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Why tf do y'all want Billie pregnant, sorry to say it but I hate kids😃🤚🏼


"We have killed 50 out of the 100 people on this list, by this Christmas they all should be dead. Have I made myself clear?"

Some of them nodded their head, someone said a small 'yes' and the rest of them stayed quiet. "Questions?" The presentation I just had should explain the important part, but these bitches are stupid.

"What was the date again? I have plans with my family around that time"

I huffed and sat back down on my chair. "It's December the 28th" he nodded his head and noted down the date in his Sketchbook.

"What's the purpose of this?"

I just fucking said it, morons. "When we kill the people on this list, Thomason should be helpless. Or if he has more people then they won't mange to do anything."

I took a deep breath and continued. "When he's gone it takes us to the next step." Some people noted down, some just nodded their head.

"With this Billie girl, what's the plan with her?"

"Right now there isn't a plan with her, she's just my girlfriend. But when she has trained a lot more and she can do more she will probably be more involved then what she is"

I looked over the presentation, I've said everything that needs to be said. "If there isn't any more questions you all can go" I didn't look up from my pc, they started to pack their things before someone spoke up.

"The man in the torture room, what's the plan with him now? We have all the answers?"

"I have it all sorted out, don't worry" I gave him a weak smile. He smiled back and everyone left the meeting room, or so I thought.

"Can I help you Maddison?"

She was still sitting in her chair across the table, her brown hair to her shoulder and her glasses in her hands and she played with them.

"Billie. Your girlfriend"

She started and continued playing with her glasses on the table. "What about her?" I closed my pc and looked at her.

"Is there a possibility that you can make her my friend? I don't have many of those here and I feel lonely, and she doesn't seem to do much."

I raised my eyebrows and her eyes met mine. "Don't worry I'm straight, I just want a friend" she looked at her glasses again. Flickering with the ends.

-please say yes, I just want a friend god damnit.-

Trough her thoughts she was telling the truth, and maybe that could be good for Billie to? But I don't know about the straight part.

"Yeah I could try"

A smile came on her lips, Maddie looked at me, her eyes looked like they were going to be popping out. "Thank you" I returned a smile.

"But I won't promise anything" Maddie nodded her head, she looked very excited. She walked out of the room smiling, dancing away as she walked.

I packed down my stuff and walked to my office to put them down. Billie is ether in my office or in our room sleeping. But she shouldn't sleep now though, it's 5pm.

I walked into my office, placing my pc on my desk. Walking out of my office again I walked into the bedroom. Seeing Billie sitting on the floor, making something.

"What are you making?" I asked and sat down beside her. "Bracelets" on the floor there were multiple beautiful bracelets.

"These are so beautiful"

"Thank you" she smiled, a light blush on her cheeks

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"Thank you" she smiled, a light blush on her cheeks. "I was thinking" I started and played with her hair. "How about you go and hang out with Maddie?"

Billie looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Who are you, and what have you done to my girlfriend?"

I snorted as she just continued to stare at me. "Oh come on, just this once. She needs a friend and you don't have anything better to do" a sigh leaving her lips, Billie took one of the bracelets and placed it on my wrist.

I smiled as she took a matching one and placed it on her wrist. "Fine I'll try" she whispered looking down on the floor.

"Good come on" I stood up taking out my hand for her to take. Billie took my hand and stood up herself. "You forgot something" she mumbled and played with my fingers. "What did I forget love?"

"You've been here for 10 minutes and I still haven't gotten a kiss, I haven't seen you in hours." I took the hand she wasn't playing with and cupped her cheeks. Bringing her in for a sweet kiss.

"That's my mommy"

"What's that even supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, just felt like saying it" she shrugged, intertwining our fingers we walked out of the room. I knew Maddie would be in the living room so we walked there.

We saw Maddie sitting on the couch on her phone. "After this I better get fucking head" Billie mumbled and went over to her new friend I guess.


"The whole movie is literally a girl with huge daddy issues, who's engaged, ends up with three dads and no husband."Maddie is actually an interesting person.

"What the hell" I laughed, she pressed on the movie on the screen. "It so good how have you never seen it before?" She raised an eyebrow. "I'm not a fan on musicals"

"Oh shut up, mamma Mia! Is the best movie of all times." She pressed play and the movie started. Let's see how good this fucking movie is.

Trough the movie Maddie sang to every song, and the movie is not that bad. I actually kinda like the movie.

Maddie looked like she had fallen asleep on the couch, and the movie was over. We hung out for 2 and a half hours maybe

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