Chapter 11

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Meredith was now weeks away from her due date, which she couldn't wait for. She was over being pregnant now.

The swollen ankles. Not being able to see anything past her belly. The constant feeling that she needed a wee. Heartburn. All of it, she was over it.

She stood in front of the window, one of Derek's top rolled up over her stomach as she ran her hands over it. Turning to the side and seeing how much her body had truly changed. Looking up she met Derek's eyes in the mirror, seeing her leaning on the door frame.

"How you feeling?" Derek asked, moving to stand behind her.

"Exhausted. I just can't sleep, not even the pregnancy pillow is working now. Plus, I don't think it's possible for my belly to get any bigger." She sighed as let her head drop back onto his shoulder.

"Not long now." Derek replied, turning to kiss her cheek.

"I know." She turned to face him, smoothing down his tie. "You heading off to work?" She asked, taking in his appearance.

"Yeah, we have a meeting and then I've got a couple of surgeries to perform so I won't be home until tomorrow morning." Derek said, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Oh alright, guess I'll see you tomorrow." Meredith said smiling up at him.

"You will." He smiled back at her before leaning down to kiss her quick.

Meredith and Derek said their goodbyes before he headed out of her apartment. The drive to the hospital was quick, with the roads being unusually quiet. Heading into the hospital, phone in his hand, he came across Richard. 

"Shep, you're here." Richard said as he fell into step with Derek.

"Yeah, ready for the budget meeting." He sarcastically replied as he slipped his phone into his pocket. "How long will this meeting be..."

"Dr Shepherd!" A young intern, Heather, shouted interrupting their conversation. "Multiple car pile up, lots of head injuries. You're desperately needed in the pit." She said, painting from the run.

"Go Shep, I'll tell the board why you aren't here. Also, I'll cancel you're scheduled surgeries, go." Richard instructed, watching as the two of them took off into a run towards the pit.

It was hours later that Derek finally collapsed into a chair, back to back surgeries had exhausted him. He didn't even know what time it was or when he last ate. His scrub cap stayed positioned on his head, too tired to even take that off. Deciding it wasn't safe to drive home, he would crash in his office, so he pushed himself up and slowly dragged his tired body through the hospital.

"Derek!" He heard behind him, sighing. He just wanted to rest. Turning round he came face to face with Arizona.

"Arizona, look I've just performed multiple back to back surgeries, whatever it is, can it wait?" He asked.

"No." She said straight up, a serious expression on her face. "It's Meredith."

The exhaustion left his body as he follow closely behind Arizona as they ran through the hospital, finally stopping outside the room. Walking in, he found Meredith hooked up to a monitor, a blank expression on her face.

"Meredith?" He questioned, his voice almost a whisper.

Her tired and teared filled eyes finally looked up to meet his.

"Derek." Her voice wobbled, causing the tears to slowly fall down her face. This caused Derek to move across the room, taking her into his arms.

"What happened?" He asked, pulling back and cupping her face in his hands.

"She wasn't moving. I hadn't felt her kick in nearly a day, I just didn't know what else to do. I tried to phone you but you didn't answer and I panicked and now I'm here." Meredith said, her face stained with tears as fresh ones continued to fall down her cheeks.

"You did the right thing, ok. We are going to find out what's going on with our little girl." He quickly pressed his lips to hers, resting their foreheads together. "I'm going to get Arizona, I'll be right back."

Meredith nodded her head, as her head and hands immediately dropped back to her bump as Derek left the room. It felt like hours before Derek and Arizona finally entered back into the room. It was flurry of movements as a sonogram was pulled up and the cold gel was squirted onto her belly.

"Alright, let's see what's going on with your little one." Arizona said, trying to keep her usual perky tone.

Derek reached out and clasped Meredith's hand in his, squeezing it tight as her head finally lifted and turned towards the screen. Nobody spoke and they didn't dare to even breathe too loud.

He needed both Meredith and Morgan to be alright. Quickly, he had got attached to them and the thought of losing either of them, scared the shit out of him. Never had he felt about anyone this way. He was certain in this moment that he was in love with Meredith Grey.

Meredith felt sick to her stomach but she was keeping it together and that was down to Derek. He kept her grounded. She knew Arizona was talking but she couldn't process what she was saying. Morgan had to be ok. She just had to be.

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