Chapter 26

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It's all Derek could see. Or what he couldn't see. His eyes felt heavy and no matter how hard he tried, they wouldn't open. His whole body ached as he tried to move but was unsuccessful.

Meredith was here. He could tell. So was Morgan.

"Morgan, kiss daddy goodbye, we will come and see him again tomorrow." Derek heard Meredith say before he felt Morgan's face next to his. Then he felt Meredith's lips press to his, it was soft. Quick, like a habit.

He felt her slim fingers, intertwine with his, as she squeezed it goodbye. Derek quickly squeezed it back.

"He just squeezed my hand. Carolyn he just squeezed my hand. Derek, come on. Open your eyes, Morgan is missing her daddy. She's right here. Come on, let me see your eyes. Please, I miss you so much." Derek heard her beg him as her hand continued to squeeze his hand.

Derek tried his hardest to open his eyes and eventually they slowly opened, meeting Meredith's green ones.

"Hey you." Meredith said as she brushed his hair out of his face, her green eyes shining with happy tears.

"Hey." Derek replied, his voice rough and scratchy, causing him to cough. "Water."

"Here son." Christopher was at his side quick, holding out a glass of water and a straw for him.

Derek took a large gulp of water, gasping at the refreshing feeling going down his throat.

"Thanks dad." Derek smiled up at him. "Mer, Meredith."

"I'm right here, look and here's Morgan." She said as she held up Morgan so he could see her, watching as she immediately smiled at seeing her daddy awake.

"Hey bug, daddy is sorry for being asleep for so long. He promises that it won't happen again." Derek slowly raised his hand up to her, gasping as Morgan grabbed his finger right. He nearly cried at the sensation, at the realisation that he had came so close to loosing all of this.

"You better not." Meredith said as she sat on the edge of his bed. "God Derek, these past few days have been the worst of my life. I didn't know if I would ever get to hear your voice or feel your touch ever again. So please, never again." She said, resting her hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat.

"Promise." He said, placing his hand on top of Meredith's. "Come here." He gently pulled her down so their lips met.

Derek was reluctant to pull away, wanting to remember this feeling forever but too soon Meredith pulled away.

"Derek, hate to remind you. But your parents are still in the room." Meredith whispered to them as they both giggled slightly.

"Don't worry dear, we are going to go now. I'm so glad you're ok Derek." Carolyn said as she came and kissed the top of his.

"Love you son." Christopher said as he squeezed Dereks shoulder, following closely behind Carolyn, leaving Meredith, Morgan and Derek alone.

Bailey quickly walked in the room after being paged by a nurse, alerting her that Derek was finally awake. She did her routine checks before leaving them to it, smiling as she walked out. Grateful that Derek was here to see another day.

"Pass her to me." Derek said as he held his arms out as he was now sitting up.

"Der, you just had surgery a couple of days ago, I don't think it's a good idea." Meredith said, hesitating to hand Morgan over.

"Meredith, I haven't held our daughter in days, please." He asked again.

Meredith smiled and gently placed Morgan into his arms, watching as she kicked her legs with excitement.

She smiled widely as she gurgled at Derek, making more noise then she had ever done before.

"She's becoming such a little chatter box, we are screwed for when she can actually talk aren't we?" Derek laughed as he looked up to find Meredith crying.

"Oh, woah, what's up?" Derek asked.

"Nothing, I'm just happy. So happy. Just thank you for not dying Derek." She smiled at him before kissing him quick.

Meredith moved so she was sitting next to Derek, as her head rested on her shoulder, as they looked down on Morgan. They laughed as she began chewing slightly on Derek's finger before finally falling asleep, her gripping Derek's finger.

Derek noticed at how quiet Meredith had become and turned to find her fast asleep. He smiled to himself knowing that both of his girls where both safe with him.

Right now in this moment Derek knew, he knew he would marry Meredith.

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