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I know Miley said not to wait for her, I said I wouldn't. Well here I am. It's 2:35am, and I still haven't slept. It's not that I didn't try, it's just that I couldn't fall asleep. It seemed impossible, and with Miley not holding me, I felt so lonely.

I haven't felt lonely in a while, I sighed and sat up on the bed. Rubbing my eyes, some food won't hurt. With that I walked downstairs, to the kitchen to get some food.

I had already ate all the burritos Miley left, so I guess I'll make something. "Hey Billie" I ran up to Finneas and hugged him. "Hey Finn" I buried my head in his neck, his arms wrapped around me.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too lil sis" he said and held me tighter. "Why are you awake?" I asked into his shoulder. "Claudia is out, I can't sleep. What about you?"
"Miley is out to, same with you"

We broke apart, a small smile on his lips. "You know mom and dad are very proud of you" I raised one eyebrow. "Why?"

"You're with a mafia leader, why wouldn't they?"

"That's stupid, I don't care that she's in the mafia."

He huffed and leaned back into the counter. "You really don't? You can just ask for something and it will come your way on a golden plate. Billie I know you love it" his smile was weak, almost fake.

"Well yes in some ways I do, but I loved her before I even knew. And why didn't you tell me our whole family is in the mafia" a sigh left his lips. "We wanted to protect you"


"Billie you know it's not bullshit."

"Bro, I was bullied from 2th grade to 8th grade, and y'all didn't do shit. And when I became the bully so I wouldn't be bullied y'all were mad? Don't give me that protect you bullshit. Now if you can leave I want to make some food."

"Billie don't be like this you know all we wanted was to protect you"

"Finneas shut up. I had to find out trough my girlfriend. You were my best friend, we told each other everything. At least I did"


"What? Is there more you didn't tell me about?"

"Billie, it didn't mean to come out that way-"

"But it did, and I am right and you know it. Now walk out of this kitchen and let me make food. Don't talk to me, I don't wanna listen to you anymore"

With that he walked away, a sob leaving his lips. I watched him walk out, as soon as he was out of sight reach. I sat down on the floor, bringing my knees up to my chest, with a soft sob coming after.

My knees fucking hurt.

More and more sob started to come, I pulled the hood over my head. The air in my lounges felt heavy. If he lied to me this whole time, who else have lied? Is it something more they aren't telling me?

My tears became more and more intense, my breathing hitched, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

"Oh love" warm arms were wrapped around me, she lifted up my legs as she held me like a baby on the floor. I leaning into her completely.

"Take a deep breath" I did as told, the cold air hit my lounges like smoke. Like the air was poison, and I couldn't get out of it.

"Come on you got this one more" I took one again, the air didn't feel as horrible, but it still felt horrible. I repeated this proses until the air felt smooth, and not like poison.

"Wanna tell me what that was about darling" Miley's fingers took away the wet hair in my face, and dried the tears. "Are you lying to me?"

"Why would I lie to you?"

"It feels like everyone is lying to me. Finneas, mom, dad, Drew and Zoe. I had no idea they were in the mafia before you told me" another sob left my lips and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"If you want you can go through their files and see if there is something you don't know" Miley whispered and kissed my cheek.

"Can you carry me, my legs hurt" she lifted me up and walked to her office. The light in the room was turned on, she sat me in her chair and found the files in some cabinets.

I opened Finneas's file first. Murdered 37 people. Spionage?

I continued opening all of them. Miley went to change clothes since she still was in her work clothes. These bitches has lied for me from the start.

O'Connell and Sulewski joined their gang in 2014, O'Connell has since then killed 37 people, Sulewski has killed only 10. They joined after finding out about Mr O'Connell and Mrs O'Connell's work in the gang.


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