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"I'm not watching football with you."

"Oh come on" Atlas rolled his eyes, he stood on the other side of the kitchen counter. He only had on a
t-skirt and some boxers.

"What are you doing up at this time anyways?" He drank a little from his soda. "Can't sleep" he hummed and continued drinking his soda. The kitchen looked more clean now then what it was some hours ago.

"You know..." Altas started but stoped and looked down. His cheeks getting, red? "We could..." he looked at me with a smirk. "Atlas I'm not having sex with you" the smirk on his face grew wider and wider.

What the hell is he thinking right now?

"Oh come on Billie, some fun wouldn't hurt" he crushed the soda can with his hand, leaving it destroyed on the ground.

I took both of my hands on my back, constantly tapping the bracelet hoping it would wake Miley up. Atlas moved closer to me, every step forward he took, I took one more step back.

"Atlas I don't want to, I said no"

He raised an eyebrow, "so you're telling me you don't want to huh? I can see it on you Billie, Miley can't fuck you right, but I can" he smirked.

Miley fucks me right, but I bet you couldn't.

I tapped the bracelet repeatedly, he came closer and closer. I walked more and more back, my back hit the wall. I could punch him, but my body couldn't move, I was stuck.

Tears began to form in my eyes, my heart pounded in my chest, my hands started to shake, my whole body started to shake. He came over to me, his hand against the wall beside me, his other hand on my stomach working his way down.

"Please don't" I sobbed.

"Oh baby, I'm gonna make you feel so good" his palm traced down to the end of my t-skirt. Why didn't I just stay in Miley's arms, safe upstairs.
More tears came, and fear all over my face. I trusted this guy.


Atlas's movements stopped, I looked to my right to see a angry Miley. Thank god. She got over to him and dragged him away from me. She dragged him by his hair, letting him fall to the ground.

I slowly sat down on the floor, putting my knees to my chest. Tears streamed from my eyes as I watched them.

"Come on Miley we were just having some fun" he smiled innocently, "YOU CALL ME FUCKING BOSS" Miley punched him repeatedly.

She sat down on his stomach and punched his face until both his nose and mouth was bleeding. He tried to grab her with his hands but she caught both of them with one hand.

"GET HIM" she screamed and got of him. Not long after 2 big men in a black suit came in the room and took him somewhere else.

Miley dried off her hands before she came over to me. She saw me sitting down on the floor, knees to my chest, tears streaming down my face.

She didn't say anything, which I found kind of comforting. Miley picked me up, my head in her chest.

As we walked a lot of people stood in the corridor, probably cuz she woke them up by screaming. Although she ignored them all, they tried to ask questions, but she didn't respond. I think most of them found it useless to ask.

And I also think that by the fact that she screamed 'get him' and me sobbing in her arms afterwards says a lot. And the fact that if Miley didn't give me this bracelet he would have raped me scares the shit out of me.

We got to our room, she locked the door and sat down on the bed. Miley looked at me with a small smile, although I could see the anger and frustration in her face.

"It's alright" she stroke my cheek, drying my face with her thumb. She also looked worried? I have never seen her worried, everything always goes after her plan.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I cleared my throat, "D-do you think you could just hold me" Miley gave me a warm smile, and kissed my forehead.

"Do you wanna sleep?" I shook my head, she just smiled and held me as close as possible. Her forehead against mine, her hand stroke my thigh.

We stayed like that for a minute, I'm so fucking glad she gave me this bracelet.

"I trusted him" I whispered, just by saying it tears streamed down my face. I didn't dear to look at Miley, so I looked at the wall on the other side of the room.

"I did too" she wiped my tears away, leaving soft kisses on my cheeks. I took both of my arms around her neck, putting my head in her neck.

"I-" I let out a shaky breath, "I think the scariest part was that if you hadn't come in the room so early he would have done something" I mumbled, I still couldn't believe that it happened.

"I just wish that I could have come downstairs quicker, because I woke up by the bracelet vibrating and you not beside me. So I ran up to my office you weren't there, then the living room, you weren't there and then I finally went to the kitchen."

"I'm just glad you woke up, I wasn't sure if it worked to be honest" I put my head more into her neck, her arms wrapped themselves around me. Like they never wanted to let go.

"I'm never trusting anyone ever again"

"Hope that doesn't include me" Miley kissed my head, "of course not, you're the only person I trust from now on" she giggled and rested her head onto of mine.

"Don't go downstairs alone at night again okey? Just wake me up and I'll go with you" I hummed and closed my eyes.

I hate him.

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