Chapter 52

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Derek slowly crept through the hospital, pushing Meredith in her wheelchair, checking round every corner before continuing on.

"Derek, did you clear this with Bailey?" Meredith asked as she slowly turned to face him, watching as he had a guilty expression on his face. She reached up and slapped him on the stomach.

"Ouch." He said rubbing his stomach before slipping into the elevator. "Look, she said to wait until tomorrow but our little boy is missing his mommy and I know you're desperate to see him, so I'm breaking you out." He said, shrugging his shoulders as he moved to stand in front of her.

"Thank you." She smiled at him before kissing him quick. "You do know you are going to be in trouble with Bailey when she finds out." Meredith laughed.

"Oh I know." He said laughing with her before kissing her again and moving back to push the wheelchair as the elevator doors slowly opened.

"Ma and dad are going to bring Morgan in later, apparently she's been having the time of her life with Amelia and all the other sisters have been spoiling her rotten." Derek said as he moved towards the NICU.

"Good, I can't wait to see her, I really miss her. I've never been away from her for so long." Meredith said as she placed her hand on top of Derek's.

"Not long now and we will be home. All of us. A family of four." He said as he moved to help to her feet and slip a gown onto her before lowering her back in to the chair.


"Ready as I'll ever be." Meredith said as she took a deep breath in as they headed into the NICU. She never pictured this is how she would be meeting their son for the first time but she was just glad that he was still here. She never would have forgiven herself if they had lost him.

"Here he is. Hey look mommy is here." Derek said as he stopped her wheelchair and helped her up.

"Ah Derek, he is gorgeous." Meredith said as her eyes filled with tears as she looked down lovingly at their son. "Derek, I have birth to your double." Meredith said turning to him as she laughed.

"I know, perfect." Derek said watching as Meredith rolled her eyes before leaning into him.

She stayed in his arms as Meredith ran her hands over his tiny little fingers.

"You can hold him." Arizona said as she walked into the room.

"We can?" Meredith asked excitedly.

"Of course, take a seat and I will get him out for you." Arizona said as she walked over and grabbed the little boy, comforting him as he began to whimper. "Here we go, here's your mommy." Arizona said as she moved over to Meredith and placed him down in her arms.

"Hey little man, hey." Meredith said as she cuddled him into her body. Overwhelmed with love for him. "He's so small." Meredith said as he he fit perfectly in her one arm.

"He is going to grow into a big strong boy though, so we can go fishing." Derek said as he ran his hand over his hair.

"What about Liam Christopher or Grayson Christopher Shepherd." Meredith said as she turned to Derek.

"You want to name him after my dad?"

"Yeah, do you think he will mind?" Meredith asked.

"He will be ecstatic, be prepared for him to cry though." Derek said as he kissed the top of his head.

"Sorry to interrupt but I just want to let you know that this little guy is officially being discharged. I mean, we can get him a cot for your room Meredith until you're discharged yourself." Arizona said as she handed the paper work to Derek.

"Here that, you're coming home." Meredith cooed to their son as Derek signed away.

"Perfect, I'll get that cot to your room. You can take him with you when you go back. He had a bottle not too long ago but you should try to breast feed him next if you're planning on doing so." Arizona said as she finished up before leaving the room.

Derek took his time pushing Meredith and their son back to Meredith's room. When they arrived Derek took their little boy into his arms as Meredith settled in her bed. Leaning over he whispered in her ear and watched as she turned to smile at him.

"So that's his name then." Meredith turned and made space for Derek to sit next to her.

"It is indeed." Derek said as he held his sleeping son out in front of them.

"I can't wait to tell everyone and see their reaction." Meredith said as she rested her head on his shoulder.

That's exactly how they stayed, looking lovingly at their son. It had been a hard journey to get to this spot but now their family was complete.

So first of all, thank you for the suggestions I really do appreciate it. I finally have a choice but all will be revealed in the next chapter hehe...

Might up later or possibly even tomorrow now...

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