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"I can't fucking walk shut up"

Miley snorted and watched me trying to walk. My legs shook, and I could barely stand. "Carry me for fucks sake" I whined and took my hands up so she would carry me.

She let out a little giggle and lifted me up. "I have some work to do, what do you want to do?" "I could do some online shopping?" I asked with a huge smile. She only rolled her eyes with a small smile herself.

"With who's money?" We got outside of our room, the mansion was covered in people. Everyone in the same outfit as always. "Yours" I leaned into her ear "mommy" the grip she had on my thighs tightened.

"Only since you asked so nicely" I said it! Every time I use 'mommy' I get whatever I want. We got into her office, the room was pitch black.

She flipped the light switch, and the light came on. Who would have thought. She sat me down on her chair before she went to grab something?

"You remember I said I have powers right?" I logged into her pc, a hum leaving my lips. I heard her opening and closing drawers, folding around with some keys.

"And you remember the time Enya and I talked in private?" I rolled my eyes at her name, I'm so glad that bitch is dead. Damn billie you sound like a fucking psychopath."Yes?"

"Well she gave me what I needed to make this" she held a necklace, with a pretty purple stone on it. "With this one you will get the same powers as me, but only if you want them"

I nodded my head with a smile, "I want them" she had a smile on her lips. "It will be a little strange in the start, but you will get used to it. And I'll train you tonight"

"Okey" a small smile on my lips, "take away your hair love" I took the hair from the back of my neck away. The stone was something I haven't seen before.

It was a pretty purple color with some blue and yellow on it. As soon as she placed it around my neck a spark went trough me.

It was like I could see everything, feel everything.

-So pretty-

I looked over at Miley who had a smile on her lips. "Did you say that out loud?" She shook her head, her smile growing bigger.

-I don't think I can wait with training you, how about we start now?-

"IM FUCKING READING YOUR THOUGHTS" I screamed. She laughed at my excitement. "Come on pretty girl, let's start training"

She lifted me up and walked outside her office, everyone that came by I could read the thoughts of.

-what a baby-

-why do I have to wear this and not her-

-she has a fat ass-

-that's the ugliest woman I've seen-

I huffed and rolled my eyes. People are so mean here. -I know- that was Miley's thought. If we can communicate with thoughts, then I don't fucking need to speak around people. What a realization.

We got down some stairs, we crossed a door with a lock on it. Many people screaming from the inside. What's going on there? -don't worry about it angel-
She was very quick to answer, almost so quick.

We got into some room, with only a table and some cups on it. "Since you already can read thoughts pretty well I though telekinesis should be what we do first. It's the trickiest one" I nodded my head.

mommy's girlWhere stories live. Discover now