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"I missed you shut up" I giggled, Miley gave me a sweet smile. "I missed you too" her hands went around my waist, and our lips met in a lovely kiss.

"Mmm what did you and Zoe do" she mumbled and continued kissing me. "We made bracelets" we continued to kiss, her grip around me tightened and she held me as close as possible.

"What did you get me?" I broke us apart and kissed her cheek. "Just some stuff but we can look at it tomorrow, I want to sleep" our lips met again and she lifted me up.

Miley griped my ass and walked over to the bed. She threw me on it and got on top of me. Both of her hands went under my hoodie, and she kissed me down my neck.

"I thought you wanted to sleep" I said moaning right after. "I do, but I missed you" she kissed around the collar, I tiled my head up to give her more access.

She stoped her movements, gave me a quick kiss on the lips before she laid down on the bed herself. "Mommmyyyyyyyy" I whined and got on top of her.

She had a form smirk on her face. "Yes?" I put my forehead against hers. "I'm horny" she only giggled. "Well I'm going to sleep"

"You're so mean, you did this to me then you have to fix it" I huffed. "Baby im tired. Take my dick in you or something" she closed her eyes.

"So mean" I whispered, I took of my pants and underwear, doing the same with hers. Her cock was half hard, she can't blame me for being horny when she basically is it herself.

I slowly sat down on her dick, feeling her all the way inside me. A low moan left my lips, I felt Miley's hand on my stomach.

Going slowly over the dick print. "Feels good?" She whispered, "yes mommy" I laid down on top of her. Her hands went around my waist, holding me tight.

"Drew knows about the voices" I mumbled into her neck. "That was random but how?" One of her hands went into my hair, slowly playing with it. "I don't know, Zoe said she knew and asked me about them"

"That's kinda weird"

"I agree" I hummed and closed my eyes. "Are the voices still there?" Miley stopped playing with my hair, her hand resting on top of my head. "No"

"That's good"

"But what if they come back?"

"Then we will deal with it again, it's going to be alright love" she kissed my hairline. "I love you more then you could imagine Billie" she whispered and gave me another kiss.

"I love you too" I buried my head in her chest, "when your mom came inside our room" Miley started, I felt her taking a deep breath.

"You said I was your master."

"And what about it?"

"It's just that we haven't discussed our relationship in that way, but would you like to-"

"Have a BDSM relationship?" I cut her off. Miley hummed and played with my hair again. "If you're in for it I am" I whispered and looked up at her, a small smile on her lips.

"Okey then, if we're gonna do this, I need to know what you like or not" I hummed and softly played with her fingers.

"I like blood and blood play, to be manhandled, sensory deprivation, gun play, edgeplay,bondage and so on" she twirled my hair around her finger. "Kinky"

"What does even BDSM mean?"

"Billie you're so stupid, it basically means Bondage, and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism"

"What the hell" I laughed, she giggled with me. "So we're gonna do this" I looked up at her a small smirk on her face. "Yeah" she whispered.

"Ready for the roles?"

"We're gonna have roles?"

"What's the point in this if we're not gonna have roles?" Miley giggled. "Okey then, what's the roles" I intertwined our fingers.

She thought for a while before she spoke up, "when we are alone you ether call me mommy or master, you can't touch yourself without permission, if I tell you to do something you do it, the safe words are gonna be green when you're totally comfortable and want to do more, yellow when you're close to your limit but not quite there and red, when you say red everything will stop immediately. Understood?"



"Yes master"

"That's my good girl"

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