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"Billie is a little off don't you think?" I plopped down on Drew's bed. "Mhmm" she hummed in response and continued reading her book. Her eyes locked on every word in the book.

Her hair was in a messy bun, and she had on some glasses. "That's all you have to say? Our best friend is literally so mad she won't talk to ether of us and all you have to do is say "Mhmm" girl...?"

Drew looked up from her book, one eyebrow raised. "What do you want me to say?" She looked like she wanted to kill me or some shit.

"I don't know, tell me what you know I guess. Why is she mad?" "ZOE ARE YOU DUMB?" She raised her voice at me. "Yea, now answer."

"She's mad cuz we hid from her that we were in a gang and that she had to find out through Miley, and now she has voices or some shit"

"How do you know she has voices?"

"I heard her say it to Miley" she rolled her eyes and went back to her book. "You're unbelievable" I whispered and got up to walk out of the room.

"I'm unbelievable?" She closed the book and came to me and stood beside me. "Yes you are" I tried to wake to the door but she stopped me.

"Zoe you're unbelievable"

"How am i unbelievable?"

"You call me unbelievable, then you are it yourself"

I rolled my eyes and walked past her. "Zoe come back" I completely ignored her and walked my way to my room.

To get to my room I have to walk past Miley and Billie's room. Which isn't so fun to walk past at night. If you know you know.

But surprisingly there wasn't any noice from their room. It was quiet. The door knob turned and the door opened. A tired Billie walked out.

"Billie why aren't you sleeping?" I don't know if she still talks to me, but it's a good try I guess. "Miley is out and I can't sleep without her cuddles." Billie whispered.

I gave her a small smile. "Do you wanna talk or something?" I asked her. She gave me a small nod, "we could just do it in here" she opened the door and gave me a sign to walk inside.

Walking inside I saw the largest room I've ever seen. A fucking huge bed, a huge ass couch, with a tv, I couldn't see the closet completely but it looked big.

"I've been making bracelets recently, we could do that" I gave her a nod and she got the supplies, she had a lot of this bracelets making stuff.

We both took a seat on the couch, Billie showed me how to do it, and we started to make bracelets. "So how are you?" I asked and took a pearl on the tread.

"Ups and downs I guess, to be honest I've felt more like shit when mom dad and Finneas has been here. I just don't see how they could have lied to me for so long. Same with you and Drew"

She sounded hurt by the was she talked. Looking over at her I could see her fit better. She wore a huge hoodie, not sure if she was wearing pants or shorts. And wha-

She has a fucking collar around her neck.

"I'm sorry"

"You know you can say that but it doesn't do shit." She was already finished with one. How? I sighed and continued.

We sat in silence for a while, "I talked to Drew and she said you have or had voices, is that true" she stopped everything for a second.

"No it's not true."

I nodded and continued, I was making a blue one and Billie was making a white and black one. The room itself smelled really good, I thought it was going to smell like sex. That's all I think they do I here. Billie is a horny girl to so.

"Hey princess I got you th-" we both turned our heads. Miley was standing by the door with a white bag in her hand. "Hey Zoe" she smiled. First time I've seen this girl smile.

"Hey"I smiled back. She sat the bag down on the floor and went over to Billie to peak her lips. "I'll go get some sleep" I said and stood up.

Billie hummed and took her arms around Miley neck. I don't know what they're gonna do but I'm out. I got the bracelet I had made and got out and closed the door.

"I missed you shut up" Billie giggled from inside the room. I'm glad she has found her person. And that's she's happy. She dissevers it.

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