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"JUST FUCKING GET IT LAKE! MY POSSESSION IS WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. NOW YOU GET THE THING AND YOU WILL GET A RAISE" I screamed at the phone, "okey okey, I'll have it by the end of the day" he hung up.

I was alone in my room, the lights were off but the sun shined through the window. I let out a shaky breath, if he doesn't have it by the end of the day I'm going to the basement.

No one wants to go there, it's dark and you only get one slice of bread and a glass of water a day. The people down there are totally fucked up to. They're screaming all day long.

Atlas is down there, after what he did. I'm not sure what he did, cuz no one talks about it. Miley has also became a lot stricter than what she was before.

I haven't slept in days, to screed to sleep. My nightmares has come back. And it's about Billie taking Miley from me completely.

It may not seem to be so much, but it feels terrible. I've always loved Miley and always will. But after Billie came around she doesn't give a fuck if you're not Billie.

Billie could literally get a paper cut and Miley would baby her around. And Billie being Billie she rubs it in every chance she gets.

The movie nights, she fucks her, or clings herself up to Miley as much as possible.

When they're in the kitchen she's always sitting on Miley's back or being hold like a baby.

If I'm lucky Billie is sleeping when I'm in Miley's office. That's why I go so early.

Billie just gets on my nerves and I need to have her gone. But again that's hard cuz she's always with Miley.

And when she's not she's in their room, which I have no access to because that room is always locked. And maybe that's the reason it's always locked?

I think that I just need to get this thing which I have no idea on what is and then give it to Miley. When Miley is busy with that I can take billie and ether kill her or sell her. I mean she has a beautiful body so I could get a lot from her.

All this thinking made me super hungry, if I go to the kitchen I might see Billie and maybe alone? I am taking the risks.

I made my way to the kitchen, and I was right. Billie is here.


Or I think so, I don't see anyone else here.

"Hey Billie" I smirked, she turned around. Her cheeks red and her mouth full. Her hair was messy. Really messy.

She swallowed whatever she had in her mouth, "yeah?"

My hand glided over my pants pocket, where I had my gun. This could be it. I can just shot her and she's gone. Every one of my problems would be gone.

"Can you help me with something?"

"No" she smiled and turned around to make food?  "Billie come and help me." I grabbed a fold of the gun, but not taking it out of my pocket.

"I don't have to follow your rules, so no." Billie turned around smirking with a piece of toast in her hand. She leaned into the counter, her eyes making contact with mine, then to my hand in my pocket.

"Last time I checked you're not allowed to carry guns around the house" she took another bit of her toast. Who dose this girl thinks she is.

"And I would take my hand out if I were you, Miley is right there" she pointed behind me, turning around I saw Miley talking to someone.

"You know I could say you just tried to kill me and get you ether killed or sent down to the basement. One bad word from me to Miley you're gone and you know that" she smirked.

I didn't have time to respond before Miley came towards us. I was angry. How could she destroy such a perfect plan.

Miley wrapped one arm around Billie and gave her a forehead a kiss. Billie was still smirking and looking at me. I mounted a 'you don't control me' to her but her smirk only grew wider.

She whispered something in Miley's ear, Miley's fist closed, holding it like she wanted to punch someone. But she soon relaxed it.

"Hand me the gun" Miley took her hand out, signing for me to give it to her. I was frozen, how much did Billie say?

"Enya I don't have the whole day"

I rolled my eyes and gave her the gun. Billie was smiling at me, but not a kind one, an evil one.

Oh billie this game is on.

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