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I knew Billie's plan all along, and now that I know Enya's I can stop her. I've never said to anyone other than my family that I have these powers, not even Storm and Atlas. Lake is on some mission so he comes home in some days so I don't have to worry about him.

I pulled Billie into me tighter, I'm gonna protect you princess.

But I'm not gonna just shoot Enya, that's to easy. She can't know I know. I guess I just have to catch her in the moment.

Billie relaxed her head on my shoulder, slowly closing her eyes. My sweet little girl.

To be honest I didn't know Enya liked me, never gotten the clue. But there could have been signs here and there, but I didn't think anything of it.

I found out I had these powers when I was 15, my dad sent me to a camp where I could train them and learn to control them.

There was this time when we were 11, we were playing in her bedroom. Princesses to be exact. She wanted to be Cinderella, and wanted me to be her boyfriend.

At the time I didn't think of it that way, I didn't want to be her boyfriend, so I went home the same night. That may have been mean but I don't care, I didn't want to be her boyfriend or girlfriend.

And the time we had sex, I was totally drunk, almost passed out drunk. I don't remember much from that night, I just remember that I woke up in the same bed as her, threw up in the toilet and went home.

More than that nothing. I'm wasn't even sure if we had sex our not, but I knew it when I saw a used condom on the floor. I'm just glad we used a condom.

I've tried to use them with Billie but she just get mad and whiny. It's cute, but also weird. Why doesn't she wanna use a condom?

If she even thinks about being pregnant I'm sending that baby to baby heaven. I'm not gonna be a mother any time soon. But at the same time she's also on birth control.

I stroke Billie's arm with my nails, she's so precious. I kissed her cheek and focused on the tv, we were about 1 hour into the movie.

To be honest I didn't even know what move we were watching. I looked over at the others, Strom looking at the screen with popcorn in his mouth. He looks so interested. His brown eyes followed everything on the screen, he almost chocked on his popcorn.

Atlas was on his phone, not interested at all. He was looking at girls butts on Instagram, his little penis almost half hard. Horny freak.

Just like you don't have your dick inside Billie.

I shook my head and looked at Enya, her eyes met mine. A smile came on her lips, oh this bitch. I gave her a fake smile and took my attention to the sleeping beauty on my lap.

Her cheeks rose red, her eyes closed, her little button nose looked so beautiful, her lips patted, a little open  and soft noises coming out.

Her hands were touching mine, I intertwined our fingers and a small smile came on her lips. Her other hand around her waist, her legs on ether side of mine.

She looks like an angel.

Just like this I just held her, she slept through the whole movie. And I held her the whole time, she's so perfect.


At the end of the movie, Storm and Atlas went to bed. It's about 3 am so understandable. Billie is still asleep, and I'm afraid that if I go she'll wake up, she haven't slept in a while, she has had a lot of nightmares so I'm just laying here for a little while more.

Enya is still here, on her phone though. Why's this bitch still here??

I took out my phone to, and just scrolled through Instagram. We sat in silence for a little while. I saw her look at me may times, but didn't do anything.

"You should get to bed" I didn't look at her, I didn't even look up from my phone. She didn't respond all she did was sigh.

"I'm not repeating myself Enya"

"Stupid mother fucker" she whispered under her breath, I just let it slide. Eventually she got up, a frown on her face as she walked away.

I looked down to see Billie with her eyes open, a smile on her lips. "Come on let's go to bed" she put her arms around my neck, I lifted her up and started to walk to our room.

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