Chapter 36

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It was late at night, with the shadows of the tree dancing in the bright moonlight. It was peaceful, the perfect time to sleep. But this was not the case in the Shepherd household.

"Derek, give her to me you have work tomorrow." Meredith yawned as she walked into the nursery.

"Mer, it's fine. You was up with her last night and then had to deal with it today, it's my shift now." He said as Morgan buried her head into his shirt, letting out an uncomfortable cry.

"I feel bad though, if I'm sleeping and you're not." Meredith said as she started biting her nails.

"It's all part of being a parent. Look there's not point us both being sleep deprived, so you go sleep. She's just teething right now and she's really uncomfortable but luckily for her, her daddy is a doctor." He said winking at Meredith, trying to lighten the mood.

"Unbelievable." She replied, rolling her eyes as she let out a small giggle.

"Please come and grab me if it gets too much, or if she's hungry." Meredith said as she walked over, running her hand over Morgan's hair.

"Of course, now go sleep." Derek said as he ran his hand up and down her arm lovingly.

"I'm going." She said, still staring down at Morgan, kissing the top of her head before turning and kissing Derek. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled up at her as she turned and walked slowly at the room.

He continued to stare at the space that Meredith was standing until he was disturbed by Morgan breaking into a sob, her hand going to her mouth as she chewed on her fist.

"Shh, I know, I know." He said as he bounced her slowly in his arms. Derek for once in his life, was at a loss, he had no idea what to do.

Grabbing his phone, he phoned the one person he knew would have an answer.

"Derek?" His mother's tired voice rang out through the phone. "Why are you phoning me so late? Is it Morgan? Meredith?" Panic starting to set in her tone.

"Ma, I'm sorry. Look we are all ok, but it's Morgan, she's teething and won't settle. I told Meredith I would be alright cause she needs to sleep, but she won't settle and I don't know what to do. I hate seeing her in so much pain." He said, his tone vulnerable.

"It's just Derek, Morgan's teething." He heard her say to his father on the other side of the phone.

"Right, try not to stress cause Morgan will definitely pick up on that. Try giving her a bath, then some baby Tylenol and then a bottle. Leave her in just a vest and then put her to bed. Hopefully by that time she will be that exhausted that she will just sleep." Carolyn said, her voice staying calm and relaxed.

"Ok, thank you ma and I'm so sorry for phoning you so late." He said, guilt in his voice.

"It's fine my boy, give Morgan a kiss from us both. We will see you soon." Carolyn said before hanging up the phone.

Derek placed his phone down and headed towards the bathroom, quickly sticking his head in their room to find Meredith curled up and fast asleep. Smiling to himself, he continued down the bathroom, where he filled the bath up.

"Here we go bug, daddy is going to give you a bath." He said as he started removing Morgan's clothes, watching as she frowned at him slightly.

"I know a bath at this time but grandma seems to think it will help." Derek picked her up and placed her down in the water, watching as she whimpered at first before finally settling.

It didn't take long until her eyes began to drop shut, her green orbs shining with exhaustion. Knowing he didn't have much time, he removed her from the tub and moved back to the nursery, dressing her in a fresh diaper and vest.

"Here Morg, take this for daddy." He said as he gave her medicine, her face scrunching up at the unusual taste.

Her lower lip began to quiver but Derek was quick to give her the bottle, watching as she latched on quick and began to drink, chewing on the bottle every now and then. Before she had finished the bottle, Morgan was fast asleep, finally.

Derek moved slowly and carefully, placing her down gently in her bed, covering her with a light blanket and placing her dummy in her mouth. Deciding he wanted to stay close, he moved the chair next to her bed and sat in it, trying to get as comfortable as possible. His body finally giving out to his exhaustion.

It was early when Meredith finally woke, rolling over and reaching for Derek, only to find his side of the bed empty. Sitting up, she frowned, realising that he hadn't come to bed that night.

"Derek?" She shouted as she walked through the apartment, finding both the kitchen and living room empty. "Derek?"

She checked in the bathroom before finally heading down to the nursery and that's where she found them. Derek was curled up in the armchair, looking uncomfortable whilst Morgan slept peacefully in her bed.

She really had struck gold meeting Derek.

Deciding he couldn't sleep like that any longer, she moved towards him and gently shook his shoulder. Watching as his eyes shot open and he looked round the room frantically.

"Hey, it's just me, thought you might want to head to bed for a bit." She whispered as she ran her finger through his hair.

"Yeah, this chair isn't the best to sleep in." He said as he stretched back before finally standing up.

He allowed Meredith to take his hand and move him back down towards their bedroom, where she sat on the bed and held her arms out to him. Immediately he crawled and lay between her legs, his head resting on her stomach as his arms wrapped around his waist.

Meredith ran her fingers through his hair and listened as his breathing evened out, quickly falling asleep. She couldn't help but smile as he cuddled himself closer to her body. 

This is exactly where she wanted to be, right now in this moment. It was perfect.

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