Chapter 43

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Meredith stood in the mirror, her top rolled up under her boobs as she turned to the side. There it was, a slight bump. She was starting to show a lot sooner then she did with Morgan.

"Look at little man starting to show himself already." Derek said from the door way as Morgan held onto his leg, standing on her two wobbly legs.

"Mama me up!" The 11 month old screamed, holding her arms up.

"Come here." Meredith pulled her top down and moved to Morgan and scooped her up. "Also, stop, we don't know it's a boy alright." She said playfully pushing his shoulder.

"Alright." Derek said, smirking at her.

"Don't forget, scan later today. So just be there. I'll be leaving Morgan with your mom and dad, she will just get under our feet at the appointment so." Meredith said watching as Derek buttoned up a fresh shirt, getting ready to go to work.

"Yeah, today." He said as he ran his comb through his hair, getting it just right.

"I'll text you, to remind you again." She said rolling her eyes and moving out of their room.

Moving downstairs, Meredith walked into the kitchen and placed Morgan down her high chair, placing some Cheerios in the tray.

"O's mama! Hmm." Morgan cheered as she placed the Cheerios in her mouth, humming to herself.

Meredith smiled and moved to brew Derek a fresh cup of coffee, placing in his flask ready for him. Then she moved and began cooking herself some french toast.

"Yeah, I'm coming in now Richard, literally about to leave." Derek walked in on his phone, grabbing his coffee and waving a quick goodbye to Meredith, promptly leaving the house.

"Dada?" Morgan almost asked questioning looking at where Derek had previously disappeared from.

"Bye then." Meredith said as she frowned to herself, quickly shaking herself out of it and getting back to her french toast.

Their day was filled with non stop playing as Morgan slowly got her footing, taking a few steps before falling down on to her bottom, laughing as she clapped her hands.

Then before she knew it, Meredith was sat on a hospital bed wearing a gown waiting for the doctor to come in. Once again she was alone. Derek was just running late, he had to be. Pulling her phone from her bag, she dialled his number, she waited and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Mer." Derek finally picked up on the last ring.

"Hey, where are you?" Meredith asked, frowning at how casual he was.

"Just got out of a board meeting." He said as she heard him greeting a fellow surgeon.

"Derek, the appointment, you're late. I mean if you don't want to miss the first scan I would get here." She said abruptly before hanging up the phone. She threw it back her bag just as the doctor walked in.

"Meredith Grey?" She asked smiling.

"That's me."

"I'm Dr Carina Deluca, I'll be your doctor for today." She said as she reached out and shook Meredith's hand.

"First, we will get all the boring stuff out of the way and then we will get on with sonogram so we can see that little baby of yours. Is there anyone joining you today?" She asked as she got everything ready.

"Oh maybe. Derek should, well might be here shortly." Meredith said as she looked down at her hands that were resting in her lap.

"Alright then, let's get started." Carina smiled at Meredith softly, trying her best to comfort her.

Meredith lay there as Dr Deluca continued to do her work. She couldn't believe that was going through this alone, again. It took all her strength to stop the tears from streaming down her face.

"Right Meredith, I'm just going to grab the sonogram machine and then I'll be back in shortly." She said squeezing her shoulder as she stood and disposed of her gloves.

Shortly after, the door flew open and Derek stood there out of breath, panting.

"I'" he tried his best to get his breath back.

"No, they've just gone to grab the sonogram machine." Meredith said before turning away from him.

"Mer, I'm so sorry." He said as he moved and stood next to her.

"It's fine." She shrugged.

"No it's not. I was an ass. I should have been here. Fuck, I can't believe I forgot, Meredith it won't happen again, I promise." He reached out and grabbed her hand.

She wanted to stay mad at him, she really did but when she turned and looked at him, she saw how vulnerable her looked and sorry he was. She stretched out and playfully punched his arm, watching as he gasped.

"Don't do it again, I told you Derek, I don't want to go through this alone again so don't make me." She said leaning her head on his chest.

"I won't, I promise Meredith." He said kissing the top of her head.

"Hey, oh sorry." A young doctor said as she walked into the room. "Dr Deluca was called away for an emergency so sent me to come and do your sonogram. I'm Dr Wilson." She said as she moved the machine in.

Derek and Meredith pulled apart. Meredith turned and lay down on the bed.

"Right here we go." Dr Wilson smiled as she squirted the gel on Meredith slightly rounded stomach.

Meredith winced slightly at the coldness of the gel, her hand reaching out to take Derek's. They waited and waited until Dr Wilson frowned, keeping the screen turned away from them.

"What's going on?" Derek asked, his tone thick with authority.

Meredith's eyes went wide with panic as she looked between the doctor and Derek.

"Derek." She whispered, only loud enough for him to hear.

"It's alright, it's going to be alright." He said leaning down to comfort her, kissing her quick.

"I'll be right back." Dr Wilson said before getting up to leave the room.

Meredith lay there and closed her eyes, this couldn't be happening.

"I'll be right back." Derek said as he kissed again before walking out, desperate to find Dr Wilson.

He rounded a corner and found her speaking to a blonde doctor.

"I was doing the sonogram but Im struggling to find a heartbeat, I just..."

"You what?" Derek exclaimed watching as the doctors turned to face him.

This really couldn't be happening.

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