Chapter 35

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Derek was engaged.

He never thought he would see the day then he met Meredith. Sitting there, he looked down at his sleeping finance. Her blonde hair fell over her face as her arms were wrapped around her pillow, the ring sparkling in the sunrise that was shining through the slit in the curtains.

This all felt like a dream.

Looking over he saw the time and knew he had to drag himself from bed. Leaning over he kissed Meredith's cheek, watching as she rubbed her eyes and rolled over smiling up at him.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asked as she looked up at him tiredly.

"I've got to go to work for a few hours, should be home before lunch time. We will go to my moms for lunch, she's dying to see us." He said smiling down and kissing her quick. "Go back to sleep." He said brushing her hair back before climbing out the bed and heading to the bathroom.

Walking out the bathroom, freshly showered and changed, he found Meredith curled up against his pillow, fast asleep. He knew he shouldn't have lied about where he was going but he had to do this, for them and for their future.

Driving along in his car, his fingers tapped on the driving wheel, nervous for what was to come. Parking his car, he climbed out and headed inside.

"Derek Shepherd." He said, showing his ID to the reception as she began to tap away at her computer.

"Right, so you're going to head straight down there, where you will have to empty all your pockets and remove any jewellery, including watches. You'll then be patted down and then once all that is done you will be given a visitation badge and then finally you will be allowed through for your visit." She smiled up at him.

"Thank you very much." Derek replied politely before heading off to get checked through.

It wasn't the first time he had to go through a process like this, but it still make it any better. He cleared all the checks and was just placing on his badge as he walked over and sat down in his chair. His leg bouncing, unable to sit still.

That's when he seen him. Finn.

Finn saw Derek, frowning to himself before heading over and sitting opposite Derek.

"Derek, I never expected you to ever be here. Can I ask why you're here?" Finn asked, staring at Derek.

"Look Finn, I'm not here to fuck about. You need to leave Meredith alone, I don't know how you got that birthday card to her but you need to stop." Derek said watching as Finn looked at him, confused.

"What are you talking about? What birthday card?" He asked.

"For Meredith's birthday, you wrote her a card. It was posted underneath our door. Don't act stupid Finn." Derek said, with a stern tone in his voice.

"Derek, I didn't write a card to Meredith." Finn said.

Derek looked for any sign that Finn was lying but he found none. He was telling the truth.

"Right. Whoever you've got on the outside tormenting Meredith it needs to stop, I'm not going to stand back and watch the women I love be scared by you or another of your little friends. So whoever it is, get in contact with them and tell them to back off. Otherwise I will. I'm not messing around Finn, I mean it." Derek said, a serious expression on his face.

"Alright. I will." Finn said, his eyes dropping to the floor, guilt written all over his face.

"Good." Derek stood up, completely done with this visit and with Finn. "Don't you ever come near my girls ever again do you understand me cause I won't hesitate." Derek said, getting in the last word.

"Is that a threat?" Finn asked standing to his feet and getting in Derek's face, quickly being held back by multiple officers.

"No it's a promise." He said before turning and walking out. "Goodbye Finn, how prison treats you well." Derek said before leaving the room.

Derek was driving home feeling free. The weight of the world was finally off his shoulders. They could finally live their life. He couldn't tell Meredith where he had been but he should tell her. They didn't keep any secrets.

"Hey Mer." Derek shouted as he walked into their apartment. He found Morgan in the living room, kicking away on her play-mat.

"Hey princess, where's mommy?" He asked as he lay down next to her, watching as she turned her head, her green eyes sparkling as she smiled at him.

"I'm here." Hearing her voice, Derek turned and found her standing at the doorway, hands on her hips. "Where have you been?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Work, told you that when I left." He said, quickly diverting his eyes from Meredith and back to Morgan. Where he picked up one of her toys and dangled in front of her face watching as she started kicking her legs excitedly.

"Hmm, funny that." Meredith said as she walked in and stood next to Derek. "Richard phoned, said that he didn't to talk to you and wants to set up a meeting for some time in the week and then apologised for bothering you on your day off. So where have you been Derek?" She said kicking his leg gently, forcing him to look at her.

"Fine." He eventually pushed himself up and got up onto his feet. "I've been to the prison."

"The prison? Why would you..." Meredith's face dropped as she realised why.

"Hear me out." Derek pleaded at her, thankfully that she stayed quiet and allowed him to carry on. "I had to find out, Finn really is in prison Meredith. He has had someone on the outside posting that card on your birthday, but he won't be bothering us again I promise." Derek said as he placed his hands on Meredith's shoulders.

"You don't know that." Meredith replied quietly.

"Meredith, I promise you." He said, looking into her eyes, watching as her usual sparkle returned.

"It's over." She replied happily.

"It's over, finally." He repeated back to her as he leaned in to kiss only to be shoved back.

"Don't you ever lie to me again." Meredith said as she pointed at Derek who had a shocked expression on his face. "I thought you was out cheating on me." She admitted before going and lying down next to Morgan.

"Cheating? When would I have time to go out and cheat on you? I mean your a handful enough as it is." He laughed as he avoided the pillow that was thrown in his direction.

Shaking his head and laughing, he moved and lay on the other side of Morgan.

"I love you Meredith." He said, watching as her eyes met his.

"I love you too Derek, so much." Meredith replied as she leaned over and kissed his lips quick.

Morgan squealed and rolled over towards Meredith, now resting on her stomach.

"She just rolled over!" Meredith exclaimed happily. "Did you see that?" She asked Derek.

"I did, she's amazing. I hate how quick she is growing though." Derek admitted as he ran his hand lovingly over Morgan's back.

This is what it is all about. Having moments like this with your family. They become your core memories. Both Derek and Meredith would never forget this day, that's for sure.

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