Chapter 51

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Derek sat at Meredith's bed side, refusing to move until she woke up. She had been out of surgery for a few hours and she still wasn't awake. He knew this was normal but his mind wasn't in the right state and he wasn't thinking like a doctor right now.

"Dr Shepherd." Derek looked up as he saw Dr Robbins standing at the door leading into Meredith's room.

"Dr Robbins, come in." Derek said as he kept Meredith hands grasped in his as he stretched his stiff body as best as he could in the small chair.

"Thanks, how is she?" She asked as she moved to stand at the end of the bed and began flipping through her chart.

"Dr Bailey said everything should be fine but we've just got to wait for her to wake up and who knows how long that will be." He said as he moved to kiss the top of her hand.

"Her body has been through a lot, she will wake up soon just give her time." Arizona side softly, smiling at him.

"Anyways, I'm here to talk to you about baby Shepherd." Arizona watched as Derek turned to her with wide eyes.

"He's alright, perfectly healthy. We've took him off the oxygen but he is still a bit jaundice so we are going to keep him to monitor it but all being well, he can go home at the end of the week." She said.

Derek sighed in relief at the news, grateful that their son was healthy and alive.

"You can come and see him if you want." Arizona said watching as Derek's eyes flicked between him and Meredith.

"We will be quick, Meredith won't wake in the time you're gone. Plus, it will do you some good to see your little boy." Arizona said encourage Derek to get out of the room for a little while.

"Alright." Derek stood up, his back screaming in protest from being sat in the chair for too long. He leaned down and kissed Meredith's forehead and squeezed her hand before following Arizona up to the NICU.

He gowned up and followed all the steps before walking up to his sons incubator.

"Hey little man." Derek said as he moved his hand inside, gasping and holding back the tears as his son reached out and squeezed Derek's finger in his small hands.

Whilst he had Meredith's nose and mouth, their son was Derek's double. Right down to the hair and eyes, it was crazy to think that Derek had a son.

"You're so strong. Your mommy can't wait to meet you! We have been so excited to meet you little man." Derek said as looked down lovingly as the baby started to wiggle slightly.

"Do you have a name?" Arizona asked as she stepped in front of him and smiled down at the baby.

"No." Derek said shaking his head. "Me and Meredith got into a bit of heated conversation about names, she suggest Sebastian." Derek laughed as Arizona grimaced slightly.

"I'm sure you'll choose one eventually. Stay as long as you want, if you need me then just page me." She squeezed his arm before turning and leaving him alone.

"Your big sister can't wait to meet you, don't get scared if she squeals, she does that a lot. She just gets over excited. I'm sorry I haven't been around much but I promise that I'm going to be the best daddy for you and Morgan. I love you buddy." Derek said as he ran his hands over the soft tuff of hair sitting on his sons head.

"Shep." Derek looked up and met Baileys eyes as she stood at the door. "Meredith is awake and asking for you."

Derek quickly said goodbye before pulling off his gown and heading out to Meredith's room. He desperately needed to see her awake and well. Running to her room, he slid and came face to face with her, a tired smile on her face.

"Hey you." She said softly as she lifted her hand up and held it out towards him.

"Meredith..." Derek said as his eyes filled with tears, not actually believing that she was finally awake.

"Come here." She summoned him over with her hand waiting for him to take her hand.

His feet finally carried him over to Meredith were he grabbed her hand tight before starting to sob.

"Meredith, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." Derek said as he collapsed into the chair and his head dropped on to the bed.

Meredith watched as the man she loved completely crumbled in front of her, truly showing his vulnerable state for once.

"Derek." Meredith said softly as she ran her finger through his hair, calming him down with just her touch. "How's our little boy?" She asked as Derek finally lifted his head.

Meredith moved her hand and wiped away the few remaining tears that were streaming down his face, smiling gently at him.

"He's so gorgeous Mer, honestly he's perfect." He said, as Derek's eyes lit up as he spoke about his on.

"Good, I want to see him." Meredith said as he eyes dropped.

"You will, tomorrow I will get a wheelchair and I'll take you to see him." Derek said as he reached up and pushed the hair out of her face.

"We still need a name for him though." Meredith said as her eyes met his.

"We can do that right now." Derek said as he climbed in next to her and they started reeling off all their ideas.

In no means had Meredith truly forgiven Derek but her kids needed their father and as much as she hated to admit it, she needed him. She couldn't do this on her own. It would be hard work to get back to how they were but she knew they could do it.

It would all be worth it in the end.

So I literally wrote this in my breaks at work today so it won't be the best but it's an update, will try and get the next one up later!!

Leave some boys names down below as I'm struggling to think of any...

Also, Kate Walsh returning to Greys has made my week, 27 days and counting <3

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