a double take. "Holy shit."

"Derek, language!" Meredith exclaimed as she walked further into the room.

"Sorry, it's just wow." He stood up and walked over to Meredith.

There she stood in front of him, wearing a little black dressed that hugged her curves in all the right places, a pair of black heels, whilst her make up was light and her hair was curled and feel over her shoulders.

"Is it too much?" Meredith said as she crossed her arms over her body.

"No, you look perfect." He said sliding his hands over her hips and eventually onto her ass, pulling her into him closer.

"Why thank you Dr Shepherd." She said flirtatiously, as he arms wrapped around his neck.

Before their lips could touch there was a loud banging coming from the front door, interrupting them.

"Is that your mom and dad?" Meredith frowned as Derek moved to the door.

"No, we are dropping her on the way there. I don't know who it is." Derek said as he pulled the door open, coming face to face with Finn and who he presumed to be his girlfriend.

"I'm here for Morgan." Finn said as he moved into the apartment.

"What?" Meredith said as she walked round, standing next to Derek.

"Well I heard from a friend of a friend that you was going out tonight and leaving her with a couple of strangers. So I am taking her with me." He said as he moved towards, quickly stopped by Derek.

"Like hell you are. Who even is this?" Derek said as he pointed to the mysterious brunette who was stood by the door still.

"Oh, I'm Melissa. Finns girlfriend." She said quietly, but loud enough for them to hear.

Meredith smiled quickly at her before turning back to Derek and Finn.

"They're not strangers Finn, they are Derek's mom and dad. They are more of a family to Morgan then you've ever been. She doesn't know you, so you aren't taking her anywhere." Meredith said as she moved to pick Morgan up and taking her out of the room.

Finn went to follow but Derek put his hand on his shoulder and pushed him back.

"Don't even try it." Derek said, standing in front of him.

"Who are you to stop me from seeing my daughter?" Finn said, starting to shout.

"Your daughter? You mean the daughter that you haven't bothered to come and see for weeks now? Or the daughter that you didn't want? What you going to do hit me? Or do you only hit women?" Derek asked, standing over Finn.

"Motherfucker!" Finn screamed out and swung a punch at Derek, but Derek was quick to move and ducked out of the way.

Finn however wasn't as lucky. As Derek swung his arm up and his fist connected with Finn's cheek, knocking him to the floor.

"You should leave." Derek said, shaking his hand slightly.

"Yeah, come on Finn." Melissa said as she bent down and pulled Finn up onto his feet and towards the door. "I'm sorry." She said before turning and leaving the apartment.

Derek stood there shaking his hand before finally turning and heading to the nursery, where he found Meredith nursing Morgan.

"What happened?" Meredith asked as he walked into the room.

"Nothing for you to worry about. He's gone. He shouldn't be coming round again, not without me here anyways. How are you two?" He asked as he crouched down, hiding his hand from Meredith.

"I'm fine." She said as convincingly as she could. "She won't settle, she knows something is going on. I think we should stay in tonight, I know how much you wanted to go out but I don't really want to leave her right now." Meredith said, her eyes meeting his reluctantly.

"Of course, you get her settled, I'll ring my parents and tell them. Then we will climb into bed and have a movie night. The restaurants aren't going anywhere, we will go out another time." He kissed quick before disappearing out of the room.

Meredith smiled at his retreating figure before turning to look at Morgan.

"I'm sorry baby girl." Meredith said as she ran her finger over a now sleeping Morgan's cheek. "For everything, I wish everyday that Derek was your biological father, cause life would be so easy. But he won't let us get hurt. Never again. Goodnight little bug." She leaned down and kissed her quick before placing her down in her cot. 

Moving back to their bedroom, she quickly shed her clothes and slipped on one of Derek's tops before climbing into bed. She removed her make up, before the tears began to fall and sobs racked her body.

Hearing her sobs, Derek ran into the bedroom and was immediately at her side.

"Hey, hey. It's alright I've got you." He pulled her head down onto his chest and held onto her tight. "I've got you, it's ok."

Derek knew she wasn't fine but he didn't want to push her, but he knew it would be long until she finally hit her breaking point. She would talk. Eventually. But for now, Derek was just going to hold her in his arms and let her get it all out. Cause he would be there for when she wanted to talk but right now this is what she needed. To just be held.

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