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"WHAT FINNEAS?" I screamed back and pushed the pillow over my face, the light shined threw the curtains and it felt to early. Probably was to.

"School starts in 20 minutes and you have skipped so many times that if you skip again you're grounded" I took the pillow out of my face to see the clock on my phone, 8,17.

"Who are you? My fucking mom?" Placing my phone back, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again. "No but I am" mom said threw the door.

"This is pathetic" I mumbled, "fine I'll be there in 20" the sound of their footsteps faded until they were downstairs again.

Getting out of bed I found an outfit, a simple hoodie with some pants and jewelry. I brushed through
my hair, and went to the bathroom.

I did my business, washed my hands, and brushed my teeth. When I walked down the stairs I saw dad still sleeping, mom stressed and Finneas ready to leave.

"Bye mom" Finneas  waved and walked out the door.

"Bye mom" I said and walked out

"Bye kids"

He got in his car and I got in mine, I didn't want people to know we were related. Get me right I love him and all that, but I have a reputation to live up to, and he's known as one of the music nerds. Ofc I love music, but I don't want people to think of me that way.

Parking in the parking lot beside school I saw a car I hadn't seen before. Someone with real taste in cars. My phone went off and it was a bunch of messages from Zoe and Drew wondering where I was.

"Parking lot dumbass" was what I answered them, not long after they came towards me.

"We thought you skipped again" Zoe said and threw an arm over me as we started walking. "That was the Plan until mom said if I do it one more time I'm grounded" I kissed my teeth as we walked.

"I heard there were a new kid here or something" Drew whispered while we walked through the halls. Smirking to myself I got to my locker, took out my English books and we walked to class. About 10 minutes late. Not that much.

Both me Drew and Zoe has this class together, it's the only one all of us have. But it sucks that it has to be so early.

"Girls you're late, again." Mrs boring that I never learned the name of said. As I looked through the classroom I saw this new student at the back of the class.

She had brown short hair to her shoulders, tattoos all over her body, not big once just small once. She wore a crop top with some nice jeans. Damn I would smash that.

Seeing as the seat beside her was empty I plopped down and saw that she was on her phone. Scrolling through Instagram or something.

"Okey class we have a new student, would you like to represent yourself?" The teacher asked, "No I would not" she said not even looking up from her phone.

"Well okey-" the teacher continued but I didn't pay much attention, all of my attention was on the beautiful girl beside me.

"Take a picture it will last longer"

"Don't talk to me like that mamas" I smirked and put my hand on her thigh, her hand made contact with my chin as she whispered in my ear, "I'll talk to you how I want, and I'll do everything I want with you. Don't try me Eilish."

She left a little kiss beside my ear and continued doing what she was doing. Without realizing my hand had gone away from her thigh.

"How the fuck do you know my name?" I whispered, she gave me a cocky smirk, "I know a lot of things, your name is no exception, Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell"

"I don't know who you are and what you think you're doing. But I role this school, everyone in here dose exactly as I say even the teachers at this point. You don't want me to punish you? Do you?" I whisper yelled.

Her phone was put in her pocket as her hand went around my neck. Her green eyes looked into mine.

"I don't care what you do to them, what you tell them, if you beat them. I. Don't. Care. But know one thing kitten, you do exactly as I say, when I say it. Without hesitation." She gave my throat a light squeeze.

I tried to grab her hands, but she soon caught them with her own hands. "BILLIE AND MILEY Principal office now!" Her hand loosened around both my throat and my hands, giving me a small smirk she got her things.

I did the same as we walked out of the classroom. "You don't fucking own me, and I'm not doing what you're saying, just because you're new doesn't mean I'm not going to beat the shit out of you" I said as the door to the classroom closed.

Putting her stuff of the floor she walked up to me, right in front of my face. "Do it." My things were dropped on the floor.

I tried to punch her but each time she moved, until I hit her across the face, her face turned red as she grabbed both of my hands, and pinned me to the lockers.

Smiling she went to my ear to whisper, "you got moves, I see why people around here are so scared of you. But sadly for you I'm not, and you're doing what I say, got it princess? Or do mommy have to punish you"

Her hand went over my covered clit as she bit my ear. Not gonna lie that was mad hot. My breath hitched and I leaned my head against the lockers behind me. "Do I have to punish you?"

"N-No mommy"

"Good girl"

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