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"So you're like the new kid?"

"Yeah basically" she hummed, her blue hair shining from the sun streaming out of the window. Her eyes so blue they could kill someone. Wow Enya.

Her breasts...

We're actually pretty small. Same with that booty.

"She's going to be a lot around you so I thought y'all should be friends" Storm smiled. Rubbing his cats head. Why is that cat always around him?

"So what's your name?" I drank from my drink and leaned into the doorway. The meeting room looked to...empty. It's always full of people.

"Amalie" she smiled. Of course it's an Amalie.

"Why don't you show her around?" Storm smirked. Knowing that I had better things to do, but if I can get a friend that don't go on my nerves sure.

"Yeah sure, come on" she got up from her chair and walked towards me. She was about an inch smaller than me.

I showed her all the meeting rooms.

Her room.

Everyone else's room.

The bedroom door to Miley and Billie's room since no one can go in there. Which is pretty mean.

Miley's office.

The garden.

The pool.

The living room.

And the last I had to show her was the kitchen.

"Who's that?" Amalie pointed a finger at Miley and Billie. In the fucking kitchen. Right now?

Yeah they're making out in the kitchen. What a great life.

"Oh that's the boss and her girlfriend. Her girlfriend Billie is so mean, and the boss doesn't give a fuck about you if you're not Billie so" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"She can't be that mean? Can she?"

"I mean she's mean to me but I don't know how she'll be to you I'm just saying" they broke apart just looking at each other, some words leaving their mouth.

Miley went to the freezer to grab something, while Billie turned around smirking. Almost as she knew we were here. How?

"Who are you?" Billie asked and folded her arms, razing an eyebrow. "I-I'm Amalie" Billie had an evil smirk before it turned into a smile?

"I'm Billie, nice to meet you" she smiled. What the fuck is this bitch smiling for?

"Vanilla or strawberry?" Miley asked with her back turned to me so I couldn't see what she was doing. Probably ice cream or something. I ate the last bit of chocolate haha.

"Both" Billie turned around again, doing what ever. I looked at Amalie, her gaze locked on Billie. "Dude stop steering"

"She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen" she whispered under her breath softly. She couldn't stop looking at Billie.

Miley gave Billie a bowl of ice cream before they both  turned around again. Billie with a spoon in her mouth.

They both walked past us, I heard Miley whisper "don't touch my property" to Amalie. She froze in her spot as I watched them walk upstairs.



"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Amalie whisper yelled, almost shaking. "Yes I am sure now come on" we got up stairs, the time was about 5am, so I don't expect anyone to be awake.

We got to Miley's room, the door was closed but it didn't look locked. I put my hand on the door knob, Amalie put her hand on top of mine.

"This could get us killed you know that right?"

"I know I just-" I trailed off, twisting the door knob slightly. The room was fucking huge. Miley and Billie's clothes were on the floor.

Billie were tied up to the bed. Her head smashed against the pillows. Miley was on top of Billie, slamming herself into Billie.

"Enya we can't look at them fuck" Amalie whisper yelled. She tried to drag me out but I didn't move. One of Miley's hands were around Billie's throat, the other one on the bed beside her.

"FUUUUCCCKKKKK" Billie screamed, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Billie was a moaning mess, both of them were.

"Who do you belong to?"

"Y-you mommy"

I didn't know she had a mommy kink.

The red light made them look like they were on some porn film. I looked at Amalie which had her eyes glued to Billie's boobs. They were moving with every stroke that Miley did.

"They're gonna see the light from the door" Amalie pointed at the light strip that had formed on the floor from the door.

"We need to go. Like right now" we both got out of there. Closing the door slowly so they wouldn't hear. A sigh coming from both of our mouths.

"This isn't the first time you've caught them have sex is it?" She plopped down on the floor, looking around seeing no one.

"It has happened sometimes" I shrugged and plopped down beside her. "You need to stop being so nosy" "yeah whatever"

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