Chapter 23

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The weeks got away from them and Meredith was slowly getting back to her usual and perky self. Finn hadn't come around again meaning that Meredith was truly able to move on.

But today it was all about Derek. It was his birthday.

He had never really been a big fan of birthdays, as he usually spent them in the bar alone, getting drunk and stumbling back to his apartment. But this year, he was lay in bed, in his new apartment and his beautiful girlfriend wrapped in his arms as their daughter slept down the hall in her bed.

"Der, wake up." He could hear Meredith whisper in his ear as she nibbled on his ear lobe. She then moved his neck, kissing down and back up before moving to his lips.

"Oh trust me I'm awake." He grabbed and pulled her on top of his body causing him to squeal slightly. "Morning." He pressed his lips to hers passionately before flipping them over so she was underneath him.

"Happy birthday." Meredith said as they finally pulled apart, slightly out of breath.

"Thank you." He smiled at her, both their eyes filled with passion. Licking his lips he leaned back down and pressed his lips back to hers, slipping his tongue into her mouth.

They began to moan into one another's mouths as they slowly removed the little amount of clothing they were wearing, eventually leaving them naked. Nothing between them. Just skin on skin.

"Are you sure?" Derek asked, looking for an doubt in her eyes.

"Yes." She whispered out, leaning up to kiss him quick.

Derek reached over to his bedside draw and pulled on a condom, slid it on before taking his position back over Meredith. He reached his hand down but was quickly stopped by Meredith.

"No foreplay. We have plenty of time for that but I just want you now." Meredith said, her eyes now a dark green with desire.

"Good." Derek pushed lips on to hers, their lips battling passionately.

Derek then slowly slid into Meredith, causing her to gasp before biting down on her lower lip to stop herself from moaning out too loud. Derek leaned down and kissed Meredith's neck before starting up his movements, his thrusts starting to speed up.

Their fingers intertwined as the both felt themselves and other another get close to finishing. Derek's thrusts speeded up even more, as he pressed his lips to hers as they moaned into one another's mouth.

"Derek..." Meredith managed to slip out as she felt herself beginning to tighten around Derek.

Derek knew it wouldn't be long until she reached her peak, so he grabbed her hips and started thrusting into her even harder and faster. Meredith soon moaned out loud as she her orgasm washed over her body, as she clung to Derek tight. He was close to follow, as her moans were like music to his ears as he thrust into one more time before allowing his own orgasm to rip through his body.

Eventually, Derek collapsed down on top of Meredith, pressing kisses to her neck and chest. They lay there together as they attempted to catch their breath back.

"Derek." Meredith wiggled underneath him.

"Oh so you want to go again." Derek asked suggestively as he attacked her neck, causing her to laugh.

"Not now, I have plans. I was moving cause you're squishing me and I can't breath you massive lump." She laughed as he rolled off of her, propping himself up on his elbow.

"You can't be mean to me today, it's my birthday, you have to do what I say." Derek said as he watched Meredith move out of the bed, wrapping a blanket around her.

"In your dreams." She said throwing a pillow at him. "Go shower and change, me and Morgan are going to prepare you and breakfast." She leaned down and kissed him quick before changing and heading out the room.

Whilst Derek was showering Meredith went and grabbed Morgan, finding her awake in her cot.

"Morning baby girl." She said as she picked her up. "It's daddy's birthday today, yes it is." Meredith said as she watched Morgan smile.

First, she changed Morgan so she was clean and fresh before heading down stairs and placing her in the bouncer. Meredith made sure Derek's present and cards were all laid out on the table before starting to prepare the breakfast.

She was just plating up their breakfast when Derek walked into the kitchen.

"Something smells good." He said before walking over to Morgan. "Hey baby girl, are you going to give daddy a smile, it would make his birthday." He said as he tickled her gently, watching as she smiled a wide, gummy smile. "Never gets old." He smiled as he placed her dummy in her mouth before heading over to Meredith.

"Here." Meredith turned and handed him his plate, before grabbing her own and sitting down at the table together.

"Are those for me?" Derek asked, pointing to the generous amount of presents on the table.

"Well, unless it's someone else's birthday then I guess so." Meredith replied sarcastically, winking at him before digging into her breakfast.

Their breakfast was finished quickly, as they cleared table before sitting back at the table, Meredith taking a seat in Derek's lap.

She passed him a present one at a time, until they were all opened. Derek looked on at all the things that Meredith had got him including a new watch, aftershave, scrub caps and pyjamas.

"Meredith you shouldn't have, this is too much. Thank you." He reached and pulled her face down to his, kissing her quick.

"There's one more thing." Meredith said as she leapt up out of his lap and returned with a large brown envelope, dropping it in front of him.

"Meredith, seriously no more." Derek said as he looked up at her.

"This one was from Morgan." Meredith replied as she stood back and watched him open it, biting at her nails. This was the one present she was most nervous about giving him.

She watched as he frowned at what he was reading before his features softened and tears pooled in his eyes, looking up to finally meet Meredith's.

"Meredith." He said, his voice barely a whisper. "Is this a joke?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"Not a joke. I'm serious. If you want to." Meredith replied as she pointed to the pile of papers in front of him.

"Meredith, I would love nothing more to adopt Morgan." He said standing up and walking over to her, cupping her cheeks in his hands, pulling her into him. "I love you so much."

Derek pulled Meredith's face to his and pressed their lips together. Eventually pulling apart, resting their foreheads together, happy tears in both of their eyes.

"Best birthday ever." Derek whispered before kissing her quickly again.

"Ahh!" Morgan gurgled behind them, clearly wanting their attention.

"Oh I'm sorry little bug, daddy is here." Derek said as he scooped her up, holding her close to his chest.

Derek wouldn't want to spend his birthday any other way. This was beyond perfect.

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