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"Hello everybody nice to see you all again" they were all sitting in my office, a security guard by the door as I walked in and sat down on my chair.

I was still wearing the uniform, it's tight and I'm not sure how I breathe in it but I look professional so. Looking at them they all looked like a question mark.

"I didn't know you worked here"

"Well I didn't know all of you worked in the mafia ether so I guess everyone learns new things" I shrugged, I looked at their profiles I had printed out.

"Maggie Baird O'Connell" I started and searched through her profile. "Expert in hacking" I looked at her to see her nod her head in confirmation.

"Finneas O'Connell, expert in Spionage" he gulped and nodded his head.
"Patrick O'Connell" I took away Finneas's file and looked at Patrick's, "Expert in planing missions, 256 successful of 260?"

"It's actually 258" he marked, I noted it down and took Claudia's files in front of me. "Claudia Sulewski" she gulped as I said her name.

"Expert in poisoning and making deadly drugs" I looked up at her, a small nod from her head. "Zoe Donahoe"

"Expert in fighting" I heard a small 'yes' as I changed the files to Drew profile. "Drew, last name unknown" I've searched through everything and her last name is nowhere to be seen. Even Billie didn't know it.

"Also expert in fighting" a small nod came from her head. I took the papers away and put them in my drawer. "Can I ask you something?" Maggie said.

"Yeah sure go on" I leaned back into my chair. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Billie opened the door to my office.

-oh man I just came for dick-

I tried to hold my giggle, everyone's eyes were on Billie. She closed the door and walked over to me, she placed herself in my lap.

"What was your question?" I asked Maggie, Billie rested her head on my chest and looked at them. "I was going to ask you if Billie was here, but she clearly is" "I am mama" Billie smiled.

-I wanted dick for fucks sake-

Stop being so fucking horny

-not my fault you have a good dick-

"Anyways" I took some more papers and handed them to them. "I've given you all rooms around the house. With Maggie and Patrick in the same room, Claudia and Finneas in the same and then Drew and Zoe in separate rooms, sounds good?"

They all nodded their head and looked at the papers I've given them. "What I gave you is a map over the house, since the house is pretty big and people often go into the wrong rooms. The green rooms are rooms you can go into at all times, whenever you'd like"

"The rooms that are marked yellow are rooms you can only go into when it's work related, red are the rooms you can't go into and then the purple marked room is your room" they all scanned the map, and quickly found their rooms.

I had given them a map over the house so they could see where to go and not to go. The green rooms had names on them such as 'kitchen' 'living room' 'pool' etc. and the red rooms didn't have a name on them.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go on" Claudia cleared her throat, "what's this room" she pointed on the map, it was one in the basement. The one even Billie hadn't seen. It was a huge room, but marked as red.

"Sorry I can't tell you that" she nodded her head even though she was disappointed, "Adam can you escort them to their rooms?"

"Yes of course boss" they stood up and followed Adam out the door. Leaving me and Billie alone.
Billie simply had on a big hoodie and a skirt, I think that's my hoodie.

Billie stood up, and started to take off my pants and boxers. "Billie baby what are you doing?" She looked at my dick, softly rubbing it to make it hard.

"You said it yourself, you want to be inside me more, so here I am. And I want your dick" I let out a low moan as she licked off the pre cum coming from my dick.

As my dick fully hardened she placed herself on my lap again and sank all the way down, moaning as she did so. "My good girl" my finger stroke her cheek, "can you tell me what that room is?"

"Why is that important?"

"I just want to know" she clenched around me, both of us moaning at the feeling. "It's a torture room" she put her head on my shoulder, moaning softly.

"Torture room?"

"That's what I said" she rolled her eyes, lifting her body up and down. "You could literally go and talk to your family" "just let me do this for a while first"

"How can you even walk?"

"It's hard b-but I mange to do it" she let out a soft moan. "Darling..." she looked up at me, a smile on her lips.

"Yes mommy?"

"If you're gonna come here, and sit on my lap with my dick inside that pretty pussy of yours, then you at least should ride it like the pro I know you are."

She only hummed and started going up and down.

mommy's girlWhere stories live. Discover now