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"don't take her....no"

I woke up to Billie talking in her sleep. I looked over at her, tears streamed down her face, she kept saying 'don't take her' 'stop' and 'no'

Her eyes shot open, and more and more tears streamed down her face. Her eyes met mine, she didn't say anything, I didn't ether. I just opened my arms and held her. She cried into my chest, while I stroke her hair.

"It's okey, I'm here" I kissed the top of her head, "follow my breathing okey?" I felt her nod into my chest, I started to take deep breath's and she did the same.

After some time she calmed down, "do you wanna talk about it?" She shook her head and buried her head in my chest. "Angel it's gonna help me a lot if I know why you're crying" she mumbled something.

After she took a deep breath she looked at me again. "I keep having dreams where...s-someone takes you and...and hurts you...and...and...then kills you" she broke down crying again.

"Oh love" I mumbled into her hair, stroking it feeling the soft hair between my fingers. "You know that not gonna happen, no one can hurt me love bug, and I'm always gonna be here with you. Even at the times you're super annoying, I'm gonna be here with you."

"You promise?"

"I promise my love, now let's get some sleep okey? I'll be here with you the whole time, no one is gonna hurt ether me or you okey?" Billie sniffles and nodded into my chest.

"I love you"

That's my first time saying I love you to her. I do though, I love her so much. I don't even care if she doesn't say it back, I'll love her anyways, I just want her to know that.

"I love you too"

Thank god, she did say it back.

Giving her head a sweet kiss, she fell asleep in my arms. Soft snores coming out her mouth, I played softly with her hair, and soon enough I fell asleep myself.


"I have something to tell you..."

Billie whispered and put her head in my chest, from embarrassment? This could ether be bad or good. I put my head on top of hers and finished my paperwork.

"What is it darling?"

"It's weird to say just give me a moment" I hummed as she took her time. Logging off my pc I took all my attention on the girl in my lap.

"I want something..." she whispered, her fingers played with my necklace, "What do you want love?"

"A collar"

"You want a collar?"

"Mhmm" she hummed, she stoped playing with the necklace, letting her hand rest on my chest. "Like the once that dogs have?" I giggled.

"No. Yes? Kinda? I don't know. But I want a collar"

"Why do you want a collar?"

"It's sexy, it's like you're marking your territory"

"So that's what this is about" I hummed, my hand stroking her lower back. She looked up at me for the first time in some time, a light blush on her cheeks.

"Can I get one?"

"Sure" I giggled, "great, I know which one I want" Billie turned around and logged into my pc, I knew I shouldn't have told her the password.

She opened a website where you could customize your own collar. She picked out a black one, pretty thick. "You sure you want one that thick?" She only hummed before pressing the customize button.

On the front of the collar she put the text 'mommy's girl' and on the back of the collar which would be the part where people didn't see as much she put 'Miley's slut'

She added it to the cart before she scrolled more on the website. "How many do you want?" It was like a spark came out of her. "How many can I get?" Her blue sparkly eyes met mine. "As many as you want darling"

She smiled bright before she continued scrolling. She first picked out a white one, and put on 'Miley's good girl' on the front, adding nothing to the back. The collar itself was as thick as the other one.

Billie then picked out a green one, this was wasn't as thick as the other once but was still pretty thick. She added the text 'Miley's girl' before adding it to the cart.

It's at this time I'm glad I'm a millionaire.

Billie then added a red one with the text 'Miley's princess' this one was thinner than the other once. She then proceeded to add one in every color of the rainbow. All different designs, some thicker some thinner and each with some sort of text, everything from 'I am owned' to 'Miley's cock slut' and so on.

After she added in total 36 collars to the cart. She was really excited about this I guess. And the total came out to be $4999.89.

"If I buy you this then you better be a fucking cock slut for at least a month" a small smile appeared on her lips. "I'll be your cock slut when ever you want for how long you want"

"Wait we have to add something"

"What do you want to add darling?" I stroke her hair, "it's like a fingerprint scanner, so you put in your fingerprint and that's how you open and closes it" she got her phone and took a picture off my thumb.

"I just have to add it to this app...and...done" now the total was $5299.99

I gave her a smile and a kiss on her forehead before I payed for all this shit. "They'll be here in less than two weeks, since it's such a big order" "that's fine" she put her hands around my neck, kissing me gently.

"I like how when we first met everyone was like, stay away from Billie, and that one time you tried to top me." I let out a laugh as she roller her eyes with a playful smile. "And now you're getting collars with my name on it, isn't that cute"

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