
"Billie baby wake up"

I felt kisses being prepped on my forehead, and the covers pulled off me. The cold air hit my very naked body, I grabbed the covers over me again and laid back comfortably facing the other way with a huff.

"Come on lovely" Miley was standing beside the bed, she took off the covers again and lifted me up. "Nooooo I wanna sleeep" I whined but didn't do anything to get back to bed. I'm tired as fuck.

-she's so cute god damn-

I smiled at her thought as she carried me to far away from the comfy bed. "Why are you waking me up?" I whined, the air was super cold. And the fact that I didn't have anything on didn't help.

"You have been sleeping for 12 hours baby, it's time to get up. And we need to get you cleaned up after yesterday remember?" I felt a light kiss on my forehead. But 12 hours, god damn.

"What time is it"

"It's almost 6 doll, 6pm" I was shocked but also not. She fucked me so good last night, I just passed out right after.

"Well fuck my sleep schedule" she giggled and opened the bathroom door, even though I had my eyes closed I still felt the bright light on my eyes.

She sat me down in a warm bath, "are you hungry love?" I rested my head on the bathtub, feeling the warmth of the water. "Yeah"

"I'll go get you some Taco Bell, do you wanna watch something while I'm gone?" I opened my eyes for the first time.

Miley had on a black tight uniform, like the once the other people had. Just hers were more fancy. "That would be nice" she kissed my forehead before she went to grab my MacBook so I could watch something.

When she walked I saw her black doc martens that matched her outfit perfectly. Her ass also looked very nice it that fit, same with her breasts.

She got back into the bathroom with my MacBook in her hand. Miley placed it on a small table she had put beside the bathtub.

"Can you turn it on for me?"

She nodded her head and turned on my Mac, "what's the password?" "I love boobies 1234, in one word"
"Of course is that your password" she giggled and typed the password.

"The office?"

"The office."

She went on Netflix and put on the office for me, she went over to me again with a smile on her lips. "I'll be back" she gently took my chin and gave me a sweet kiss.

"I love you darling"

"I love you to mommy"

She smiled, gave me one last kiss and walked out the door, closing it. I took a deep breath and looked at the bath in front of me. It had a lot of bubbles, probably some bath salt in it to. There were candles on the sides of the bath, and a bottle of water beside me.

I took my hands out of the bath, realizing they were full of soap. I got as much as possible of the soap off my hands before I grabbed the water bottle and drank the water.


"Here's you Taco Bell lovely" Miley came through the door, a bag with a lot of burritos in her hand. I've watched about 2 maybe 3 episodes of the office I'm not quite sure.

"How about we eat and watch a movie or something?" She smiled and sat the bag down. I nodded my head with a smile, which she gladly returned.

Miley got a towel and put in on the counter. "Get up love" she paused my show and stood with another towel in her hands.

I got up and she wrapped the towel around me and lifted me up. "My legs feel like jello" I put my arms around her neck, "got you good huh?" I rolled my eyes with a smile.

She walked into our bedroom, which had freshly changed sheets. And laid me down. Miley went to grab the other towel and took it around my hair.

"What clothes you feelin' princess?" I looked at her with a smile, "just a hoodie and sweatpants" Miley got to the closet and came back with a purple hoodie with some black sweatpants.

She put it down beside me on the bed and went to the closet again? What the heck is she doing?

When she returned she had underwear in her hands. "Thought maybe you wanted underwear darling" she smirked.

She hovered over me and took off the towel around my body. Seeing all the hickeys from last night, her fingertips went over all of the hickeys.

I looked up at her to see a smile on her face, almost a smirk. She put my bra on before she put on my underwear lol.

She then took my whole outfit on, she went to one of the drawers and took out a hairbrush and some hair ties. I love it when she does my hair.

She sat on the bed and gave me the tv remote. While I found the perfect show to watch, she braided my hair into cute braids.

When she was done she kissed my cheek and we ate Taco Bell while we watched tv.

mommy's girlWhere stories live. Discover now