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We got someone to put them in the basement, and that's where they are now. Me and Billie are eating food, why? Because we are hungry and they aren't going anywhere.

"What do you think you're gonna ask them?" Billie took a bite of her burrito, "just why and what their plan was, what about you?" I drank a from my glass with orange juice.

"Just why they did it and some about my childhood I think" she mumbled with food in her mouth. She Chewed on her food and swallowed it down before speaking again.

"What are we gonna do if they don't answer?"

"Billie baby have you never done this before?"

"No I haven't"

"If they don't answer they you harm them some way, ether stab them with a knife, punch them, one time I burned someone with a metal stick that was over 100°C"

"That must have hurt like a bitch"

"Probably did"


"You ready?" I asked Billie and held onto the handle to the basement room they were in. "Yeah" she mumbled, taking a deep breath.

I nodded and twisted the doorknob opening the door. The light shinned in to the dark room, we stepped inside and Billie hit the light switch.

I closed the door and the light slowly came on, the light flickered. They were all hanging on the wall, by their wrists.

Most to the left was Finneas, he was pale, some tears in his eyes and had red marks around his wrists after the chains his hanging from.

Then Claudia was next to him, her mascara was all over her face, her hair was messy and she was struggling to hold herself up. But she soon gave up and let herself fall down hanging by her wrists.

Zoe was next to her, she didn't cry. Or there wasn't any signs she was or had been crying. She was looking at Billie with this look, like she wanted to be rescued.

Drew was beside her again, she had a form smirk on her face. Her eyes locked with mine, but she did have some mascara on her chin so she had been crying to.

Patrick was most to the right, I couldn't read him. He looked so lost but also like he didn't want to be anywhere else.

"I have some questions" I walked over to the long table in the corner of the room, I grabbed a knife. The knife was sharp, I turned around again.

"You look so stressed Miley? What's happening? Your plan didn't work?" Drew laughed, griping the chains.

"I would rather say that your plan didn't work" I walked up to her, putting the knife under her chin. "You can maybe kill me, and Zoe. But if you kill Patrick or Finneas Billie will hate you forever" she smirked.

"I don't think she will" I smirked back and walked back to Billie. "You're so weak Miley, everyone can see it"

"At least I don't poison someone to do my dirty work" Billie was leaning into the wall, simply just watching.

"Do you wanna go first, ask your questions love" I handed her the knife and kissed the top of her head. She smirked and nodded her head, "Billie don't" Finneas whispered.

I leaned back into the wall Billie was leaning into, watching her next move. "Just answer the questions Finneas and I won't hurt you" she dragged the flat side of the knife down his chest not leaving any harm or mark.

"When we were kids, you, mom and dad always left me home alone. Letting a six year old be home alone for hours on end, sometimes days. Didn't you feel bad?"

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